Douluo player

038: Return

Blue sky, white clouds, and warm sunshine make it a good weather for flying.

Looking down at the ground from the air, the ground is glowing with yellow-green, and the grass on the ground has just poked its head out of the ground.

Although the scenery below is beautiful, it gets a little boring after looking at it for a long time. Fu Hua looked at the scenery around him boredly, counting the pieces of farmland he passed along the way.

Suddenly, Fu Hua saw six light spots with white tail flames rising from the ground. When they got closer, Fu Hua realized that they were a group of soul masters. All the equipment used was standard equipment. There was a white swan painted on the wingtip of the flying soul guide, which seemed to be the personal guard of the Tianhun Empire royal family.

"Soul masters ahead, you have now entered the no-fly zone of the Heavenly Soul Empire. Please land immediately for investigation." The leading soul master held up a loudspeaker soul guide and shouted to Fu Hua and the two from a distance.

Xiao Lie also recognized the origin of this team of soul masters, slowly lowered his speed, extinguished the flying soul guide behind him, and hovered in the air with only his soul power.

The six soul masters surrounded Fu Hua and the two in a semicircular formation in the center. The leader is a middle-aged man of about forty years old, a soul master at the sixth-ring soul emperor level, and the remaining five are all at the soul king level.

"Tianhun Empire Imperial Guards, we are conducting official business. Please cooperate." The leading Sixth Ring Soul Emperor saluted Xiao Lie with cupped fists. The world of soul masters respects strength. Those who can fly out of thin air with their own soul power are at least seven-ring soul masters who are at the level of soul saints. Strong ones always win respect.

"Teacher from Shrek Academy, take your disciples out for training." Xiao Lie said calmly.

After hearing Xiao Lie's words, the leading Soul Emperor breathed a sigh of relief and his tone became more respectful. "Well, please come with me, and we can leave after we confirm your identity."

"Well, lead the way."

Under the leadership of these six soul masters, Fu Hua and his two men arrived at their stationed location.

"Excuse me, what happened here? When we passed by here two days ago, there was no no-fly zone here. Of course, if it is confidential, it goes without saying." After the registration was completed, Xiao Lie said to the leading soul master asked.

"This is a case of a vicious soul master massacring ordinary people. This is the first time such a nasty case has occurred in the empire in decades. Your Majesty is furious and ordered us to investigate the case thoroughly." The soul master considered a few words. , speaking of.

"Is it convenient for us to go to the scene and have a look?"


The crime scene is just north of the station, in a village with about households.

Before entering the village, Fu Hua, who was relatively sensitive to spiritual power, felt a strong sense of depression from a distance. Xiao Lie next to him also had a solemn look on his face.

Stepping into the village, you can see groups of soldiers carrying corpses out of the rooms to the open space outside. A rough count of the number of the dead has exceeded three digits.

Xiao Lie opened a white cloth covering the body and saw that the expression on the deceased's face was extremely ferocious and terrifying, with a few traces of blood seeping from his mouth and nose, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying before death. Xiao Lie checked a few more corpses, and all of them had deep fear on their faces.

"Evil Soul Master..." Xiao Lie's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"Report to the leader, the dead and wounded have been counted. Please take a look."

A soldier wearing tan leather armor walked over quickly and handed a folder into the hands of the six-ring soul emperor.

Looking at the casualty report in front of him, the regiment leader's brows gradually knitted together. Fu Hua glanced at the side quietly and saw the casualty data above. There were people in the village, all dead and no one alive.

Xiao Lie looked at the group leader's increasingly livid face and said, "We've already seen the scene, so we won't bother you."

"Sorry, the matter is important, so I won't send you far." Then the leader hurriedly walked towards the station outside the village.

Xiao Lie sighed softly and left with Fu Hua from the other side of the village.

Although Shrek Academy claims to be the mainland monitor, this matter is the internal affairs of the Tianhun Empire and has been officially taken over by the empire. Xiao Lie is no longer suitable to intervene in this matter.

For the rest of the journey, Xiao Lie did not use the flying soul guide, but chose to walk on the road.

The two of them walked one behind the other on the deserted forest path, and the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

"Teacher, what is an evil soul master?" Fu Hua caught up and asked.

"Evil soul masters, as the name suggests, are soul masters with evil spirits. Fu Hua, remember, if you see an evil soul master in the future, you will beat him to death. That's right." Xiao Lie said jokingly, But the content of the words is not that interesting.

"Why, are martial spirits also divided into good and evil?"

"Perhaps martial arts are not divided into good and evil, but the soul masters who possess them are divided into good and evil. The reason why evil martial spirits are considered evil is because their cultivation methods are really harmful to the world and are regarded by the world. No, for example, some martial arts require the fear of others to cultivate. Soul masters with evil intentions torture their victims to the extreme in order to improve their strength, and then kill the victims and use the fear of human death to cultivate. You said This evil is not evil. Everyone can find the evil soul master and kill him."

"Teacher, the murderer who committed the crime in that village was an evil soul master?"

"It can basically be confirmed that he is an evil soul master, and he is an evil soul master who is good at spiritual attributes. He is a common method used by evil soul masters to kill people and extract souls."

"Teacher, are there any people who use evil spirits but do righteous things?"

"As far as I know, no. This is a very real world, and doing justice also requires strength. A soul master who can only rely on killing people to practice, if he really has a kind heart, then his greatest kindness to the world If you just never practice, why bother using the power of justice to kill people!" Xiao Lie's tone became a little passionate, "After all, no one in this world can resist the temptation brought by increased strength, no one."

A period of silence followed.

"Then the prosecutors don't do the same thing...?" Fu Hua said weakly.

"We...we never said that we are righteous, we just try to fight for some living space for the weak in this world." Xiao Lie paused and said with certainty.

"Teacher, you didn't use the flying soul guide because you wanted to see if you could hit the evil soul master."

"Maybe, just in case we meet him." Xiao Lie smiled slightly, with a hint of forlornness in his smile. "Fu Hua, bring the map."

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