Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 6 The Beginning of the Archers

After returning home, after a few days of rest and adaptation, Bai Xuehao finally recognized his identity as a soul master. .biqugev

My mother is not a soul master and knows little about the world of soul masters. She is just happy with the growth of Bai Xuehao who has returned, and specially made some delicious food to reward him.

Of course, Bai Xuehao was happy to accept this.

However, just a few days after the good days, the real practice began.


Early morning on the third day after returning home.

The low temperature made the world foggy, and Bai Xuehao had been brought to the plain outside the village by his father.

Bai Chen picked up four stone millstones from the ring soul guide in his hands. Each stone millstone probably weighed dozens of kilograms. Bai Chen just grabbed a stone millstone and threw it directly into the distance, followed closely. Then he grabbed another rock millstone and threw it. In the blink of an eye, the four millstones flew away into the distance with a roar.

Four millstones weighing tens of kilograms roared through the air one after another, like four cannonballs, and instantly turned into a black spot in the sky.

"Drink." Green light flashed in Bai Chen's hand, and suddenly a green long bow appeared in his hand, and he held four arrows in his hand. The four physical arrows were not soul arrows. He only saw him pulling up the bowstring.

call out!call out!call out!call out!

The four arrows shone with silver light, disappeared in a flash, and caught up with the four millstones that turned into black spots, bang bang bang bang! ! ! !All four black dots hit.

Bai Xuehao was dumbfounded.

I was stunned for a long time...

"My father threw tens of kilograms of stone mills one or two kilometers away? It's almost the same as me throwing stones." Bai Xuehao was shocked in his heart. "This bow and arrow, it feels like it only takes one or two kilometers in the blink of an eye, not even a few seconds." Kilometers away. This speed is not much different from the firearms in the previous life!


"Before, I have taught you the basics of archery. In terms of your ability to shoot static targets, you have already mastered it. However, you must also know that as an archer, it is not enough to only shoot static objects. Your enemies will not be the same in the future. An obedient and immobile target," Bai Chen said.

The entire plain was quiet, except for Bai Chen and Bai Xuehao, and no one else.

"Son." Bai Chen looked at Bai Xuehao, "First of all, you must have a correct understanding of bows and arrows. For an archer, bows and arrows are very important. In the future, you will not only learn soul power arrows, but also some Physical arrows will achieve some special effects in response to different situations.

"Now let me teach you some knowledge about arrows. Arrows are divided into three parts: arrowheads, arrow shafts, and arrow feathers. The most commonly used three-sided arrows are triangular arrows, which are widely used. Others include..."

Bai Chen's teaching was very careful, from beginning to end, describing dozens of different arrows to deal with different functions and different prey. Even half of the entire morning was taken up by his arrow teaching. Even though Bai Xuehao has an amazing memory, he only remembered a small part of it.

"Okay, I've talked so much in one go. You must be a little confused. But don't worry, what I said has corresponding books. It can be regarded as one of the few things left by our Bai family. , I must recite it every night from now on, and be sure to memorize it.”

"Secondly, we need to know the structure of the bow. There are two types of bows."

"The first type of bow is composed of an elastic bow body and a resilient bowstring. When the bow is drawn, the bow body bends...the elastic force is generated by the energy stored in the bow body. This is the most common and relatively common bow and arrow. It is easy to make, and ordinary archers will use such a bow!"

"The second type of bow is composed of a tough bow body and an elastic bowstring. When the bow is drawn, the bow body is as stable as a frame, and the bowstring is stretched and accumulated to produce amazing elasticity."

"Your martial soul and mine both belong to the second type, but after all, your martial soul will be the main one in the future. Let's briefly understand the first one, and I will explain the second one to you in detail later."

"Come on, let's learn the postures first." Bai Chen turned his hand, and an ordinary bow appeared in his hand.

"Your martial spirit is too heavy. I think you can only move reluctantly even with your natural supernatural power. This is not good for your basic skills. Practice with this longbow first." Bai Chen said as he handed Bai Xuehao the longbow.

"But don't worry, we are a family of sharpshooters after all. Arm strength is a compulsory course related to the power of arrows. It won't take long for you to fully master your martial spirit."

"Standing shooting, squatting, reflexive, leaping, and running. These are the basic shooting postures. You have already learned the standing shooting before, and you will also need to be familiar with other postures in the future." Bai Chen looked at Bai Xuehao, "Learning archery is divided into two stages. One is the basic stage, and the other is the heart arrow stage."

"The basic stage is to achieve 'hands, eyes, and arrows' under the basic five postures, and you must hit every shot before you can proceed to the next stage."

"The heart-and-arrow stage does not demand posture, but only 'the heart arrives, the arrow arrives'. Don't look with your eyes, that's too slow, you must rely on your heart! Instantly draw the bow and shoot the arrow to hit the target, as fast as lightning. The real critical moment, the key opportunity is just Setsuna won't let you aim slowly."

Bai Xuehao nodded.

Then he started to follow Bai Chen's guidance and start learning other correct postures.

"The waist should be bent correctly! The left arm should be straight!"

"Just pull the bowstring and stay in that position, stay there!"


Although Bai Chen is normal and amiable, when he teaches, he is really stricter than anyone else and he roars all morning.

Tall buildings rise from the ground, and sharpshooters also have toddlers.



After eating, drinking, and resting for a while, my father carried me to the plain in the morning. The sun was high in the sky, but in the severe cold weather in the north, it was only emitting a faint light.

"As an archer, footwork is second only to archery in importance!" Bai Chen solemnly said, "In the battle between the two, you cannot guarantee that every enemy will be hit by you from a distance. It can even be said that you encounter some There is a high chance that you will be approached by an enemy with a speed-type beast spirit. At this time, it will be difficult for you to use even % of your % archery skills. You must use the method of dodge, move around, and quickly distance yourself... Only by keeping a distance will it be difficult for the enemy to hurt you, but you can easily hurt him."

Bai Xuehao nodded.

He understands.

Just like the League of Legends he played in his previous life, if a short-legged ADC is cut by an assassin and has no movement, no flash, and no one to protect him, even if he has two more large pieces of equipment, how can he be killed or how can he be killed even with the operation? No space is given. Not only assassins, but also those who are approached by some warriors, big men, or even assists are very likely to lie down directly.

Footwork is the top priority, it can be said to be ADC's sprint plus flash.

"The footwork I teach you is called "Wind Spirit Steps."" Bai Chen said, "This is also the top footwork passed down by our Bai family. This footwork... once you learn it, you will also understand the small steps." By ducking and moving within the range, you also learn how to distance yourself and escape."

"You should carefully read the six basic steps first." Bai Chen turned his hand, and a native pornographic book appeared in his hand.

Bai Xuehao took it and looked at it carefully.

The book describes in detail the basic six-step execution method of "Wind Spirit Step" as well as the advanced applied footwork. The footwork is extremely subtle in the movement of soul power.

"Let's take a rough look at the six basic steps first," Bai Chen commanded, "and watch carefully how I perform them."




"Back off!"


"Turn around!"

Bai Chen was like a textbook, performing standard steps one by one, and shouting his name with every step he took to teach Bai Xuehao to identify them.

"Have you memorized all the secrets of the six basic steps?" Bai Chen asked.

"Remember it." Bai Xuehao nodded.

"Now you follow suit..."

Bai Xuehao prepared for action.

"Don't be anxious, it's not here, but over there." Bai Chen pointed behind Bai Xuehao.

Bai Xuehao turned his head and saw wooden piles standing in the distance. At first glance, it seemed that there were thousands of wooden piles, with different heights and different distances, like a forest.

"After that, that's where you will practice Wind Spirit Steps. That's where I used to practice. Now it's your turn."

Bai Chen led Bai Xuehao to the wooden pile forest, and then pointed to a very short wooden pile, "Go to this wooden pile."

"Yes." Bai Xuehao took an easy step and reached the wooden stake.

When I stood on the wooden pile, I suddenly felt swaying. The wooden pile was not thick and could only accommodate one foot.

"Now listen to my order. You will do whatever step I ask you to perform among the six basic steps." Bai Chen said, "Progress!"

Bai Xuehao remembered how to use his strength and tried to rush forward. He suddenly landed on a wooden stake in front of him, but he only touched the edge. His body swayed and he almost fell off.

"Remember, if you fall off while moving on the wooden pile, you have to start again." Bai Chen said.


Bai Xuehao was dumbfounded. He was balancing on one foot and didn't even know where the wooden stake behind him was. But when he saw his father's serious face, he gritted his teeth and jumped back based on his memory.

Sure enough, his feet didn't even touch the wooden stake and he fell straight down.

"Let's do it again" Bai Chen shouted

Bai Xuehao gritted his teeth and stepped onto the wooden stake again.


I spent the whole afternoon on the wooden pile, and I was barely familiar with the six steps.

"Okay, stop." Bai Chen saw the sun was setting in the west and asked Bai Xuehao to get down from the wooden pile.

"Starting tomorrow, don't forget to bring your short sword. You have to combine the double-edged dance and the Wind Step that I taught you before. A magic archer who doesn't know how to fight in close combat is definitely not a good magic arrow. hand"

"I know," Bai Xuehao replied loudly.


At night, a new moon hangs quietly in the sky.

Bai Xuehao still didn't stop.


Bai Chen handed Bai Xuehao a book

Bai Xuehao glanced at the book in his hand, and Bai Chen said, "This book records some of our Bai family's research on soul power. Although soul power is cultivated through meditation and the movement of one's own soul power, there are many techniques involved. .What kind of running route can easily improve the strength, what kind of martial soul is most suitable for cultivation in what environment, there are detailed records here.

"Furthermore, this book records the Bai family's unique operating methods suitable for archers. As long as you practice diligently, as your soul power increases, your arm strength and leg strength will increase significantly, making it easier to control your martial soul. Step with the wind."

"One of the eye-training techniques is particularly important. It was the signature skill of our ancestors back then. We must not slack off."

"Yes." Bai Xuehao agreed respectfully. Although he hadn't opened the book to read it yet, he knew that this was the beginning of his soul master training.


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