Douluo player

020: Knockout 2

"Fu Hua goes back to rest first, you two follow me." Teacher Zhou Yi said with a cold face, and then headed towards the office area.

Hearing what Zhou Yi said, Huo Yuhao and the two men suddenly turned gray and followed him dejectedly. After watching them leave, Fu Hua walked towards Poseidon Lake.

Today's assessment ended very early. Fu Hua actually didn't consume much in the assessment just now, so she decided to walk along Poseidon Lake in Shrek Academy alone to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Poseidon Lake.

Poseidon Lake is located to the west of Shrek Square. After walking along the path in the woods for a while, you can reach the shore of Poseidon Lake. Although Poseidon Lake is an artificial lake, the water is extremely clear, and fog often covers the lake. Looking towards the center of the lake, you can vaguely see pavilions and pavilions.

"That's Shrek's inner courtyard. I can go there and have a look sometime..." Fu Hua stood by the lake and looked at the island in the distance, his eyes a little blurry.

Just as Fu Hua was walking along the grassland by the lake, he suddenly felt a familiar burning sensation.

Fu Hua turned her head and looked in the direction where the burning sensation came from, only to see a red figure rushing towards her. The red figure was extremely fast and arrived in front of her almost instantly, bringing with it extremely high heat. Fu Hua, who was standing five meters away from her, felt the burning pain of being burned by the flames. The Snow Girl's martial spirit was instantly activated, and the frozen ring was instantly released at her feet.

"Isn't this the senior sister from the inner courtyard who came to Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong every day before yesterday?"

Just when Fu Hua was still confused, the senior student in red opened her arms towards Fu Hua and hugged her tightly. The moment he was hugged, Fu Hua also remembered the identity of this woman in red, the master disciple of Wuhun Department Dean Yan Shaozhe - Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Xiaotao.

"Elementary school girl, I finally found you. Come on, do me a favor." A slightly hoarse female voice sounded in Fu Hua's ears.


The moment the two people came into contact, a thick white mist rose instantly.


Along with the rising mist, there was a refreshing cry.

Ma Xiaotao felt comfortable, but Fu Huayou felt a little uncomfortable. He was held tightly in Ma Xiaotao's arms, as if his whole body was pressed against a pile of coals. The fiery soul power was injected crazily into Fu Hua's body, competing with the soul power in Fu Hua's body.

After more than three months of enjoyable training, Ma Xiaotao's evil fire broke out again. Although Xu Sanshi had just suppressed the evil fire a few days ago, it was not enough. Just yesterday she heard Yan Shaozhe mention that there was a girl in the outer courtyard who had a top-notch ice-attribute martial spirit who could suppress her phoenix flame, so she came here today.

"In the book, Huo Yuhao was more restrained when he was suppressed. Why is he so crazy when he comes to me?" Fu Hua pressed his face against Ma Xiaotao's chest. At first, he could still feel the warmth of his heart, but as time went by, he became so crazy. The rest is hot. Fu Hua tried to push her away several times, but was ultimately unable to succeed due to the confusion of soul power in his body. Although Fu Hua's martial spirit is the Snow Girl, it seems unable to completely suppress Ma Xiaotao's Evil Fire Phoenix. Although it has the assistance of the Frozen Ring, the surrounding temperature is still gradually rising.

Time passed little by little, Ma Xiaotao's evil fire was almost suppressed, and Fu Hua's soul power was almost exhausted. Just when Ma Xiaotao was about to give up, Fu Hua's body became extremely cold again. Ma Xiaotao was naturally overjoyed this time. She had been tortured by the evil fire for too long. Otherwise, with her talent, she could achieve even higher achievements than she does now. Finally finding such a good opportunity was like grabbing a life-saving straw. Naturally, he refused to give up. Therefore, she still released her Phoenix Soul Power, but at a lower level. At this time, Fu Hua had fainted from the heat and had no idea what was happening.

The phoenix flames outside rose again, and after a loud phoenix cry, the frozen ring shattered. Seeing that Fu Hua couldn't hold on anymore, Yan Shaozhe, who was watching from the side, was ready to take action to separate the two at any time. After all, this is his disciple and the owner of an ultimate martial spirit. No matter which one of the two is injured, he does not want to see it.

Then, he saw a magical scene.

Fu Hua, who originally only reached Ma Xiaotao's chest, instantly rose to a level almost as high as hers. A gorgeous headdress with seven hexagonal snowflakes embedded in it appeared on the originally plain long snow-white hair. A cold, noble aura emerged from Fu Hua. It comes from Hua. The evil fire phoenix closest to Fu Hua immediately became mute and retracted dejectedly into Ma Xiaotao's body. Yan Shaozhe, who was watching from the side, also felt an inexplicable palpitation.

This aura belongs to the Snow Girl, the leader of the three kings of the Far North. When her life is at a critical juncture, something hidden by the system emerges.

A white shadow appeared behind Fu Hua gradually, and then the shadow opened its arms and gently enveloped the two of them. Fu Hua and Ma Xiaotao turned into ice sculptures together.

A sloppy old man holding a wine gourd appeared in front of Fu Hua and the others. Following him were several old men with different looks. They were all teachers in the inner courtyard. "Shaozhe, what do you think?"

"Mr. . With a third-level cultivation level, he can suppress the sixth-level soul emperor, and this soul emperor's martial soul is also the top-level fire-attribute martial soul, Evil Fire Phoenix.

"Mr. Xuan, that breath just now..."

"This is also the first time I have met the owner of the Snow Maiden martial spirit. Who would have known that this martial spirit does not come with it." The sloppy old man interrupted the teacher, picked up the wine gourd and took a sip, "Is she You can tell at a glance that she is a Soul Beast and a Soul Douluo, it is enough to know that she is now Shrek's student."

"By the way, she should have an assessment in the afternoon. Let me cure her. I want to watch tomorrow's game." Then the old man gnawed on the chicken leg with one hand and swayed away with the wine gourd in the other. .


"Ah, junior sister, you're awake."

Fu Hua opened his eyes. He saw an unfamiliar ceiling above his head and a cold jade bed beneath him. A pretty face appeared in his field of vision. It was Ma Xiaotao who had suppressed the evil fire. This seemed to be Ma Xiaotao's dormitory.

"Just now I was thinking about how to enter the inner courtyard, but now I'm here. Life is really magical." Fu Hua thought silently in his heart.

"Ah, I'm sorry, senior. I didn't think carefully and made you unconscious." At this moment, Ma Xiaotao seemed a little lively, almost the same person as the aloof senior I saw before.

"Senior, what time is it now? I have a game in the afternoon." Feeling the empty soul power in his body, his body felt extremely hungry.

"It's o'clock at noon, it's still very early. Junior sister, let me take you to have something to eat." Ma Xiaotao sat beside the bed and helped Fu Hua up from the bed.

"Well, senior sister, I'd better meditate to recover first." As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Hua's stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

Ma Xiaotao burst out laughing, "It's better to eat first. Only when you're full can you have the strength to practice."

"Well, senior sister, let's go." Fu Hua responded casually and opened the system panel. She noticed that in the martial soul column of her information card, her martial soul changed from two characters for "Snow Girl" to four characters. The word "Snow Girl".

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