Douluo's Sword Qi Zongheng

Chapter 035 Peerless Immortal Item

Although Xiao Wu did not absorb the Acacia Heartbroken Red, Dugu Fan still gave her a Meridian Water Orchid. Although it was not an immortal product, it was almost the same as an immortal product. Then Dugu Fan chose various kinds of immortal herbs. The immortal product was given to everyone in Shrek. .biquge

Among them, Dai Mubai’s is the velvet-toothed chrysanthemum, Oscar’s is the eight-petal fairy orchid, Zhu Zhuqing’s is the narcissus jade muscle and bone, and Ning Rongrong’s is the Qiluo tulip. As for Ma Hongjun, Dugufan feels that he is not suitable for the cockscomb phoenix sunflower. Instead, he took out a Tiankui Phoenix flower that grew in the Bagua Valley and gave it to him, and the herb given to Meng Yiran was a Liuyin Snake Grass, also from the Bagua Valley. Everyone took the immortal products they had obtained and began to practice.

According to the original work, Dugu Fan still asked Tang San to take Wangchuan Autumn Water Dew. As for the master's question, Dugu Fan gathered his own pharmacological research based on the original work and chose an immortal herb. This immortal herb grew from the lock in the Bagua Valley, and its name It's called Ten Thousand Years Long Ying, and it's an immortal product that evolved from dragon martial souls. As for the level a master can reach after taking it, it all depends on his luck.

Everyone began to practice, and Dugu Fan began to protect everyone and practice. Gradually, everyone slowly woke up from practice. Among the people, Oscar, Meng Yiran, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing all reached level 39, while Yang Xue and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun even reached level 40.

Before Tang San took Wang Chuan Qiu Shui Dew, Dugu Fan gave him an Endless Life Pill. At this time, the essence of a wood attribute was a pill that Dugu Fan refined using precious medicinal materials and was specially given to wood attribute people. Dan.

With the help of Dugu Fan's Endless Life Pill, Tang San quickly reached the peak of level 39. As everyone's martial soul levels increased, the master thought about it and prepared to lead the team himself, together with Flanders and Liu Er. Long took Yang Xue, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun together to obtain the soul ring.

That night, Ning Rongrong found Dugufan. The two came to a corner of the college. Neither of them spoke, but Dugufan broke the deadlock. He said, "Rongrong, what's wrong? Did you encounter something troublesome?"

Ning Rongrong thought for a moment, then mustered up the courage to say, "Brother, do you think there is any possibility of changing our sect's rules?"

After listening to Ning Rongrong's words, Dugu Fan already guessed her thoughts and said, "Rongrong, do you like Oscar?" After saying that, he looked at Ning Rongrong, waiting for Ning Rongrong's answer.

Ning Rongrong blushed and said, "Brother, I really want to fall in love with him. At first, it was nothing, but many times when I faced danger, Oscar would stand in front of me without hesitation. Gradually, Yes, I found that I have fallen hopelessly in love with him, but you also know that according to the rules of the sect, it is impossible for me and him. I want to take advantage of now, when neither he nor I are deeply involved, when If you break it, it will break.”

Dugu Fan interrupted Ning Rongrong and said, "Rongrong, you don't have to worry, leave everything to me. You go back to the sect with me tomorrow and call Oscar by the way. I will give you a surprise then. As for the rest, You don’t need to think too much.”

Ning Rongrong wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Dugu Fan, who continued, "As for the sect's rules, I won't break them. I will give you a surprise until tomorrow. You go back first, I'll go Talk to Oscar.”

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong left with deep thoughts, while Dugufan found Oscar in the kitchen. As a soul master of the food department, the kitchen was the best place for him to train in mimicry. Dugufan came to Oscar, and Oscar felt When someone approached, he opened his eyes.

"Xiaofan, why are you here?" Oscar said immediately when he saw Dugufan.

Dugufan looked at Oscar and said seriously, "Oscar, let me ask you a question, and you must answer me seriously." Looking at Dugufan's expression, Oscar nodded solemnly and said, "Ask me, I will definitely be very good." Answer your question seriously."

Dugufan looked at Oscar's eyes and said slowly, "Oscar, are you in love with Ning Rongrong?"

Oscar didn't expect that Du Gufan was asking this question. Oscar began to say coquettishly, "Xiaofan, I, I..."

Dugufan looked at Oscar with a burst of laughter and said, "Man, what are you doing to mother-in-law and mother-in-law? If you fall in love, you are in love. Rongrong has admitted that you, a man, are not as good as Rongrong, a woman."

After listening to Du Gufan's words, Oscar was quickly surprised by what Du Gufan said, because from the beginning to now, he had never heard a definite word from Rongrong, but from Du Gufan's mouth, he knew Rongrong's attitude made him extremely happy.

Oscar said in surprise, "Xiaofan, are you telling the truth? Did Rongrong really say he likes me? I...I'm so happy."

Dugu Fan immediately said, "Oscar, from your reaction, I can see that you like Rongrong, but you don't want to be happy too early. I want to make it clear to you in advance about the rules of the Qibao Glazed Sect." ." After a pause and seeing Oscar looking at him seriously, Dugufan continued, "As the sole heir of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Rongrong's marriage is also a major event for the Qibao Glazed Sect, and the so-called successor of the Qibao Glazed Sect's martial spirit, The sect has a requirement that her spouse must be a combat-type soul master, do you think you still have a chance?"

Hearing Du Gufan's words, Oscar panicked and said weakly, "Xiaofan, wouldn't Rongrong and I have no chance? No, no, you said Rongrong also likes me, then... then..." Oscar As I talked, I couldn’t continue talking.

Dugufan looked at the anxious Oscar and said, "I ask you now, will you protect Rongrong's safety with your life? As Rongrong's brother, this is something I must be sure of."

Oscar said, "Xiao Fan, I rarely shaved before. I never cared about anything else. Even if Dean Flender said I was a genius, I was too lazy to practice. I just want to be safe and happy." Walk through this life happily.”

"Until I met Rongrong. When I first saw Rongrong, I couldn't help but fall in love with her elf-like appearance. She used to be arrogant and domineering, but even then, she was in my heart The shadow of her has never faded away. It’s just that I told myself that it is impossible for me and her. She is a majestic young lady, and I am just an ordinary soul master."

"Just when I tried my best to erase her shadow from my heart, Rongrong began to change. With everyone's help, Rongrong was no longer the same as before. She began to become gentle and more lovable. Love. Her faults are gradually disappearing, and her shadow is becoming clearer and clearer in my heart. As Rongrong and I are together day by day, do you know how I feel? That is a I feel like, even if it takes a hundred soul bones in exchange, I will never exchange it. I thought that my spring has come."

"In order to be with Rongrong in the future, and in order to gain her father's approval, I began to practice hard. I used to like sleeping in the most, but from that day on, I almost never slept, and I continued to practice moderately every day. No matter how lonely or painful I am, as long as I think of Rong Rong’s smile, all the pain will be easily kicked out of me. I found that I really fell in love with Rong Rong. Maybe I’m cheap, every time Rong Rong When Rong was in danger and I stood in front of her, I felt so happy."

Tears flowed down Oscar's face. Looking at Oscar's eyes, Dugufan said to the door, "Rongrong, did you hear it?" After saying that, he looked at the door, and the door was gradually pushed open, and he slowly walked away from the door. A figure came in, who else could it be if it wasn't Ning Rongrong?

Ning Rongrong's eyes were dim with tears at this time, and she gradually walked in, looking at Oscar in her eyes. Regardless of Dugufan's presence, she rushed directly towards Oscar, hugged Oscar tightly, and cried, "Fool, why are you like this?" Silly..." I couldn't say anything else.

Oscar felt Ning Rongrong's movements and finally understood what happened. He did not expect happiness to come so suddenly. Feeling the warmth of the girl in his arms, his feelings were finally responded to by Ning Rongrong.

Dugufan coughed lightly, and it was this cough that finally woke up the two people hugging each other. Only then did they realize that there was someone else next to them. Ning Rongrong blushed with shame and hurriedly buried her head like an ostrich. Oscar's arms.

Dugufan said, "Oscar, Rongrong, it depends on tomorrow whether you can succeed. Let me confirm one thing with you two first. Oscar, have you practiced everything I gave you? And Rongrong, how are you doing with the things I asked Yang Xue to hand you?"

The two of them were stunned when they heard Du Gufan's words. Oscar first said, "Xiaofan, I have practiced carefully what you taught me before you left. I will follow your instructions and I have never used it in public. This is different from tomorrow." What does it have to do with anything?"

Ning Rongrong said in surprise, "Brother, it turns out that you asked Sister Xiaoxue to teach me what I learned. I have been practicing, and I am already able to skillfully use what Sister Xiaoxue taught me."

Dugufan said at this time, "That's good. Tomorrow, let's do this..."

When Dugu Fan left with Ning Rongrong, only Oscar was left in the kitchen with a silly smile. He was speechless all night, and soon it was the next morning.

Early the next morning, Master, Flender and Liu Erlong took Yang Xue and others to hunt the soul beasts. After Dugufan said goodbye to Yang Xue and others, he took Ning Rongrong and Oscar to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. , as for Tang San and others, they stayed in the academy to study.


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