Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 4 Hunting the Soul Beast

"Because you are born with full soul power, you can get a soul ring now to advance as a soul master..biquge"

"I forgot to mention that to advance as a soul master, you need to hunt soul beasts and obtain soul rings. Creatures such as soul beasts are beasts with soul power. The longer they exist, the stronger they become. So, generally speaking, We divide soul beasts into five levels according to their years. Ten-year soul beasts, hundred-year soul beasts, thousand-year soul beasts, ten-thousand-year soul beasts and hundred-thousand-year soul beasts. As the name suggests, those who have practiced soul beasts for more than ten years are ten years. Soul beasts, and so on. The distinction of soul rings is the same as that of soul beasts. The soul rings of different years are very easy to identify, and you can tell it from the color. Among them, the soul rings of ten-year-old soul beasts are white, and the soul rings of hundred-year-old soul beasts are yellow. , the soul ring of a thousand-year soul beast is purple, the soul ring of a ten-thousand-year soul beast is black, and the soul ring of a hundred-thousand-year soul beast is red."

"In the past few days, you should first familiarize yourself with your martial soul. Then I will accompany you to hunt a suitable soul beast and wish you to advance."

"Okay, father," Bai Xuehao answered obediently after listening carefully to what his father said.


A week later, Bai Chen took Bai Xuehao to the Soul Hunting Forest. This is a forest where low-level soul beasts are kept in captivity by the Wuhun Palace, specifically for low-level soul masters to obtain soul rings.

It is said to be a forest, but most of the coniferous forests growing in this northern cold zone are coniferous forests. There are many cold attribute soul beasts in this place, so it is a very suitable place for Bai Xuehao to obtain the first soul ring.

Bai Chen opened the way with a short knife, and Bai Xuehao followed closely behind.

"Be careful. Soul beasts are not only moving beasts, but some plants are also soul beasts. People who don't know are likely to get caught when entering the forest for the first time."

Bai Chen is a jungle veteran. He has seen many soul beasts and knows the habits and traces of some soul beasts from different years. At this time, he was leading Bai Xuehao gradually deeper into the territory where the soul beasts were active.

"Shh, stop." Bai Chen made a gesture and took Bai Xuehao to hide behind a tall tree.

Then two huge wild boars passed through the path that the father and son passed by just now. Their huge size was almost as big as two adults. Their huge tusks protruded outwards, and their gray bristles stood upright, looking like steel.

After the two huge wild boars had gone away, the father and son emerged from behind the tree.

"Those two are century-old steel-bristle pigs. Their fur is not only excellent at keeping warm, but also has amazing defensive capabilities, like steel."

"Although they are of the right age, their characteristics are not suitable for you. In addition, when hunting soul beasts, try to avoid the ones that are not suitable, so as not to be unable to catch the ones that are really suitable." Before Bai Xuehao said it, What, Bai Chen explained from the side.

"Then how do you know which soul beast you are suitable for?" Bai Xuehao was very confused.

"That requires the experience of predecessors and the teachings of future teachers. An inappropriate spirit ring will even limit the development of this martial spirit. Remember, in the future, when you obtain spirit rings, try to work as a team with trustworthy people. This way Not only will someone be there to advise you, but they will also ensure that you are not disturbed when absorbing the soul ring."

Bai Xuehao nodded silently and slowly absorbed what his father said. He couldn't help but think of the famous Shrek Seven Monsters in Douluo. He wondered if this era was the era of the seven monsters.

Continuing to move forward, Bai Chen seemed to be giving Bai Xuehao a vivid jungle practice lesson. With the hunter's keen sense of smell and rich experience, even the soul beasts hiding in the dark would be discovered by them one by one. Perhaps it was because most of these soul beasts were ten-year-level beings and were not very aggressive. Bai Chen pointed out how to distinguish the marks and smells of soul beasts in the jungle one by one, as well as the characteristics of some main types of soul beasts.

Looking up at the sky, Bai Chen said, "It seems that we will stay in the Soul Hunting Forest tonight. Let's find a camping place first."

After searching for a long time, although many soul beasts that met the requirements appeared, most of them did not rush to take action and continued to search patiently.

The camping site Bai Chen chose was a depression with complex terrain and surrounded by many coniferous trees.

Bai Chen took out an animal skin from a package he brought and handed it to Bai Xuehao, "The temperature will drop at night, so these on you are still a little thin."

Bai Xuehao took the animal skin.

"Why don't you light a fire to keep warm?" Bai Xuehao asked his question.

"In the forest, especially in the forest with soul beasts, try not to use fire. Although most beasts and soul beasts are afraid of fire, there are also several particularly powerful soul beasts that like fire. Once you encounter them, Unless your own cultivation is strong enough, you will definitely die."

"In the north, the weather is very cold and there are almost no snakes, insects, rats or ants, so we just need to take good precautions against some larger spirit beasts."

The sky gradually darkened, but the forest was not peaceful. The roars of wild beasts could be heard one after another.

There was no fire, and everything was pitch black. Bai Chen and Bai Xuehao simply ate some dry food, and the father and son rested against a big tree.

Silent all night.

When Bai Xuehao woke up the next day, Bai Chen was already doing some simple warm-up exercises.

However, Bai Xuehao knew that his father was alone all night, but kept silent vigil to protect him.

Bai Xuehao couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. As an orphan in his previous life, he had never enjoyed the protection brought by his father's broad shoulders.

I simply replenished my breakfast and got back on the road.

Nothing was gained all morning until the afternoon.

"Finally found it" Bai Chen said silently in his heart.

"Son, look ahead." Bai Chen turned his back to Bai Xuehao and pointed forward.

Bai Xuehao followed his father's gaze and saw a pile of rocks in front of him. Various large and small stones were randomly discarded there.

At first glance, there was really no difference, but since his father had pointed it out, Bai Xuehao observed it carefully for a while.

Finally found the key.

A rock is actually covered with spikes!

"That stone is covered with spikes." Bai Xuehao pointed to that stone in particular.

"It seems you have noticed it too," Bai Chen said happily.

"That's not a stone, it's actually a spirit beast called Exploding Hedgehog. The color of its body and spikes are basically similar to the colors of the surrounding stones. There are often unsuspecting beasts or spirit beasts passing by, and they are attacked and killed by it. die."

"Of course, he rarely attacks humans. After all, most people think that it is abnormal to have spikes on rocks, and he can only attack beasts or spirit beasts with low IQs."

"Also, its attack method is that it can directly launch the spikes on its body to attack the enemy. The most terrifying thing is that after stabbing the enemy, the spikes will explode directly and release the power of frost to cause damage."

"I heard that there is a similar spirit beast in the Star Dou Forest in the south, but it seems to burst out flames to burn the enemy."

"This is one of the soul beasts that I think is most suitable for you after seeing your ice bow. And looking at the size of that hedgehog, it must be at least several hundred years old. You should step back first. Once you are shot by those, it is very likely that life-threatening"

Bai Chen summoned his martial soul, Wind Spirit Bow, and set the bow with an arrow. As the soul power fluctuated, three cyan soul power arrows jumped out of the bow, and the three arrows came out one after another.

The Exploding Hedgehog's senses are very keen, and he has been on guard since the release of his martial soul to produce soul power fluctuations. After the arrow was shot, he immediately moved quickly and left the place, thus avoiding the trajectory of the first arrow.

But the second green light that followed closely predicted its escape route, and when it was about to hit, the hedgehog suddenly screamed strangely, and while running away, it shot dozens of sharp thorns from its body, and made a fierce fight with Qingya. collision.

Bang bang bang. . . . The spikes collided with the arrows and exploded rapidly, producing bursts of frost and snow mist. The arrows were impacted and lost their accuracy. They shot towards the rocks on the side, instantly piercing the rocks and leaving a small, smooth hole. There are still layers of frost around it.

But at this moment, the hedgehog let out a scream, and the third arrow actually hit the hedgehog, splattering bright red blood.


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