Douluo's Sword Qi Zongheng

Chapter 037 Sword Douluo’s shock

Looking at the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand, Ning Fengzhi felt relieved. As the strongest auxiliary martial spirit, the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect had actually always had a secret, and this secret appeared in their martial spirit. .God is fair. The effect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit on the battlefield is too terrifying, so it also has flaws.

The reason why the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is called the Seven Treasures is not only because it has seven floors, but more importantly, this martial soul can only hold seven soul rings. There are two less than any other martial spirit. This is also an important reason why Ning Fengzhi, as the leader of the sect, still only has level soul power and cannot break through to the next level.

According to the legend of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, if there is a special opportunity, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda can evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. This will not only strengthen the soul master's own foundation, but also give him a wider space. Once the soul master who owns the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda reaches the level of Nine-ring Titled Douluo, then he can have the title of God of Assistance. He will have the power to turn the tide on any battlefield.

When Ning Fengzhi knew about the existence of Qiluo Tulip, he already knew that one day he would see the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, but actually seeing it was another matter. Ning Fengzhi saw the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda in his daughter's hand and thought Qiluo Tulip in the soul guide made his heart feel hot.

"Dad, didn't you say you wanted to give me a gift? Take it out quickly!" Ning Rongrong stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Ning Fengzhi, interrupting Ning Fengzhi's meditation, and Ning Fengzhi quickly calmed down.

Ning Fengzhi reached into his arms and handed Ning Rongrong the innuendo and silent sleeve arrows that were just auctioned today, "I bought these at the auction today. Although these two weapons are not very powerful, they can also It has a certain protective effect. Hey, Rongrong, why do you look at Dad with such eyes?"

"Insinuations, silent sleeve arrows, dad, how come you have Third Brother's hidden weapon?" How could Ning Rongrong not recognize Tang San's signature hidden weapon?

"Your third brother did this?" Ning Fengzhi secretly thought that it was indeed the case.Could that seemingly ordinary young man really be such a genius?

Ning Rongrong rolled up her sleeves, revealing the silent sleeve arrow on her left wrist, "Look, aren't these the same? These two are the most common ones, and I have several more powerful ones. When I come back this time, one I miss you, and one more thing, I’m just going to ask dad if these hidden weapons can be installed on the direct members of our family. If used well, they can be very powerful."

Ning Fengzhi inhaled slightly, his eyes revealed a bit of solemn brilliance, "I really want to know what kind of genius you, third brother, are."

The old man in white said with deep approval, "If he is really that outstanding, maybe he can be our grandson-in-law."

Ning Rongrong blushed, "Grandpa Jian, don't talk nonsense. Third brother already has his heart set on something. How could he and I be together? Besides, I already have my heart set on something. Dad, I want to solemnly introduce someone to you today." I'm here to meet you. Oscar, come here." The last sentence the star said was to Oscar. Upon hearing this, Oscar immediately stepped forward and came to Ning Rongrong's side.

Only then did Ning Rongrong say to Ning Fengzhi, "Dad, let me introduce to you. This is my classmate named Oscar."

When Oscar heard Ning Rongrong's introduction, he immediately saluted and said, "Hello, Sect Master Ning, I am Rongrong's classmate, my name is Oscar. I am also Rongrong's boyfriend." After saying that, he bowed respectfully to Ning Fengzhi.

When Ning Fengzhi heard Ning Rongrong's words, he was aware of it. But when he heard Oscar's admission, he still felt a sense of astonishment in his heart. He was about to speak, but Bone Douluo next to him jumped first and asked, "Young man, look. You appear to be a talented person, but I am very curious, why do you want to be our grandson-in-law?"

Oscar heard Bone Douluo's question, thought for a while, and said, "Senior, hello, I am 14 years old today, a martial soul sausage, a level 39 food-type soul master. I don't know what kind of person Senior thinks I need to be able to compete with Rong." Where's the relationship?"

Listening to Oscar's answer, Ning Fengzhi and the others were shocked. 14 years old, level 39, what a terrifying talent at this time. However, thinking that Oscar was just a food-based soul master, the three of them felt a pity.

Ning Fengzhi said at this time, "Young man, I don't think your talent is that bad. It's just that our Qibao Glazed Sect has sect rules. As Rongrong is the only successor of the future sect master, our sect stipulates that his spouse must be a fighting spirit." A type of soul master, and as a food-type soul master, you cannot be accepted by the sect. I say this, do you understand?"

Oscar said at this time, "I understand your thoughts very well, but no one stipulates that food-type soul masters cannot fight. For Rongrong, I can accept the test of your sect. I wonder if that's okay?"

After hearing Oscar's words, not only Ning Fengzhi, but also Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo began to become interested in him. At this time, Sword Douluo Chenxin said, "Young man, I appreciate your courage. So, I Control your soul power to the same level as you, level 39. If you can survive a stick of incense in my hand, we will give you this opportunity." The other two people also nodded, indicating their agreement.

At this time, Ning Rongrong quit and stepped forward and said, "It's not fair, Grandpa Jian, let's do this. I want to join forces with Oscar to fight you. Is that possible?"

Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin said in surprise, "Oh, my little princess, do you want to assist him and let him fight me? Then I will have to use my level 45 or so strength to fight you? You have to think carefully. OK."

Ning Rongrong hurriedly agreed, "Level 45 is level 45. Grandpa Jian, don't go back on your word." Ning Rongrong was already in awe of Dugufan. When the three of them discussed it last night, how many people would Dugufan show up even if he got there? This situation, and the current situation, was also expected by Dugufan, and Ning Rongrong also followed the words Dugufan had given him in advance and made Sword Douluo agree to his request.

Sword Douluo said at this time, "No matter what method you use, as long as you can hold on for one stick of incense, it will be fine." The time for one stick of incense is almost five minutes. For a titled Douluo, Sword Douluo can't deal with it. Even though the two soul masters did not need to have more than level 45 soul power, they were still confident enough to do it. He took out an incense stick directly from the soul guide, waved it casually, and lit the incense stick on the ground.

Ning Rongrong immediately activated his martial spirit, and six rays of light flashed, appearing on himself and Oscar respectively. Oscar quickly chanted a spell, created two large recovery sausages, and gave them to Rongrong and himself respectively. in case for need.

Chen Xin said at this time, "Are you two ready? If you are ready, I will attack." Chen Xin did not take the opportunity to attack. If he attacked at this time, the two of them would have no chance of winning. However, without waiting for Chen Xin After the words fell, Oscar and Ning Rongrong launched an attack directly. Several people present, except Dugufan, were shocked. They did not expect that the two would take the initiative to attack.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong was holding his Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit in his left hand, and using his right hand in the soul guide, a sword appeared in his hand, and at some point, a sword also appeared in Oscar's right hand. Sword, the two men immediately launched their sword skills to attack Sword Douluo. Sword Douluo felt a moment of astonishment when he saw the two men attacking him with their swords.

As a sword master, Sword Douluo wanted to fight him with a sword. It was a joke. However, when he came into contact with Ning Rongrong and Oscar's sword skills, he finally felt a little surprised. The method is very subtle and is not an ordinary swordsmanship.

How did he know that under the guidance of Dugufan, Oscar's entire soul power had been converted into Xuanyang Qi, and Oscar's current Xuanyang Qi, combined with the sword technique of embracing hundreds of rivers, exerted a power equivalent to that of a level 45 soul. Zong.

And all of Ning Rongrong's soul power has been transformed into the Xuanyin Qi taught by Yang Xue, and what she performs is the sword technique that matches the Xuanyin Qi, the ever-changing Yin and Yang sword technique, which is about as powerful as Oscar.

The two sword techniques of Hai Na Bai Chuan Sword Technique and Variety Yin Yang Sword Technique have a magical function. The two sword techniques complement each other. If two people have the same mind, they can combine the two swords and exert great power. According to Du Gufan's estimation, The two swords combined can at least exert the power of a soul king above level 50. This is just an estimate. After all, this is the first time the two swords have been combined.

But Ning Rongrong and Oscar had different feelings. After the two swords were combined, they felt that their minds were connected. As long as Oscar made any moves, Ning Rongrong could quickly make up for Oscar's sword. Despite their legal shortcomings, the two of them became happier the more they fought.

Looking back at Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin, he became more and more shocked as he fought. However, he promised that Ning Rongrong would only use level 45 soul power. He could only rely on his rich combat experience to fight the two of them. However, as the two swordsmen As he became more and more proficient in the method, he gradually felt the slightest bit of pressure.

Under this stalemate, the three of them gradually fought for nearly four minutes, and the five minutes were getting closer and closer. At this time, Gu Douluo said a joke, which finally set Chen Xin into a fire. He couldn't let Gu Douluo Douluo laughed. He thought to himself that he could not use his soul power above level 4, but he could use his own sword moves. Thinking of this, he directly used his sword to separate the world and attack Oscar. .


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