Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 65 Mimic Training

However, it seems that my new roommate is not in the dormitory, and judging from the situation, he has been living alone before I came here. .

The neatly made bed was in sharp contrast to the bare bed board.

And judging from the dust on the ground and the garbage in the trash can, it seemed that his new roommate didn't care much about hygiene.

There was no other way, so Bai Xuehao, who had some germaphobia, took action and cleaned the entire dormitory.

It only took half an hour, with Bai Xuehaoming's spiritual eyes carefully searching from all directions, all the dead spots were cleaned and spotless. Although everything in the dormitory is still as simple as before, it has a fresher atmosphere.

By this time, it was completely dark. Since his roommate was not here, Bai Xuehao would not continue to waste time in the dormitory, but was going to eat.

The public cafeteria is right behind the dormitory area. When Bai Xuehao was in the cafeteria, there were not many people at the moment and it seemed very empty.

Inside the entire canteen, there are windows for purchasing meals all around, with prices marked outside each window. There are a total of sixteen windows, all with their own numbers, with different dishes, and prices ranging from low to high, getting more and more expensive.

Not being picky about food, Bai Xuehao ordered braised chicken nuggets and flavored eggplant for three people, served with rice, and started eating by himself.

The food is quite delicious, and it seems that the level of the chefs in the cafeteria is not low, and they can compete with me. Bai Xuehao mentally commented on the food in the cafeteria. After all, as an orphan in his previous life, he had developed good cooking skills.

After finishing his meal quickly, Bai Xuehao did not return to the dormitory. As the saying goes, stupid birds fly first and enter the forest early. Although he himself is not a stupid bird, compared with Tang San, Dai Mubai and others, his soul power level is always weak, so naturally he wants to make up for it quickly.

The place where Bai Xuehao is going now is the mimic environment training ground that the master has always wanted to prepare for the Shrek Eight Monsters.

The so-called mimic training ground refers to allowing soul masters to cultivate their own martial souls in an environment that is most suitable for them. Although this cannot be said to be half the result with twice the result, it can play a very good supporting role.

For example, extremely cold places with frequent wind and snow and low temperatures are suitable for martial soul training such as the White Snow and Ice Bow. Places with dense forests and full of life are more suitable for Tang San's Blue Silver Grass cultivation. The atmosphere in the restaurant kitchen is suitable for Oscar's food-related martial arts spirit.

As for the beast soul masters, according to their own martial souls, being with similar animals will also help them in their cultivation.The specific auxiliary effect is closely related to the soul master's own martial soul.Generally speaking, the stronger the spirit itself and the greater its potential, the more benefits it will gain from cultivating in a mimetic environment.

Based on the previous conditions of Shrek Academy, it was of course impossible to provide a comprehensive mimicry training place. This was one of the reasons why the master had to propose relocation.

But the current Shrek Academy is different. As a comprehensive advanced academy for soul masters, various mimicry training sites have been comprehensively constructed.

Although there are not as many types as Tiandou Royal Academy, they are not much different. Based on the general classification, there is basically a place suitable for everyone.

And now Bai Xuehao is going to the exclusive mimicry training ground for ice attribute soul masters.

The mimicry training site is almost in a separate area, with several teaching buildings forming different types of mimicry for students to choose from.

When Bai Xuehao arrived at the Mimic Building Area, he also saw many students coming and going freely between the buildings. There were not many coming and going, but there were not many.

This place is just like the university library of Bai Xuehao's previous life. There will always be people who stay here all day long for their studies and future, just to take a step further in improving their soul power.

However, there are always students who, because of laziness, fear of hardship, and fear of tiredness, rarely come here. They can only muddle along and live one day at a time.

The way to perform mimicry is very simple. If you have not made a reservation in advance, just register with the administrator directly.

However, mimetic practice is not completely free. The special equipment for mimetic practice is a precious soul guide, which can generally only be provided by large sects and families.

Basically, there is a fee, and it is usually in units of gold soul coins.

According to the standards of Tiandou Royal Academy, one hour of mimicry training every day would cost one gold soul coin. Of course, the noble young masters and ladies there were basically not short of this amount of money.

However, the previous Lanba Academy was different.In principle, Lanba Academy only recruits civilian students, not nobles, and the financial situation of the common people is definitely not very good, so Lanba Academy basically charges students at a cost price, but it is almost every two hours. Gold soul coin.

Ice-type mimics are very rare, and there is only one mimicry device. After all, ice-type personnel are inherently scarce, and the academy allocates funds based on the overall situation.

The opposite of the ice attribute is basically the plant type, and it doesn't even use equipment at all. The forest-covered area of ​​​​Lanba Academy is basically one of the best in Tiandou Imperial City.

After Bai Xuehao paid the fee of a gold soul coin, he entered the frost mimicry training room under the leadership of the staff.

As an ice bow soul master, there is no doubt that long-range and ice and snow are the most suitable places for Bai Xuehao.

In a special room, the mimicry training facility transformed a huge snow-white space into a snowy mountain scene with biting wind and frost-covered ground in just a few seconds.

A large number of ferocious beasts were rushing towards us. The ground was moving and the mountains were shaking under the rapidity of the beasts.

In the actual scene, the floor under Bai Xuehao's feet did have slight undulations, and the surrounding environment was also under the influence of the mimic facilities. The roars of beasts were heard everywhere, and the temperature continued to decrease, striving to achieve the most realistic effect.

In the mimetic environment, the huge ice bow is already in hand. With the blessing of wind, snow and ice, the arrows are like the meteors of death, harvesting the lives of the galloping beasts ahead.

One after another, the beasts flew tirelessly towards Bai Xuehao, while Bai Xuehao changed his position flexibly, avoiding the attacks of the beasts while constantly harvesting their lives.

However, if someone is observing from the side, what they see is Bai Xuehao and Qiu Qiu fighting against each other, which looks quite funny and makes people laugh.

In the practice of mimicry, not only the soul power is improved, but the combat skills and combat awareness of the soul masters are also subtly changing.

Although it is not as good as a real scene, at least at the level of mental state, it can allow students in the simulation to be immersed in the situation to the greatest extent without facing life-threatening situations.

At this point, it is somewhat similar to Bai Xuehao's dream space, but in terms of precision, accuracy, and authenticity, the mimetic equipment is far inferior to the dream space.

The only advantage is that in the mimetic environment, your body is really involved, unlike in the dream space, where the body is just a mental body, and all you do in the dream space is to individually add some experience and experience. It’s just skill proficiency.

The imitation environment improves all aspects of the physical quality in reality, which is far less than the dream space.

Although mimicry is not as good as a real life-and-death fight, it is significantly improved compared to ordinary cultivation methods, and it is not in vain that the master has spent so much effort to move here.

And just when Bai Xuehao was immersed in practicing, there was a sudden sound

"Who robbed me, King Han, of my cultivation territory?"


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