The legend of Liu Xiaoxiao in Douluo mainland

Chapter 57 Deep Sea Demon Whale King

In the boundless ocean, the boat of Tang San and others was sailing. .biqugev

He Qiang and Chen Long were at the helm in the cockpit, while Bai Chenxiang was scouting around in the air.

Suddenly, a black dot appeared from a distance and rapidly enlarged.

Bai Chenxiang's complexion changed, she didn't think much about it, she turned around and went back to the boat to report the news.

However, the speed of the black spot approaching was too fast, Bai Chenxiang was sure that before he returned to the deck, the black spot would definitely be able to hit the Sea Demon.

However, as the black spot kept approaching, it was naturally not just Bai Chenxiang who found it.

In the control room, He Qiang, who was looking into the distance, suddenly changed his expression, and shouted loudly: "Wake up, come out quickly, you're in big trouble!"

With that said, He Qiang rushed out of the control room first, followed by Chen Long.

Because He Qiang's voice brought spiritual strength, the people in the cabin also woke up and came to the deck one after another.

When everyone came to the deck, their faces changed drastically, especially Zheng Bei exclaimed: "Deep Sea Demon Whale King?"

"We obviously bypassed the magic whale sea area, why did this 10-year-old overlord of the sea still appear here?" Li Hong gasped and said.

At this moment, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was already very close, and Tang San had already pulled Bai Chenxiang back with the Blue Silver Emperor.

Watching the deep sea demon whale king approaching rapidly, the group did not dare to neglect and released their martial spirits one after another.

"Seven in one!" Tang San shouted lowly, the six Shrek Seven Monsters except Xiao Wu quickly stood in a straight line, Tang San stood at the front, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared in Tang San's hand.

"Let's come too, nine in one!" He Qiang shouted, and immediately nine of the ten sages except Dabao stood in a straight line, and the leader was Fan Yihuang.

Except for Dabao who just met with them, the others had already honed in Tiandou City for a long time, so they naturally had a tacit understanding in terms of cooperation, and even mastered the fusion technique.

Today's Fan Yihuang is the number one in strength among the ten sages, so he is allowed to be the controller.

After several months of cultivation in Tiandou City, Fan Yihuang is now able to control his Fire Dragon King bloodline to a certain extent.As long as he doesn't use the soul bone fusion skill, he won't lose his sanity.

After the Deep Sea Demon Whale King approached, he swept his tail, and countless water droplets merged into a water curtain, approaching them directly.

After using the nine-in-one fusion technique, Fan Yihuang did not hesitate to use his martial soul avatar, spraying a flame against the water curtain.

Even if the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is close to a million years of cultivation, it is not a divine beast after all, and Fan Yihuang's blood of the Fire Dragon King was left by one of the nine sons of the Dragon God, and its quality is naturally far superior to that of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. , even if there was a huge gap in soul power, they barely blocked the water curtain.

On the other side, after neutralizing most of the power of the water curtain with the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang San forced the invincible golden body out, forming a golden shield with a diameter of two meters, which could barely block the attack.

However, they blocked the attack, and the boat under them couldn't block the attack, and the entire Sea Demon crumbled under the water curtain.At the critical moment, Oscar quickly threw out a few flying mushroom sausages and handed them over to the few who could not fly, while the rest were taken into the air by these and the few who could fly.

However, in this way, they would naturally be unable to display fusion skills.

At the same time, the surrounding air suddenly showed a strange rippling state, which was the domain of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.Under this field, they simply cannot gallop away.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King roared, and a blue beam of light quickly shot out from his back, attacking Tang San.

"Tang San, the invincible golden body. Everyone else, get out of the way." He Qiang yelled these words with almost all his strength.He knew very well that relying on Tang San's invincible golden body, he wasn't afraid of this blue light beam's attack at all, but if he didn't yell like that, the Nether White Tiger composed of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing might rush forward to help Tang San block the attack.It's just that with their strength, once they rush up, they will die completely.

However, some things cannot be controlled by words.Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing still charged forward resolutely, turning into Nether White Tigers and blocking Tang San's body.

"Everyone be careful!" Tang San shouted, and at the same time he dodged to get in front of the Nether White Tiger, and the invincible golden body was cast out, blocking the blue beam of light.

Because the Shrek Seven Monsters were too close when they used the seven-in-one fusion technique before, under the terrifying attack of this blue beam of light, even the huge body of the Nether White Tiger could not block all the power, and the explosive decomposition force It knocked out all the other six of the Shrek Seven Monsters except Tang San.

If the ten sages and Bai Chenxiang hadn't been farther away, they would have been severely injured by the blue beam of light.

The distorted fluctuations in the air were obviously weakened a bit, Tang San threw the six of them to the ten sages through the Blue Silver Emperor, and shouted: "Take them, go quickly."

After saying this, Tang Sanyi rushed towards the Deep Sea Demon Whale King without hesitation, while the Ten Wise Men didn't hesitate, and quickly flew away from this sea area after taking over the Six Shrek Monsters.

They knew that as the successor chosen by the Sea God, as long as there were no accidents, Tang San could definitely survive.

Not long after flying away from this sea area, the time limit for flying mushroom sausages came.Except for Bai Chenxiang, Fan Yihuang and Li Hong who can fly in the air, everyone else can only swim in the water.

In the sea area, the ten sages and Bai Chenxiang led the Six Shrek Monsters and kept swimming towards the distance.

"What's going on? Haven't we already avoided the Demon Whale Sea? Why does that big guy still..." Liu Xiaoxiao asked through telepathy.

"There are two possibilities." He Qiang said, "First, the self-recovery ability of the world rules we discussed before has taken effect. Second, that guy Lin Bo has secretly murdered us again."

"I'm more inclined to the second one. That guy Lin Bo has always been insidious and cunning." Wang Haochen said.

"In short, no matter what, it's better to be careful." Chen Long said, "If Lin Bo really did it, then with his caution, he might set up an ambush on Purple Pearl Island. I'm afraid we have to avoid Purple Pearl Island." Pearl Island."

"Then what about Tang San?" Dabao asked, "If the conjecture is true, once he arrives at Purple Pearl Island, won't it be like a sheep going into a tiger's mouth?"

"Let's do this." Chen Long said, "Be careful when we approach Purple Pearl Island. Don't all go to the island. One or two people go up to investigate the situation first, and then make the next step plan."

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