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054: The big fight is about to begin

"Second-year Fu Hua wins."

After hearing the referee's announcement, Fu Hua slapped the ice sculpture in front of him. Several crisp sounds of ice breaking were heard. Cracks appeared on the ice sculpture, and then Xu Sanshi broke through the ice and came out.

"Senior, I won this game." Fu Hua said with a smile.

"I was careless this time. You won't be so lucky next time." Xu Sanshi looked at Fu Hua and couldn't help but shudder.

"Then when is the next time, senior?" Fu Hua continued to ask, with a harmless look on his face.

Suddenly, Fu Hua felt two warm hands on his shoulders.

"Senior" Xu Sanshi looked at Ma Xiaotao with some horror. He had not seen Ma Xiaotao for almost a year, but he had not forgotten the feeling of being refined by the evil fire phoenix to the point of ecstasy.

"Xu Sanshi, long time no see."

"Long time no see, senior sister. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Well, you go first."

After hearing Ma Xiaotao's sentence against him, Xu Sanshi left the Soul Fighting Area as if he was running away.

"Xiao Fu Hua, have you forgotten something?" Ma Xiaotao pressed Fu Hua's shoulder, turned Fu Hua degrees, and kneaded Fu Hua's cheeks with both hands.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"It's okay. It only takes a few minutes to suppress the evil fire. You did a good job. Practical combat is also a good way to improve your strength. Let's go."

"Okay, sister." Then Fu Hua waved his hand in Beibei's direction, "Elder brother, I'll leave it to you to reward me."

Today is another sleepless night.

Time flies by like a white horse passing by. Soon the day came for the core disciple selection competition. Regarding this selection, no one knows how it will be conducted. For every core disciple, this is a level that cannot be escaped. Fortunately, there is no punishment in this assessment, but if they know what this assessment means, they may lose the election because they do not pay attention to this assessment and regret it for the rest of their lives.

The "bell" bell rang, and the day's classes were over. The students in Class of the second grade also relaxed.

In Shrek Academy, from freshmen to sophomores, more than half of the students have been eliminated, and those who can stay are those with sufficient strength. After they have completed their first year of study, they have a deep understanding of how much effort they need to make if they want to stay here. Students who graduated from Shrek Academy are very popular all over the continent, but it is not easy to graduate from here. Moreover, this refers to the outer academy.

Wang Yan on the podium sorted out his teaching plan and said, "The core disciples will gather downstairs and come with me to the Soul Fighting Area later."

Hearing Wang Yan's words, all the core disciples in class one were perked up. They knew that the trials were about to begin. However, unlike what they had imagined, the assessment did not occupy their class time, but was conducted after school in the afternoon.

Fu Hua and his group have a very large number of core disciples this year, more than in previous years. In their first class alone, there are nine people including him, plus Xie Huanyue and Wu Feng from the second class, There are also Ning Tian and Meng Shiyin from Class Three, so there are thirteen people, which is extremely rare in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy.

The third and fourth grades who are higher than them add up to this amount.

After leaving the classroom, Fu Hua saw that Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu had disappeared from the second class team, leaving only Wu Feng and Xie Huanyue. Regarding the relationship between the Dai and Zhu families, Dai Huabin was expelled and Zhu Lu could only leave with him. As for what they would do next and where they would go to school, Fu Hua didn't know and didn't want to know.

After coming downstairs, the team from Class also appeared quickly. Meng Shiyin and Class greeted them with a smile. After all the thirteen core disciples of the second grade were assembled, they walked through Shrek Square under the leadership of three teachers and arrived at the Soul Fighting Area.

After waiting for a while, Fu Hua saw an acquaintance appear. Senior brothers Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan, known as the most beautiful woman in the outer courtyard, appeared one after another. They were all core disciples in the fifth grade. Of course, there are more than three core disciples in the fifth grade, but they are the only three who have not yet celebrated their fifteenth birthday.

Undoubtedly, they are also the group with the strongest cultivation among all the core disciples in the outer courtyard. The cultivation level of the third ring level is still very common in the outer courtyard, but when it comes to the level of the fourth ring, almost few students below the fifth grade can achieve it. In fact, apart from the four Fu Hua people, there are no fourth-ring level beings among the core disciples of the martial arts system present today. As for the soul guidance department, only He Caitou came.

In the end, the total number of people was fixed at twenty-seven, of which the second-year core disciples accounted for almost half.

Students from different classes stood behind the teacher of their own class and waited quietly. Although this core disciple assessment is somewhat inexplicable, and there is no punishment, but to be able to become core disciples, none of them are talented people, and no one is willing to lose easily.

At this moment, a staggering figure slowly walked over. Judging from the way he staggered three times with each step, it seemed as if he might fall down at any time. As they got closer, the students realized that it was an old man dressed like a beggar. Fu Hua remembered that he had seen this old man during the knockout round of the freshmen assessment. At that time, he seemed to be sitting on the viewing stand dressed like this with a chicken leg and a wine gourd.

The old man wandered up to the students, raised his head with drunken eyes and said, "Xiao Wang."

"Old Xuan." Wang Yan quickly stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Is everyone here?" the old man Wang Yan called Mr. Xuan asked.

"We are all here. There are twenty-six core disciples from the second to fifth years of the martial arts department. There is only one person from the soul guidance department. A total of twenty-seven people have arrived."

"Well, let's go in then." Mr. Xuan said, waving his hand for them to follow.

The spirit fighting area was very quiet today. There were neither teachers nor students fighting spirits here.

Elder Xuan wandered to the center of the soul fighting area, leisurely picked up the wine gourd and took a sip, while the core disciples, led by their teachers, stood in front of Elder Xuan and waited for the next instructions.

"Hey, you little guys, listen up. The content of the core disciple assessment you are about to accept is very simple. I call it a collective brawl. Within the scope of this fighting spirit area, you can attack as you like. How to fight, there are no rules. Those who admit defeat or are rescued are considered eliminated. The last seven people left are the winners. Okay, teachers, please go out. When I say start, you can start the fight. .”

Hearing what Mr. Xuan said, the students present were a little confused, but Mr. Xuan did not explain too much. After the teachers left, Mr. Xuan flew into the air and waved his hand: "The assessment begins."

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