Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 20 The Blue Cat Combination’s First Battle

At this time, the host on the stage was announcing the soul master combination. .biqugev

"..., the seventh game of two-on-two, the blue cat combination versus the green bull combination."

Bai Xuehao and Zhu Zhuqing were at the edge of the spirit fighting arena.

On the other side, the two opponents, the Green Bulls, also began to appear.

One of them had a tall and sturdy figure, reaching an astonishing height of about two meters. With broad shoulders and a broad back, black trousers and a sleeveless shirt, the whole body is covered with a layer of granite-like muscles. Under the dark skin, the thick blood vessels are like small dark blue snakes all over the upper body. The eyes are as big as copper bells. A fierce light flashed.

The other one has a painting style that is completely opposite to that of Da Han.

He is meters tall with a curvy figure. His fiery red hair hangs down to his waist. His loose red clothes are only decorated with vine-like branches. Although his appearance is not as good as Zhu Zhuqing's, his mature temperament is even more... It has a unique flavor.

When the Green Bull group saw that it was actually two children on stage, they all rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

The host was also stunned for a moment, but he was very professional and still hosted the start of the game according to normal procedures.

"It seems that the blue cat combination is really young and promising. Please both sides be prepared."

The surprise on the faces of the Green Bull duo only appeared for a short time, and they quickly returned to normal.

The big man moved forward with long strides, and at the same time clenched his hands into fists and let out a low roar.

"Brutal bull, possessed"

Rich gray light surged out from his body, two huge horns grew from his head, his body became thicker, his height increased to about two and a half meters, and the lower part of his face starting from the nose began to bulge. , becoming more like a cow. The only thing that is more awkward is that there is a bull nose ring between the two nostrils.

Behind the bull, the green light shines brightly.

The decorative rattan on this woman's body seemed to be alive. It kept squirming and stretching around her body, until the rattan with a radius of more than five meters around her finally stopped.

Two yellow hundred-year-old soul beast halos pulsating on their bodies.

Although they were facing children, the two people on the other side did not relax their vigilance at all.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes changed color at the same time. His left eye was dark green and his right eye was blue. A pair of cute cat ears were slightly raised. He flicked the fingers of his hands and spiky claws shot out.

Possessed by a ghostly cat.

Two yellow soul rings appeared on his body at the same time, and the cold and sharp breath gave people a somewhat suffocating feeling.

The soul ring of the same color also appeared on Bai Xuehao.

Ice blue light flashed, and the exquisite and huge ice bow appeared again with the low temperature. It was smooth and delicate, reflecting dazzling light like a polished mirror under the light.

The martial spirits of both sides have been released

"The one in front is obviously a powerful or defensive soul master. You are not suitable to fight with him. How about leaving him to me and you go take care of the vine girl?" Bai Xuehao saw that the other side had formulated a simple strategy.

"I will deal with her," Zhu Zhuqing responded coldly and said a relatively long sentence.

The big man in front said, "My name is Zeng Niu, and the name of the one behind is A Li. Please give me some advice."

"Bai Xuehao"

"Zhu Zhuqing"

The two of them responded briefly.

"It seems that both players are ready, then, the game begins"

The host on the side began to announce.

At this time, all the viewers could clearly see that the vine girl's vines stood up in all directions at the same time, like a huge cage, covering herself inside, leaving only a few small holes for observation.

Green vines also rushed out at the same time, like countless thin snakes rushing towards Bai Xuehao and the two of them.

The old cow on the side also bent slightly, as if ready to go.

"I'll go, you cover." Without waiting for Bai Xuehao's reply, Zhu Zhuqing left such a light sentence and rushed forward.

Zhu Zhuqing was very fast, even carrying a series of phantoms, trying to bypass the old cow from the side and rush towards the vine girl.

When Lao Niu saw this, of course he refused and wanted to move to the side to block Zhu Zhuqing's attack.

But before he even took a step forward, three soul-power arrows landed on Lao Niu's steps, as if to tell him that this road was blocked.

Green vines were like wild snakes, trying to block Zhu Zhuqing's progress.

Lao Niu wanted to go to support several times, but whether he acted or failed to act, there were always a few soul power ice arrows to block or harass.

After a few times, although the arrow didn't hit much, Lao Niu's whole body was hit. Oh no, the whole cow couldn't move in the same place.

Not only that, Bai Xuehao still had time to shoot a few more arrows to attack the vines. The part of the vines that was shot immediately began to stiffen, and frost appeared along with it, and eventually became inactive and unable to move.

Lao Niu's eyes started to turn red and he stared at Bai Xuehao, knowing that if he didn't deal with him, he wouldn't be able to support his teammates at all.

The old cow stretched out his hands, turned his head upward, and let out a roar as the first soul ring lit up.

When the vine girl next to her heard this roar, it was as if she had heard some kind of encouraging command.

The number began to increase compared to before, dancing wildly at a faster speed, and the speed of attack also became faster. Even the inactive vines began to move.

Zhu Zhuqing had to dodge frequently, and even the speed of his attack slowed down.

The old cow also seemed to be stimulated. He got down on all fours and rushed towards Bai Xuehao like crazy.

Bai Xuehao did not panic, and still fired three arrows in a straight line. Lao Niu also did not dodge, and hit the arrow in the middle.

There seemed to be a layer of gray soul shield on Lao Niu's body, but it was very weak. It only offset one arrow, while the other two hit the center of the eyebrow solidly.

Although his face looked very painful, his speed did not slow down at all, and he was prepared to attack Bai Xuehao even if he was injured.

The arena was not big, and the buffalo attack seemed to be uncontrolled and slowing down, and they soon arrived ten meters away from Bai Xuehao.

Lao Niu's second yellow soul ring suddenly lit up.

Lao Niu's entire figure suddenly became blurred and turned into phantoms.

This is an extremely fast performance.

Brutal collision, as long as it is within a certain range of the opponent, it can crash into the opponent at an extremely fast speed.

Bai Xuehao's eyes were already covered with a layer of blue. Even though he was extremely fast, he could not see clearly.

As early as when Lao Niu's soul ring lit up, Bai Xuehao felt something bad, and his first soul ring also started to shine.

Lao Niu was extremely fast. If he collided with Bai Xuehao at this speed, even if Bai Xuehao was not injured, he would definitely fly out of the field and miss the competition.

Just when Lao Niu thought he would continue to move forward like this, enjoying the pleasure of bumping into people with his horns as before. The time to kill with full confidence

The horns were only a dozen centimeters away from Bai Xuehao.

A huge force came from Bai Xuehao, or to be precise, from Bing Gong.

Lao Niu only felt that at this moment, he seemed to have hit a fierce avalanche in the cold and biting snow-capped mountains. Although he was powerful, he was helpless and weak in the face of natural disasters.

With a painful roar, the old cow flew back faster than when sprinting, and the entire upper body of the cow was covered with frost.

The first soul skill blessed by the ice bow itself.

With a freezing blow, the ice bow itself bursts out with a burst of ice power, sending out an explosive impact. While causing damage, it can also knock back nearby enemies.


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