The legend of Liu Xiaoxiao in Douluo mainland

Chapter 36 The Undercurrent of Tiandou and the Star Luo Royal Family

Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City, Star Luo Empire Palace. .biqugev

At this moment, Dabao is thinking quietly in his room.

"Although I lost to Dai Mubai before, but with his character and the goodwill I showed before, he probably won't fight with me." Dabao secretly said, "Even if he really dares to compete with me for imperial power, with my current With the power I have, plus the group of ministers who support me, it is still very safe to get the throne of the emperor.

"If I remember correctly, after five years, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing should leave here, join Tang San, and go to Sea God Island together." Dabao thought, "Since he confirmed that he will not be my enemy, then I will It's better to play hard to get, pretend to be enthusiastic, vigorously support Dai Mubai's succession, and at the same time secretly rectify those vacillating ministers. In this way, when Dai Mubai leaves, my power will reach its peak. Master With the imperial power, the military power will also be in my hands. At that time, the Wuhun Palace and the Heaven Dou Empire will not be able to do anything to me."

"But there is still a headache." Dabao frowned, "Once Dai Mubai leaves here, I will be the only heir to the throne. How to escape and join He Qiang and the others is still a headache. If I Going ahead of him, Shrek has all kinds of monsters, it may become a big problem, maybe it will cause a series of butterfly effects..."

Just as Dabao was thinking hard, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Dai Mubai's voice came at the same time: "Brother, it's me."

"It's Mubai, come in." Dabao replied while thinking about the previous question.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? You look a bit distressed." Dai Mubai said to the frowning Dabao who was thinking.

Although Dai Mubai had always regarded his elder brother as a deadly enemy before, the Davis that Dai Mubai and Dabao transmigrated into were brothers after all, and Dabao had shown kindness before, so Dai Mubai's hostility towards him was natural. Reduced a lot.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about some problems." Dabao sighed, "Do you know why I have been hostile to you before?"

"Because of the rules of the royal family." Dai Mubai said in a deep voice, "It is destined that only one of you and I will survive and inherit the throne, and the other will only die."

"No, that's not the most important thing." Dabao said suddenly again, "The most important thing is that I suspect that you are a spy of the Spirit Hall."

"Spies?" Dai Mubai said with a slightly surprised expression.

Dabao nodded and said: "That's right, I suspect you are a spy. Although the power of the Spirit Hall is very centralized, I still planted spies in it. For example, Xie Yue and Yan from the golden generation of the Spirit Hall."

"The two of them are undercover agents placed by the Star Luo Empire in the Spirit Hall?" Dai Mubai was taken aback.

Dabao nodded, and said: "The talents of Wuhundian are also found from the two empires. It is not difficult to arrange two talented soul masters to enter. It was the two of them who told me that the Wuhundian side They have been secretly brewing a plan, and based on some clues, they deduced that the Wuhun Palace has placed undercover agents in both the two empires. On the side of the Tiandou Empire, they suspect that it is the prince Xue Qinghe. On the side of the Star Luo Empire, they suspect that it is you .”

"You trust them that much? Are you not afraid that they will really take refuge in the Spirit Hall and use their tricks?" Dai Mubai asked rhetorically.

"The two of them are people I can absolutely trust." Dabao said with a serious expression.

"Since that's the case, then I won't ask too much." Dai Mubai was startled, then said.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Dabao waved his hand and said, "Go out first, I want to be quiet."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai stood up and walked out the door.

"Finally, Dai Mubai was fooled..." Dabao covered his head, "What are we going to do next..."

After thinking hard for a while, Dabao finally slapped his thigh and laughed loudly: "There is a way! I only need to have one or two babies, and won't I have an heir to the throne? In this way, I can leave temporarily in a fair manner. I That's so smart! Ahahahahaha!"


Heaven Dou Empire, Heaven Dou City, Heaven Dou Empire Palace.

"Finally, I have time to calm down." Lin Bo shook his head, "It's really troublesome to learn about soul masters from Ning Fengzhi."

"But now, it's time to make some plans for the future." Lin Bo's expression was gloomy, "Although the assassinations against Tang San failed several times before, now is an excellent opportunity. According to the direction of the plot, Tang San should study in Yuexuan for a period of one year four years after the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. It is really a rare opportunity to stay in my territory for a year. I have to plan well some."

Lin Bo paced back and forth, thinking: "Who should I invite? This is Heaven Dou City. Ning Fengzhi, Bone Douluo, and Sword Douluo are staying in Heaven Dou City for a long time. Tang San's old man Daddy Tang Hao probably has been watching his son secretly. If the titled Douluo is invited to come here to assassinate Tang San, not to mention whether he succeeds or not, once he is recognized, it will probably trigger the Wuhun Palace and the Heavenly Palace in advance. The Great War of the Dou Empire. Moreover, even if it is the Heaven Dou Palace change, only four Title Douluo will be sent from the Wuhun Hall. If there are only two Title Douluo, whether it is Ning Fengzhi, Bone Douluo, or Sword Douluo, Even Tang Hao could make this assassination fail. Just to deal with Tang San, the success rate is not high. Sending the title Douluo caused the battle between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall to break out in advance. The Spirit Hall is absolutely won't agree."

"As for Contra, although you can hide your identity, it is more difficult to assassinate Tang San." Lin Bo narrowed his eyes slightly, "If Tang San has enough Hades cards on him, then it is impossible to assassinate him at once. Success. Once he escapes, he will be more cautious in the future. In this way, the success rate of the assassination will be greatly reduced."

The more he thought about it, the more Lin Bo felt a great pressure.

"Forget it, I'll let you go." Lin Bo muttered, "It will be better for you in the Star Dou Forest. If I let Bibi Dong go there in person, I won't believe in evil. I still can't subdue you, brat."

"Besides that, we also need to arrange the content of the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation in detail." Lin Bo secretly said, "There is no way to successfully complete the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation with the two Porcupine Dolphin Douluo alone."

"At that time, He Qiang and the eleven of them should return to Tiandou City." Lin Bo wandered around, "If they stop me, I'm afraid they really need more people..."

"No, no, I forgot one thing." Lin Bo's eyes sparkled suddenly, "If I want to successfully complete the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation, the soul hunting operation must be completely successful, and I must not give them a chance to survive. If Tang Three is solved in the Star Dou Great Forest, He Qiang and the others are bound to intervene in the Tiandou Palace change to prevent the Wuhundian family from becoming dominant. In this case, I am afraid they will inform the Qibao Liulizong and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus in advance, resulting in no Wuhundian family. There is a way to completely wipe out the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. In that case, if they notify these two sects, the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation may not be able to be completely successful. In other words, if the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation wants to succeed, it must first The soul hunting operation must be a complete success. As for how to do this..."

Lin Bo thought hard for a while, but he still didn't have a perfect plan.

"Let's make do with this first draft plan for now, and see if we can revise it later." Lin Changhe breathed out, "I can inform Wuhundian to start a few days earlier, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family must have great vitality Injury. I can also tell them about the hidden weapon provided by Tang San in Qibao Liulizong, so that they can prepare to deal with it and wipe out Qibao Liulizong. Unfortunately, even I can't mobilize the power of the worship hall .otherwise……"

Lin Bo frowned. The seven super Douluo in the hall of worship, especially his grandpa Qian Renxue, who was reincarnated now, enshrines Qian Daoliu, the ultimate Douluo powerhouse, all of them are capable of sweeping the Douluo Continent.It's a pity that, let alone him, even Bibi Dong couldn't mobilize the power of the worship hall.

"As for the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation... As long as Tang San is not there, I have an absolute chance of winning. It seems that I can start preparations in advance." Lin Bo smiled slightly, thinking to himself.

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