Feiyan's combat flight is very fast, but it ends even faster. .

Bai Xuehao's sword rose and fell, and the winner was determined almost in the blink of an eye.

The main force Feiyan fell, and the remaining electric mouse woman in yellow had no choice but to admit defeat in a hurry and call the staff to treat her companions.

Although almost everyone in the audience did not see the three sword flashes clearly, after Bai Xuehao handsomely chopped down his opponent, the originally quiet audience suddenly cheered.

The master sat on the audience stage and nodded slightly, quite satisfied with the performance of Bai Xuehao and Ning Rongrong. As a bystander, he could see their strengths and weaknesses more clearly.

In particular, Bai Xuehao's response was perfect. Whether it was protection, assistance, or restriction, he was just right in dealing with his opponents.

As for Ning Rongrong, she was still able to assist one person alone, but her self-protection ability was too poor, and her combat vigilance and awareness were also relatively poor.

Regarding the battle process between the two, the master took out his own small notebook to record all the performances of the two to facilitate subsequent and future training and combat arrangements.

Under the host's announcement, the Ice Pagoda team won their first victory and currently have one point.

Bai Xuehao and Ning Rongrong stepped off the stage amidst huge cheers.

Next was a one-on-one battle at the level of a great soul master. It was almost not difficult for Bai Xuehao now. After spending a little soul power, he successfully sent his opponent off the stage. His current score was two points.

Everyone in Shrek today also showed the effect of the previous devil training.

Six one-on-one games and four two-on-two games ended in complete victory, giving the Shrek Eight Monsters a perfect start to their soul-fighting journey.

Now there is only the last and most important one left, the team battle.

After the competition, the eight people quickly gathered together under the call of the two deans and the master.

Everyone ate Oscar's recovery sausage and slowly adjusted their breathing.

When the time was almost up, the master began to say to everyone

"It's time to participate in the team battle. Since you signed up late, you should appear at a relatively low position. Remember, you are facing a team of level or above. Team battles are different from one-on-one and two-on-one battles. Against two, the cooperation between them is far more important than the strength of fighting alone."

"The opponent we drew this time is a team of seven, called the Mad Fighting Team. Because I am also new to the Soul Fighting Arena, the information I can get now is that there should be someone on the opposite side who can make the whole team go crazy and make the powerful team more powerful. Their skills have been greatly improved, which is also the origin of their team’s name.”

"For this first team fight, I wanted to try out a lineup strategy that I came up with a long time ago."

"The name of this lineup strategy is called six guarantees and one."

"Six guarantees and one?" Everyone exclaimed in confusion, obviously very unfamiliar with such a term.

"Teacher, should we mainly protect the auxiliary spirit masters? But we have two auxiliary spirit masters, so it can't be called six protections and one." As the master's disciple, Tang San was the first to raise his own question.

"Don't be anxious, mistress, listen to what I have to say. The person we want to protect this time is neither Oscar nor Ning Rongrong, but Bai Xuehao." As soon as he finished speaking, the master pointed at Bai Xuehao among the people.

"Me?" Everyone's eyes were also focused on Bai Xuehao. Bai Xuehao also had a puzzled look on his face, pointing at himself with one hand and wondering.

"That's right, it's Bai Xuehao. Through my long-term observation, although Bai Xuehao's soul power is relatively low among all of you, his mutated bow martial soul can definitely be regarded as the top weapon martial soul. One soul ring and two soul skills are even more unique, it can be said to be second only to the legendary twin martial souls." The master glanced at Tang San slightly.

"Of course, this is not the main reason. What is more important is that among all of you, his ability to continuously output, long-range attacks, and radiate the entire field can be said to be the highest. It can even be said that he is the best one I know so far. He is the strongest among the young soul masters. As long as he has Oscar's recovery sausage to continuously replenish his soul power and Ning Rongrong's assistance, his long-range continuous attack ability can be said to be endless, almost comparable to that of a soul master. Zong."

"As long as others can guarantee that no one will come into close contact with Bai Xuehao, through these three months of training and my observations in the battle just now, I also believe that Bai Xuehao will rely on the advantage of distance and his continued strong strength. Killing the enemy with output is enough to be able to assume this core position."

The master kept talking about the reasons and advantages of this six-guarantee-one lineup.

"Another thing to note is that protecting Bai Xuehao does not mean protecting him all the time, but rather creating excellent output opportunities for him, and this opportunity must be constantly grasped by Bai Xuehao. .”

"Bai Xuehao, this tactic is the biggest test for you. Are you qualified?" The master's face was paralyzed, his eyes were fixed on Bai Xuehao, and he asked seriously.

"No problem." Bai Xuehao replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, then the team will focus on your output, and everyone else will more or less cooperate with you. Xiao San, you will be responsible for the specific on-the-spot command. If Bai Xuehao is the core of the team, you are The soul of the team, your responsibility is not small." A rare smile appeared on the master's cold face.

"Yes!" Tang San didn't refuse. As the soul of the team, this was his obligation.

"Because Bai Xuehao is the core this time, there is less tactical need for assassins. Zhu Zhuqing, you don't need to participate in this team battle for the time being. You can play an important role in future tactical strategies." The master glanced at Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's cold expression showed a trace of reluctance, but he still nodded solemnly and obeyed the organization's arrangements.

The master's strategy has been arranged, but the specific strategy still needs to be customized by several people.

Tang San surrounded the participating people in a circle and ordered specific tactics.

"Later, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, you will be the main attack. I will control the opponent as much as possible in the center and assist you in attacking. Fatty, you stay behind, use your Phoenix Fireline to do long-range attacks and protect Xiao Ao and Rongrong. Xiao Bai , you should also try your best to output from the rear, and you can also adapt to specific situations. Xiao Ao, do you still have enough soul power to make sausages?"

"No problem, I still have enough soul power." Oscar replied

Tang San said, "Okay, let's prepare well now for the team battle."

Sure enough, as the master said, the eight Shrek people were arranged to appear second to last. Before it was their turn to appear, the eight of them sat down in the corner to gather their soul power and prepare for the soul battle later.

There are still five soul battles in today's group battle. The Shrek Eight Monsters got an hour's rest in the first three soul battles. Finally, it is their turn to appear.

The Shrek Eight Monsters walked out of the Soul Master Preparation Area together with the opposing Mad Battle Team.

At this time, they finally saw all the members of the Berserker Team.

The leader was a tall and majestic middle-aged man, walking at the front of their team. Following closely behind him were two middle-aged men who were similar in age to him. They seemed to have similar looks. They should be brothers, with average builds and gloomy faces.

Behind, is a charming woman, who is also the only woman in the Mad Battle Team. She was wearing heavy makeup and her age was hard to tell, but judging from her figure. Must be over twenty years old. The clothes she wore were extremely revealing, with only a tube top on her upper body, and although her lower body was wearing a skirt, it was as thin as a gauze, and you could easily see the light of her flesh.

Behind the coquettish woman were two thin young men, their eyes flickering and they kept looking around.

The person walking at the back of the Mad Battle Team is the oldest, at least forty years old. He looks very ordinary and wears very simple clothes. If he were not in this big spirit fighting arena, it would be difficult for people to associate him with the word soul master. Together.

The Shrek Seven Monsters were observing each other, and the other party was naturally observing them. It's a pity that except for the fat man who has a strange figure, the Shrek Seven Devils all have normal figures. Their faces are covered by Shrek masks, so it's difficult to judge from their appearance.

Although the faces of the Shrek people could not be seen, one could tell from their bodies and clothes that they were a combination of two women and five men.

The area of ​​the team battle soul platform is much larger than that of one-on-one and two-on-two, with a diameter of forty meters. The surrounding auditorium should also be doubled in size. By this time the audience was full. There was a little blood on the soul fighting stage, which was obviously left from the previous group battle against souls.

As soon as the Berserk team appeared on the stage, it ignited the frenzy of the audience, and strong cheers resounded throughout the audience.

The host on the stage stood in the center of the Soul Fighting Stage, "The fourth game is a team battle. Against both sides, the Mad Fighting Team and the Shrek Eight Monsters. As for the Mad Fighting Team, I don't think I need to introduce too much. They have already obtained With the good result of seven consecutive victories, if they can continue to be brave and win a few more games in a row in the future fighting spirit, then they are very likely to set the record of the fastest to reach the bronze fighting spirit in the Soto Grand Fighting Spirit Arena. Now, let’s Let’s take a look at the mysterious combination on the other side of the Soul Fighting Platform. This combination just completed registration today, and this is also their first team battle against Souls. Unfortunately, they encountered Team Madness.”

Following the host's announcement, everyone from Shrek and Team Madness each formed their own formations.

On the Kuang Sen team, the sturdy middle-aged man standing at the front is the captain, named Kuang Xi. Following Kuang Xi are the two middle-aged men with gloomy faces. The three of them form a triangle formation.

The coquettish woman was in the middle of the seven people, still smiling coquettishly.Two thin young men were on the two wings, and the ordinary-looking older middle-aged man was at the end.The entire formation is like a sharp cone.

Shrek's side also set up their own formation. It is different from the opponent's three-three formation. The Shrek Seven Monsters were in a two-one-two-two formation, with the seven people divided into four rows.

The front one. They are Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu, the second row is Tang San, the third row is Ma Hongjun and Bai Xuehao, and the last row is Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

The moderator asked both parties separately if they were ready.Dai Mubai as the captain and Kuang Xi of the other side simultaneously expressed their preparations.

"The countdown begins in five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. Team battle spirit, the fourth game. Begin."


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