Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 28 Soul Power Solidified

It has been many years since Ye Zhiqiu reached the Soul King realm, and this was the first time he was in such a mess. .biquge was especially caused by the combination of several imps in their twenties and thirties.

Thinking of the arrow shot before, he was somewhat lucky.

The moment his head retracted into the turtle shell, he felt the warning in his heart. Before it ended, he immediately used his soul power to protect his whole body and internal organs. Only then did the internal organs of the body not freeze during the explosion of ice soul power just now.

Otherwise, the black turtle whose attribute is water, especially when the frost burst swept through the turtle shell, the damage would not be just this level.

That ice arrow, the soul power in Bai Xuehao's body used the Bai family's method to extremely compress the soul power in the body, and through the action of the martial soul, all the soul power was solidified and formed.

In other words, using the originally invisible soul power through a special method to form a solid object that perfectly fits the martial spirit is like forming a solid ice arrow for Bai Xuehao.

A weapon soul master with an ordinary bow martial soul uses soul power to create bows and arrows, which are soul power arrows.

However, soul arrows are usually very rough, and their appearance is actually just the rough outline of an arrow. It’s not that I don’t want to use soul power to make the arrow more precise and change its structure to increase its power, but whether it is condensing or after launching, the soul power is actually constantly moving irregularly in the air and diverging to the surroundings, which causes If the soul power is lost, part of the arrow will disappear in the air, and it will not be able to form a specific shape.

In terms of power, the penetrating power of soul arrows is not strong. At low levels, the penetrating power is not even as good as some arrows made of fine steel. If it weren't for the use of soul skills and some of its own effects, I'm afraid that many soul masters with bows and martial arts would just carry a large number of arrows with them and give up the soul power arrows.

However, arrows made from solidified soul power completely abandon the shortcomings of soul power arrows, and surpass them in terms of speed, penetration, compatibility with martial spirits, and even the effectiveness of soul skills. I don’t know how many times.

The huge power that froze the Soul King before was the result of the first soul skill through the Soul Power Solidification Arrow.

The only drawback is the amount of time it takes to practice, and the amount of time it takes to prepare.

You know, this method requires not only sufficient talent, but more importantly, a lot of practice.

Solidified objects are not something that can be achieved. I have to know all about the solidified objects, both the external structure and the internal structure, without making any mistakes.

Bai Xuehao was new to learning the technique. He didn't take it seriously when he saw the introduction. He thought about how difficult it would be to construct an arrow.

But after practice, I realized that it was not simple at all.

The precise structure of the entire arrow requires extremely high control of the soul power. It is not like a blacksmith forging and polishing the iron bit by bit, but it is formed in one step through the output of the soul power.

This control of soul power and familiarity with the structure all require extremely high requirements.

Not only that, the amount of soul power output is different, and the corresponding density and characteristics of the solidified material formed are also completely different.

Different densities and properties are important characteristics that distinguish solid substances.

In other words, when Bai Xuehao creates physical arrows, he has to constantly change the amount of soul power output in order to create hard arrows, flexible arrow shafts and flying arrow feathers in sequence.

Different people's martial souls are different in this aspect, so Bai Xuehao cannot learn from others. Only countless experiments and practices in the dream space and reality enable Bai Xuehao to create the most powerful martial arts spirit at present. Well, the most powerful ice solid arrow.

When he was at level , Bai Xuehao tried out the technique for the first time. Originally, his father Bai Chen didn't want him to learn this. After all, it would require a lot of time and delay the progress of his training.

But who allowed Bai Xuehao to have the dream space? The dream space cannot cultivate soul power, but it has a miraculous effect on skills that rely on proficiency.

But even if there is such a cheating device, Bai Xuehao can only use it reluctantly at level . It's not that he couldn't use it before, but that at level , his entire soul power has just reached the level of production. The minimum requirement for an arrow was that even if I spent all my soul power before, I could only produce a part of the arrow.

For a skill that takes so much effort to practice, its corresponding power is definitely worth the time spent.

According to records, the ancestor who reached the title of Douluo rarely used soul power arrows after middle age. All he shot casually were solidified soul power arrows. Those who could achieve his reputation of "hundred miles", I am afraid that this This skill is absolutely indispensable.

Fortunately, soul power solidified arrows can be stored for a long time. Otherwise, in terms of actual use, unless teammates create opportunities for them, it would be difficult to use them.

If Bai Xuehao now has enough soul power to solidify arrows, Bai Xuehao is confident that he can defeat any opponent below the Soul Sect. Even if he is above the Soul Sect, he is confident that he can shoot the opponent and explode.

Of course, don't think that the solidified arrows of soul power are so easy to condense. At this time, there are still three solidified arrows that were condensed before coming to Shrek Academy lying in Bai Xuehao's soul guide ring.

These three arrows were condensed by Bai Xuehao in six days in order to overdraw his soul power three times just in case. Of course, the condensation time was not very long, but it was a waste of two days to recover each time he overdrawed his soul power.

It's like these six days were completely wasted.

In this battle, if he hadn't just broken through to level , and had Oscar and Ning Rongrong's assistance, Bai Xuehao wouldn't have dared to use such a move. After all, he would have to enter the Star Forest.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu, who broke out of the ice, was not only in a sorry state.

Ye Zhiqiu's confident turtle shell, which should have been extremely hard, showed a crack under the attack just now.

Although Ye Zhiqiu couldn't see it, it was his natal martial spirit after all. The moment the crack appeared, he felt that his heart was about to be broken.

During the battle just now, although the entire turtle shell was scratched by cats, roared by tigers, and entangled by grass and vines, it was actually not a big problem for the fifty-three-level defensive soul king.

The main reason is that the flames of Ma Hongjun's evil fire phoenix have too much restraint on him, especially the pressure from the top-level beast martial arts. He can only use % of his own strength, but this is nothing, even if it is only It can perform to %, but it is still enough to deal with Dai Mubai and others.

But he never expected that there would be a top-notch cold attribute martial spirit.

Black turtles whose attributes are water can only be overcome by fire, ice, and thick earth. Now two of the three are combined. Although the level of soul power is low, it cannot withstand the high quality.

Especially extreme high temperature flames, coupled with extreme low temperatures.

The extreme two layers of ice and fire, no matter how hard things are, can't withstand it. If the soul power hadn't been significantly ahead of several of them, I'm afraid they would all be blamed here.

While there was fear in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, there was also anger. He originally wanted to teach a few ignorant brats a lesson, but he didn't expect that the boat overturned in the gutter. It seemed that he had to show some real skills to make them pay a price.

Ye Zhiqiu was still arrogant and thought that he was just careless and didn't show his true skills. Otherwise, how could he be ridden on top of the black roof by them to urinate.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu's fifth soul ring lit up.


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