Douluo's Sword Qi Zongheng

Chapter 018 The birth of the Yuxue combination

"Don't think that obtaining the Silver Fighting Soul Badge is easy. Mubai and Hongjun have been participating in actual combat here for more than a year. Mubai, tell them three what are the requirements for improving the badge level here. And your achievements..."

As he spoke, Flanders calmly took a sip of the inferior tea in front of him. He has established Shrek Academy for twenty years, so he naturally knows what kind of education method is easiest for students to accept. That is to arouse their interest. No matter what you do, if interest is the premise, then everything will be more effective with half the effort.

Those who can be selected into Shrek Academy are undoubtedly monster-like children. These students who are either monsters or geniuses cannot be educated by ordinary methods.

Dai Mubai said, "I started participating in the Soto Spirit Arena game when I was at level twenty-nine. I have played a total of fifty-six battles, and my current record is twenty-nine wins and twenty-seven losses. I currently have two points. From Iron One hundred points are required to upgrade a fighting spirit to a bronze fighting spirit. Every time you win a battle, you will get one point. However, if you lose a battle, one point will be deducted accordingly. If you win more than five games in a row , then, for each consecutive victory, the points will be directly increased by ten. If the streak exceeds ten games, another victory will be increased by one hundred. Even if the points reach the Bronze Fighting Soul and are successfully advanced, as long as the points drop by one hundred, the points will be increased by one hundred. will be disqualified from the Bronze Fighting Soul. One thousand points are required to upgrade a Bronze Fighting Soul to a Silver Fighting Soul. In a battle between Bronze Fighting Souls, ten points will be gained for each win, and ten points will be deducted for each loss. Points. The proportion of points gained from consecutive wins is the same as Iron Fighting Spirit."

Tang San still had some understanding of Dai Mubai's strength. After hearing his words, he was not only secretly surprised, "Mubai, with your strength, you only have twenty-nine wins and twenty-seven losses? How is this possible?" Your martial spirit should be a very powerful existence among the beast martial spirits."

Dai Mubai smiled bitterly and said, "Nothing is impossible. The Great Soul Fighting Arena is not such an easy place to mess around. There are three ways to play games here. One is called game, which is of a competitive nature, which is the rule I just mentioned. .Group according to level, or according to the number of soul rings. Once you have an extra soul ring, you can only participate in the next group of games. When I was at level , I won four games in a row. Just when I was about to start getting ten times the points for winning streaks, my strength also increased to level and I got the third soul ring. After that, I lost more than ten games in a row and my points became negative. The same three A soul ring, at level , how can I possibly win against opponents at level or . If I want to win consecutively here, I will have to wait until level to participate in the game for a period of time. After that, it is possible to suspend participation and play again after reaching level . But our goal is actual combat, so naturally we cannot do that, and my record is naturally worse. The points are not as high as Fatty. "

Ma Hongjun said, "I have won out of matches, lost times, and have nine points."

Flender looked at the sky outside, "It's almost time, let's go there first, and I will tell you the rest of the situation when we arrive at the scene." After paying the tea money, a group of six people walked out of the tea shop and fought against Soto. Go to the soul field.

The closer it is, the shock brought by the Great Soul Arena is even more surprising. When Tang San and Xiao Wu first came to Suotuo City, they had never been to this location of Suotuo City, so they didn't notice , There is actually such a magnificent building in this city.

The Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena is oval in shape, with a height of meters. The interior is divided into a main spirit fighting arena and twenty-four sub-spirit fighting arenas. It can accommodate spectators at the same time. This includes one hundred VIP boxes. This is not only a place for soul masters to discuss and communicate, but also a place for all forces to show their strength.

While walking towards the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, Flanders briefly told Tang San and the others some of the remaining conditions in the Soul Fighting Arena.

Here, fighting spirits are divided into three categories, one is game, that is to learn from each other, it is forbidden to kill with cruel hands.The other is a life-and-death struggle, used to resolve irreconcilable disputes.The last one is gambling.With the Great Soul Fighting Field as the referee, both parties send the same number of soul masters to compete, and the final winner will get everything in the bet.Gambling is first and foremost a fight of life and death.Many nobles and clans often use this method when they have huge conflicts with each other.

There are also three forms of competition, one-on-one, two-on-two and group battles.Among them, the number of people on both sides of the group battle is negotiated and stipulated. According to the rules of the Great Soul Arena, it is generally within the limit of seven to ten people.

Walking into the Great Soul Arena, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge stone tablet with numerous names engraved on it.Flender told Tang San that these names were all the dead in the soul fight.

It is very simple to register for the fighting spirit here. You only need to fill in a form including your name, age, place of birth, and martial arts, and you can receive the initial iron fighting spirit badge. Of course, each person needs to pay ten gold coins for registration. cost.

At the same time, a soul power test similar to that of the Wuhun Temple was also carried out to determine their respective levels.Dai Mubai told everyone that every time you come to participate in a soul fight, you must first conduct a soul power test to determine your opponent.

Naturally, Flender would not go out for them. Dugu Fan, Yang Xue, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing each completed their own registration.

After the registration, it was time to sort the fighting spirits, and Flender led them to the game fighting spirit area, and after simply instructing Dai Mubai a few words, he went straight to the spirit fighting arena.

Dai Mubai told Dugufan and others that in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, only those who have won more than five games in a row, have a Soul Fighting Badge with a certain level, or have an extremely high Soul Master level can fight souls in the main Soul Fighting Arena. Contest. Novices like them can only compete in the spirit fighting field. Iron Fighting Soul will get a bonus of ten gold coins if you win a game, and there will be no bonus if you lose.

Soon, the seven people were sorted, because they came together, and they were all assigned to the th Soul Fighting Arena in the game area to fight souls. It's just that Dai Mubai and Dugufan's opponents were at the soul master level, and Tang San and the other four's opponents were all at the great soul master level.

The soul masters who participated in the soul battle were arranged to rest in a spacious room, waiting to play.

In the rest area, the arrival of Dugu Fan and the others immediately attracted the attention of other soul masters. After all, they were too young. However, although these soul masters showed expressions of surprise, no one made fun of them. Everyone was meditating, keeping themselves in the best condition as much as possible, waiting for the upcoming soul battle.

Xiao Wu sat next to Tang San and whispered, "Brother, I asked Dai Mubai just now. Although each spirit master can only participate in one game per day, he can participate in different types of games at the same time. We are all twenty-nine Level, in this level, it should not be difficult to win, how about we also sign up for a two-on-two spirit battle, so that we can reach the points requirement early, how about it?"

Tang San smiled slightly and said, "No problem, we are here to improve our actual combat experience anyway. It is always good to have more combat experience."

At that moment, he told Dai Mubai what he and Xiao Wu thought, Dai Mubai would naturally not object, and as if reminded by them, his eyes fell on Zhu Zhuqing, unfortunately, their martial souls are not at the same stage , it is impossible to form a team for two-on-two soul fighting, so he can only give up.

Dai Mubai said, "Xiaosan, take Xiaowu to the two-on-two side to sign up. The battle here should be going on for a while."

Tang San nodded, before entering, he had already seen the location of the v registration area.At that moment, he took Xiao Wu to temporarily leave the one-on-one soul fighting area, and went to the two-on-two soul fighting area to sign up.

Just when Tang San and the two were about to sign up for the two-versus-two match, Dugufan said, "Xiao San, wait for me, Xiaoxue and I will go together."

After saying that, he pulled Yang Xue and followed Tang San and Xiao Wu together, and soon arrived at the registration office.

The registration fee is ten gold coins. If you win a game, you will get a total of ten gold coins. "The staff collected fees from Tang San and the two of them in a formal manner. Because they had already registered their level, they only needed to show their Iron Fighting Spirit badges, and there was no need to fill in anything else.

"Please give your group a name." Name? Only then did I know that for two-on-two and team battles, you need to give your combination a name to facilitate the introduction by the host of the Soul Arena.

The combination of Dugu Fan and Yang Xue was named Yu Xue Combination by Dugu Fan. Tang San and the others were named the Three Dances Group, but due to the staff's mistakes, they became the famous Sanwu Group in the future.

Just when Xiao Wu was still complaining about the carelessness of the staff, Dai Mubai's voice suddenly came, "Xiao Wu, your one-on-one spirit battle is about to begin. Come here quickly."

Tang San patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder and said, "Forget it, the three-five combination is the three-five combination, it's just a name anyway."

Xiao Wu made a face at the staff member, and then ran towards the one-on-one spirit fighting area.


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