After many twists and turns, everyone arrived at their destination, Tiandou Royal Academy. .

To be honest, when the master proposed to participate in the continent-wide young soul master competition with the quota of Tiandou Royal Team, Bai Xuehao felt that it would not go well.

In the impression of the previous life, Shrek participated in the competition under his real name, thus becoming famous throughout the continent.

Something unpleasant seemed to have happened in the meantime, Bai Xuehao guessed in his heart as he looked at the entrance of Tiandou Royal Academy in front of him.

Sure enough, due to the resentment of Xue Beng, the prince of Tiandou Empire, and the appearance of Poison Douluo, Bai Xuehao was completely reminded of the plot during this period. However, for Bai Xuehao, whose current soul power is not enough to become a soul master, it is really very difficult for Bai Xuehao. It is difficult to have the strength to stop the current trend of the original plot.

The only solution was to have the same conversation with Tiandou Royal Academy as before.

Everyone in Shrek, including Qin Ming, the original leader of the Imperial Fighting Team, settled in the Lanba Academy now led by Liu Erlong.

During this period, Bai Xuehao also reminded Tang San that Dugu Bo might seek revenge and asked him to pay more attention.

Tang San didn't take it seriously either, he didn't think what a dignified titled Douluo would do to a little person like him.

That's all Bai Xuehao said. In his impression, even if Tang San was caught, nothing would happen. Instead, the protagonist's aura burst out and he had adventures.

As a violent corner of the golden iron triangle in the world of famous soul masters, Liu Erlong, the current dean of Lanba Academy, once again saw his dream lover, Master Yu Xiaogang, and he cried with joy.

In his excited words, he even directly offered the position of dean of the college to Flanders, the owl. After Flanders was stunned, he naturally accepted it with a smile.

On the night when everyone stayed at Lanba Academy, even with Bai Xuehao's reminder, Tang San was kidnapped by Dugu Bo without any resistance.

The anxious Golden Iron Triangle naturally knew how powerful their opponents were, so they didn't bother anyone. The three of them joined forces at night to find Dugu Bo and get Tang San back.

By the time Bai Xuehao saw the three of them again, it was already noon the next day. At this time, Flanders and the master summoned the eight Shrek monsters except Tang San.

As always, everyone, shot in a row, in order, naturally and smoothly.

However, everyone except Bai Xuehao felt something was wrong, because in the third position, the familiar figure disappeared.

"Hey, where is my brother? Why didn't he come? What happened?" Xiao Wu was the most sensitive to Tang San. Knowing that Tang San, who was extremely self-disciplined, would never be late without authorization under normal circumstances.

"Xiao San's father appeared in Tiandou City. His father took him to retreat for a period of time because of important matters." The master answered Xiao Wu's question, with a hint of loneliness in his tone, but not much sadness.

When Bai Xuehao heard this, he probably verified the fact that Tang San was taken away, but it was not his father, but Poison Douluo and Dugu Bo.

From this tone, the master must have seen Tang San and judged that he was fine, Bai Xuehao speculated in his mind.

"However, it was too sudden. He left without even having time to say hello to us." Although Dai Mubai believed the master's words, he still felt a little abrupt.

"There is indeed something important at Xiaosan's family, and I haven't been able to tell you. Don't worry, he will be back after a while." The master's words were firm and stern. Even though he himself was more worried than anyone else, in order to reassure everyone , he could only pretend to be more assured than anyone else.

After listening to the master's words, no matter how many questions they had, they just suppressed them in their hearts. Even though they were still a little uncomfortable with Tang San's departure.

At this time, Flanders began to tell everyone

"Okay, I have news to announce. Starting today, Lanba Academy will be officially renamed Shrek Academy. I am not talented, so I will temporarily appoint a dean. Now, we don't have to rely on others like before. .”

Everyone's eyes almost widened. Several teachers from their own family had just applied to become lecturers at Lanba College yesterday, but today they directly overthrew the original dean and took over the college. What kind of operation is this?

Without knowing the grudges and grudges of the Golden Iron Triangle, several people suddenly admired the money-grubbing Owl Dean.

However, while admiring him, something suddenly seemed wrong in the way he looked at Flanders. Could it be that he had done something shameful behind his back?

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I am very principled in doing things. This college was originally run by my old friend. She was not suitable to be the dean, so she passed the position to me."

Flanders narrowed his eyes and knew that several people were doubting him, so he quickly explained.

"Okay, don't listen to his nonsense. The ceremony is just a formality. You can go or not," the master said from the side.

The time soon came to afternoon.

After convening all the students in the school, Liu Erlong directly said on the stage that the dean had been replaced, leaving all the teachers and students in the school looking blank.

Then there were waves of discussions and objections. After all, the important matter of changing the dean came too suddenly.

Then Liu Erlong went to introduce the new dean Flanders and other teachers. If it weren't for Liu Erlong's guarantee and the Golden Triangle was somewhat famous, I believe Flanders would have been spit on by the angry teachers and students. Drown.

After all, Lanba Academy has developed very well under the leadership of Liu Erlong. In addition, he is also very beautiful. Both male and female students like him very much. They are also very proud to have such a beauty and strength. Dean.

A wretched old man suddenly parachuted into the air and wanted to change its name to the inexplicable Shrek Academy. No wonder everyone was opposed to it.

However, what was unexpected was that when the original Shrek teachers were introduced, all the teachers and students just exclaimed about the strength of their soul emperors and soul saints.

However, when it came time to introduce Qin Ming, everyone burst into cheers.

Flanders and several old people looked at each other, obviously not expecting that one of their earliest students would be so popular.

However, this is of course.

Qin Ming, who set a record and became the second youngest Soul Emperor in recorded history. In addition, the Tiandou Royal Team he previously led was the number one team in Tiandou City. His reputation can be said to be the highest among the younger generation in Tiandou City. Idol level.

In addition, he has a handsome appearance and sharp edges. Although he is in his thirties, the combination of good looks and strength has resulted in the current situation.

Flanders looked at Qin Ming in front of him. He waved to the enthusiastic students below on the booth and responded. Just looking at this situation, he was a little suspicious that Qin Ming was the dean.

Even the voices that opposed Flanders disappeared in the cheers. Flanders became the blue bully, no, the president of Shrek Academy in this ridiculous inauguration ceremony.

As for Bai Xuehao and others, they were taken to go through the admission procedures by several teachers from the former Lanba Academy.

Even if it is, the former students of the current dean must follow the school system, and entrance tests are indispensable.

As a formal academy, Lanba Academy's admission procedures are not as casual as Shrek's before.

There will be no shortage of physical examinations, soul power tests, martial soul assessments, and actual combat tests. The only thing that is not as good as the original Shrek's level is that the standard is relatively low.

Although others found it a bit troublesome, Bai Xuehao thought it was okay.

Compared to the previous life, when I entered school, there were a lot of documents such as political review forms, physical examination forms, and proof of enrollment. This is simple enough.

This is also the first time for Bai Xuehao and others to visit the interior of the original Lanba Academy. After all, everyone rested early after a tiring journey yesterday and did not pay too much attention to the surrounding scenery.

Overall, this Lanba Academy is built in the middle of the forest. Because around the teaching building, the rest of the area is filled with forests. It is said that this is the largest flora in the entire Tiandou City.

Not only is the scenery beautiful, everything has a very atmospheric feel to it.

A spacious path leads directly to the interior. There are forests on both sides of the road. At the end, you can see a large playground with a diameter of more than meters. The playground is surrounded by a circle of three-story buildings.

The test teacher introduced to everyone in Shrek that in these three-story buildings, there are places for practicing in a simulated environment, student dormitories, and teaching buildings.

The test teacher led everyone to a steeple building. This building seemed to be the strongest among all the buildings in the academy. When they walked into it, they saw an empty hall. There is no room separated inside, and the transparent light shines into the room from the surrounding windows, making the place look extremely bright.

This is obviously a place specifically for testing.


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