The cockscomb snake completely calmed down and was already dizzy from the fall. .

Zhao Wuji took out a short blade from his waist and was about to hand it to Oscar, "Ye Chang Meng Duo, do it. Pierce it from the point below its flesh crown. You can pierce its brain. This soul ring is yours."

Oscar rubbed his hands excitedly and prepared to take the short blade.

"It's too late, they are coming" Bai Xuehao reminded everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, a hoarse stern voice suddenly sounded. "stop."

Immediately afterwards.Two figures jumped out from the direction where the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake had flown.Appear in front of everyone.

These two people, one old and one young, are both women. The old man looked to be sixty or seventy years old. His white hair was combed very neatly. Although he was not young, he was very energetic. In his right hand, he holds a three-meter-long snake-headed crutch. The six soul rings on his body were moving up and down.

Following the old woman was a beautiful girl. She has short ear-length hair and looks about sixteen or seventeen years old. She is dressed in a neat outfit that tightly covers her already well-developed figure. She has a pair of big dark brown eyes and bright eyes. She also held a snake-headed crutch in her hand. It's just shorter than the old woman's, only two meters long. The soul ring on his body is only two hundred years old.

Everyone looked at these two people and felt a little relieved. Fortunately, they were just soul emperors, and Zhao Wuji was a soul saint in his seventies, so this shouldn't be a big problem.

They relaxed here, but the old woman's face changed a little. She was too anxious in the distance and didn't notice it. She didn't expect that there was a Soul Saint here.

It seems that there is no way to solve the problem through violence, so we can only negotiate. Fortunately, my reputation outside is not small, the old woman thought to herself.

After calming down for a moment, he went to Zhao Wuji and cupped his hands.

The old woman said politely

"Dear Soul Saint, we first discovered and hunted this snake. Can you please return this prey to us?"

"You said what's yours is yours? When we found it, we didn't see any sign of you." Zhao Wuji lied, with nothing strange on his face.

However, Zhao Wuji's eyes glanced at the old woman's snake staff, and he seemed to have thought of something. Although his tone was still aggressive, it was not the arrogance and disdain he had when he faced the Black Turtle Soul King before.

The old woman smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry. Look at the belly of this cockscomb snake. There are two scars. They were injured by my crutches, and there are also ones under the wings. It's just that I accidentally made this slippery snake." The little guy ran out, my granddaughter needs this spirit ring very much. You have also seen that she inherited my weapon spirit snake staff. The advanced snake spirit is the most suitable for her. "

Zhao Wuji lowered his head and looked at the belly of the cockscomb snake in his hand, his face darkened. Sure enough, as the old woman said, there were indeed such scars. But how could Zhao Wuji, who originally wanted to default on his debt, let go because of this injury that couldn't even be proven by evidence.

Zhao Wuji held down Oscar next to him who was about to argue, and asked, "I dare to ask this senior, but Chao Tianxiang, the snake woman among the unrivaled dragons and snakes, is known in the soul master world.

The old woman said, "I don't dare to take it seriously. I am indeed Chaotianxiang. My friends in the world of soul masters think highly of me and gave me the title of Snake Woman. This time I came to the Star Dou Forest to find a suitable third soul ring for our granddaughter." .”

Chao Tianxiang then smiled calmly, "I haven't asked the name of the Soul Saint yet."

"I'm Zao Wou-ki." At that moment, the expression on Zhao Wou-ki's face softened a bit, and he announced his name.

Duke Long and Lady Snake are said to be inseparable. Fortunately, Lady Snake can still handle it. However, Duke Long is not easy to deal with, and his level is definitely not worse than his own. Now even Contra is not too much, so Zhao Wuji has to bow his head.

Chao Tianxiang's expression also moved slightly, "No wonder, how could I meet such a young soul saint casually? It turns out to be the famous Fudo Ming King in the soul master world."

Zhao Wuji smiled and said, "I don't dare to take it seriously. I was quite notorious back then. But these years I have been living in seclusion and teaching some students in a college. This time I brought these children to the Star Dou Forest. One of them is to get one for one of them." The third soul ring. The other one is also here to show them the world. Unexpectedly, they met the senior."

Chao Tianxiang was stunned for a moment, "You mean. Among your students, there are also soul masters who have reached level ."

Chao Tianxiang couldn't help but look at Dai Mubai, who seemed to be the oldest, only about fifteen or sixteen years old, and couldn't help but express doubts.

Zhao Wuji smiled and said, "Senior doesn't believe what he said. That's good. I'll let these children activate their martial arts spirits and show them to senior."

"Belonging to Shrek, activate your martial soul and show your soul rings to this senior snake lady." Zhao Wuji turned around and shouted.

Following Zhao Wuji's order, everyone released their own martial souls.

Suddenly, the eight young men and women who appeared in front of Snake Po Chao Tianxiang all had soul rings shining with light. Each of them had two yellow soul rings that symbolized centuries. Dai Mubai even had a purple thousand-year soul ring. .

This look.But it really shocked the snake lady Chao Tianxiang.

For a moment, the scene became silent.

Seeing the shock in Chao Tianxiang's eyes, Zhao Wuji couldn't help feeling secretly happy.With a tiger-like smile on his face, "Senior, do you still have eyes for these students like me?"

Chao Tianxiang took a deep breath. Reluctantly calming down the turmoil in his heart, he said with a smile, "Of course. He is worthy of being a disciple of King Fudo, and he is indeed a young hero! I wonder which of these children has reached level ?"

Zhao Wuji patted Oscar next to him, "That's this kid, he just reached level . I have no choice but to work hard, so I can only bring them here."

Chao Tianxiang looked at the young Oscar and knew that things might not get better now. She was obviously unwilling to give up like this. She rolled her eyes and had a plan in mind.

One hand gently wiped the silver hair on his head. A smile appeared on Chao Tianxiang's face, "My age is false, so let me call you Brother Zhao."

"Brother Zhao is in this situation now. We are all a little reluctant to part with this thousand-year-old phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake. I think it's better to do it this way. Let's follow the rules of the soul master world and let these two children decide the soul rings based on their strength. Belong. What do you think?”

Zhao Wuji spread his hands and looked helpless, "Senior, oh, no, Sister Chao, I'm sorry, I'm afraid this won't be as you wish."

Chao Tianxiang's expression changed, and he said angrily, "Zhao Wuji, what do you mean, I have already given in, why don't you even give me this little face? Are you still bullying my old man?"

Zhao Wuji said with an apologetic smile, "No, of course not, that's it. This disciple of mine is not a battle soul master, he is just an auxiliary soul master. He is also a food soul master. How can I talk to you? My granddaughter is having a competition."

After hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Chao Tianxiang was shocked again. "What do you mean he is a food-type soul master?" The word "food-type" made her look at Oscar in a new light immediately.

How is this possible for a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old soul master who is a food-oriented person?

Seeing the shocked expression of Snake Woman again, Zhao Wuji laughed in his heart: "Sister Chao, look at this, among my remaining students except for one auxiliary system soul master, your granddaughter can choose any opponent at will, I will definitely There will be no objection”

"Oh, really?" Chao Tianxiang looked at Zhao Wuji with a surprised look on his face. Unexpectedly, Zhao Wuji, who had been so aggressive just now, suddenly gave in such a big step.

Chao Tianxiang is still very confident in her granddaughter's strength among people of her own age, let alone dealing with a kid smaller than her own granddaughter.

"Teacher Zhao, why don't you let me take action for Xiao Ao. I'm level twenty-nine, so I shouldn't be taking advantage." It was Tang San who spoke.

Tang San felt that he and his mother-in-law and grandson had already been wasting their time for a long time, and wasting time here was obviously not a good choice. He wanted to make a quick decision.

While talking.Tang San had already walked to Oscar's side.

Level twenty-nine, just these twelve or three-year-old children? Snake Woman's heart suddenly contracted.

And he took the initiative to fight. Is it a lie?

The granddaughter of Snake Woman didn't think so much, and when she saw the situation, she was not timid and walked forward directly.

Seeing Tang San stand up, Zhao Wuji felt reassured in his heart and said to Snake Granny, "Sister Chao, if this is the case, then let them..."

"Wait a minute, didn't you say we were allowed to choose?" Chao Tianxiang interrupted Zhao Wuji forcefully.

"Then you mean..."

"I don't agree with my granddaughter competing with this guy."

Zhao Wuji's eyes darkened.

Chao Tianxiang did not rush to continue speaking, but looked past Zhao Wuji and looked at the people behind him.

Dai Mubai would definitely not consider it, after all, he was already a Soul Lord.

That wretched fat man who had been staring at my granddaughter and drooling, just passed it without saying whether he would win or not. If he fought with that fat man, he didn't know how much his granddaughter would suffer.

The girl with a hot figure and a cold expression has an unexpectedly firm look in her eyes. This kind of person is probably very motivated and difficult to deal with. Besides, she is also a beast spirit.

When the soul ring was revealed just now, the beast soul must be possessed and transformed, so Chao Tianxiang knew clearly whether several people had beast souls or weapon souls.

At a lower level, when a beast spirit faces a weapon spirit with a similar level, unless the difference in quality between the spirits is too large, it will generally have an advantage.

This advantage can only be gradually smoothed out as the level increases. Even at the stages of Soul Saint, Soul Douluo, and Titled Douluo, some weapon souls often have various, strange, but extraordinary skills, often Caught off guard.

Chao Tianxiang also climbed up from a low-level soul master, so naturally he was well versed in this.

Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing passes.

His eyes fell on Xiao Wu again. Did he look eager to try? And he is also a beast martial spirit, pass.

The only ones left are a soft girl with short hair and a very beautiful boy standing at the back of the line? Okay, let's be a boy. The two of them seemed to be the youngest, and they also had martial arts spirits.

Suddenly, Chao Tianxiang thought of something, turned around and asked Zhao Wuji

"You just said that there is another auxiliary soul master, which one of them is it?"

"Well, that's the girl with short hair." Zhao Wuji pointed at Ning Rongrong.

In this case.

The candidate in Chao Tianxiang's mind is also ready to be revealed.

It's up to you...


p.s. There are many things happening before and after the Chinese New Year, so I can only update once in the future. I will give you a big chapter of words (compared to the previous chapters)

First I wish you all a happy New Year! bow!


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