Douluo's Sword Qi Zongheng

Chapter 007 Monster Academy

After talking to Dugu Fan, Tang San was dragged by Xiao Wu to go shopping, but Dugu Fan did not follow him. Instead, he started meditating in his room and practiced until the next morning, when he was woken up by Ning Rongrong. .

After having breakfast, they met up with Tang San and the others, and the four of them headed to the legendary Shrek Academy. After leaving Soto City, we followed the road south. There were large tracts of farmland on both sides of the official road. Soto City’s reputation as the food capital of the Barak Kingdom was not for nothing.

However, apart from the large farmland, there was nothing that looked like a college building as far as the eye could see.The address the master told Tang San was that he would see Shrek Academy not far from the south gate of Soto City.

"Xiao San, do you know where Shrek Academy is?" Seeing the scene in front of her, Xiao Wu asked hurriedly

"I don't know the specifics. Let's keep going south. We will find it eventually. Since Dai Mubai is a student of Shrek Academy, it proves that this academy does exist." Tang San patiently answered Xiao Wu's question. With.

At this time, Dugufan said, "Xiaosan, since your teacher said it's near here, let's walk forward." After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward. Ning Rongrong hurriedly followed, and the four of them continued to set off.

"Brother, look there is a small village over there." Ning Rongrong pointed in front and said to Dugu Fan.

Everyone looked in the direction of Ning Rongrong's finger and saw a small village about a mile ahead. They could clearly distinguish that there were about a hundred households in that village. There is a wooden fence surrounding the village, which seems to be used to prevent wild animals. There seemed to be a lot of people gathered at the entrance of the village, wondering what was going on.

Dugufan smiled and said, "Let's go over and ask. Maybe people in this village will know where Shrek Academy is. The Soul Master Academy should be very famous."

When they came closer, the four of them realized that something was wrong. There were indeed many people gathered at the entrance of the village, most of them were teenagers of similar age to them, and most of them were followed by their parents.

There was a table at the entrance of the village, and an old man in his sixties was sitting behind the table. What shocked the four of them was that a tattered-looking plaque hung on the wooden arch at the entrance of the village, with the inscription " There are five simple words, Shrek Academy. In front of these five words, there is a green head that looks like the head of a humanoid monster. Green and a little cute. The old man behind the desk also wore a similar green circular badge on his chest. It should be the school emblem of Shrek Academy.

"No way." Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu exclaimed together, looking at the plaque in surprise, then looking back at Dugu Fan and Tang San, both feeling a little shocked. Tang San and Xiao Wu felt that even the Notting Junior Soul Master Academy was much larger than this one. Moreover, this was obviously like an ordinary small village. Not only was the arch at the door made of wood, but there was no such thing as the Notting Academy. One third as big. Can this also be called a soul master academy?

"Brother, did the master make a mistake? No matter how I look at it, I don't think it looks like an academy. It must be a lie."

Tang San smiled bitterly and said, "You're all here, let's take a look before talking." At this time, there were about a hundred applicants in front of them, many of them frowned, obviously holding the same thoughts as Xiao Wu. idea.

The parents of a young man in front of Dugu Fan and the others were following him. The young man's mother said, "Is there any mistake? Is this the so-called Soul Master Academy, or is it an academy that claims to be a Viscount of the Empire upon graduation?"

The young man's father said with some uncertainty, "This is what the people from Wuhun Palace said, so it shouldn't be wrong. But this academy is really shabby."

The young man said, "Dad, I don't want to go to school here. It's too embarrassing. I'd better go to Soto Intermediate Soul Master College. After all, I was considered a genius when I was in the junior college."

The boy's father frowned and said, "Since you are already here, just wait a little longer. Maybe this is a test. The real academy is not here."

There are definitely many similar conversations among the queued crowd, and most of the teenagers and their parents have deep disappointment on their faces.

The old man sitting behind the desk who was in charge of accepting applications looked lazy, and the clothes on his body were simple to put it mildly. No matter how you look at it, he looked like an old man from a village, not even as energetic as old Jack from Holy Soul Village. .

At this time, a young man came to the desk to sign up. The old man lazily said, "The registration fee is ten gold soul coins, just put it in that box." The young man's father who was accompanying him quickly took out ten gold soul coins and put them in a box made of several wooden boards.

"Stretch out a hand." Ruyan, the young man, stretched out his hand in front of the old man. The old man squeezed his hand twice, shook his head and said, "You are not suitable for your age, you can leave."

The boy was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his father. There were not many teenage children as precocious as Dugu Fan and the others.

His father hurriedly smiled and said, "Teacher, my son just celebrated his thirteenth birthday. Do you think you can be accommodating?"

The old man said impatiently, "Don't disturb the people behind you. Don't you know the rules of the academy? We only accept children under the age of thirteen. We will not accept any children over the age of thirteen. You can leave."

The young man's father said, "Then our registration fee..." The old man said unceremoniously, "Once registered, it will not be refunded."

The clay figurine was still earthy, and the boy's father couldn't help but angrily said, "You are obviously cheating us. Refund our registration fee, otherwise we won't leave. If I had known that this so-called Shrek Academy was so shabby, we shouldn't have Come."

The old man glanced at him and said calmly, "Mubai, someone wants to repay the fame fee. Please handle it."

On the ground next to it, a figure suddenly jumped up, "If you want to return the fame fee, it's okay, if you hit me, you will get it all back."

This person was Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai didn't talk nonsense, he directly activated his own soul power, releasing all three soul rings of two hundred years and one thousand years.The surging soul power produced an invisible pressure in the air, and the cold light in the evil eyes flashed repeatedly, looking at the father and son.

Among soul masters, soul rings are always the best voice, seeing the three soul rings on Dai Mubai's body including a thousand year soul ring, the boy's father's face changed drastically, and he left a sentence to count us as bad luck, lah He walked quickly with his son.

Dai Mubai returned to the side and sat down again. His evil eyes glanced coldly at the teenagers and parents who signed up behind him, and his threat was obvious. The pressure brought by three soul rings is not something ordinary people can bear. At this time, he no longer looked like a playboy, but more like a thug.

After this scene ended, the number of people waiting in line immediately decreased by one-third, and no one wanted to waste money, not to mention, the appearance of the Shrek Academy in front of them was really unflattering.

Another boy who signed up came to the old man. He was accompanied by his parents. His mother confidently put ten gold coins into the wooden box, and the boy obediently stretched out his hand.

The old man squeezed his hand, glanced at the young man with dim eyes, and said, "Exactly twelve years old. Release your martial spirit and show me."

The young man nodded, and the light green soul power was released from his body, and a century-old yellow soul ring moved up and down around his body.

The aura of the century-old soul ring was obviously not weak. The martial soul appeared and a thick vine circled around his body.This martial spirit is somewhat similar to Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, except that his martial spirit is not a grass, but directly a vine, similar to Tang San's second spirit ring, the ghost vine, except that it lacks the ghost vine. toxin.

The old man shook his head and said, "If you are not qualified, you can leave."

The boy's parents looked confident. When the old man said that their child was unqualified, their expressions suddenly froze. His mother couldn't help but ask, "Why? My son is a top student in a junior college. You Didn't you see that his soul ring is a hundred years old? There are not many soul masters who have a century-old soul ring."

The old man said calmly, "It's natural that the first soul ring is a hundred years old, but he is just an ordinary person."

The boy's father frowned and said, "I don't understand what you mean."

The old man stood up from behind the table impatiently, and said not only to the parents of the young man in front of him, but also to the people queuing up behind him to sign up, "Come to our Shrek Academy to sign up. You should understand the rules first. If you don't understand, just come here. It’s just a free registration fee. It’s too late to regret it now. Do you know the meaning of Shrek in the name Shrek Academy?”

After hearing the old man's words, most of the applicants were at a loss.

The old man said coldly, "Shrek is a kind of monster, an extremely weird existence even among soul beasts. Our Shrek Academy means Monster Academy. In other words, we only accept monsters here, not ordinary people." If you are over thirteen years old, or if your soul power has not reached Level or above, there is no need to waste your time here."


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