Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 1 1 Family of 3

Genius has just dawned. .The big rooster in Biquge Baili Village started to crow. As usual, Bai Xuehao got up, put on his bearskin coat, and washed his face with cold water. Today is different from the past. It is his sixth birthday. Today, he can participate in the Wuhun Awakening Ceremony to awaken the Wuhun he has dreamed of.

"However, the daily homework cannot be left behind," Bai Xuehao thought.

Take down the wooden bow hanging on the wall in the room, put the arrow basket on your back, and walk out of the room. At this time, a young woman was busy in front of the stove. The woman was about thirty years old. She wore a simple skirt and a simple bun on her head. When she heard the voice, her eyes Turning to Bai Xuehao, he smiled and said

"Get up, don't forget to come back for breakfast later"

"I know, mom," Bai Xuehao replied. He has been telling me this for several years. How could he forget? Bai Xuehao complained in his heart every day.

Walking out the door, there was a middle-aged man in the yard, who looked about forty years old. But his body is very tall and burly, with strong muscles. His bronze skin is exposed under his coat, his regular facial features, simple short hair, and the short beard on his face add to his masculine atmosphere. At this time, Huhusheng is wielding two daggers. The wind is either chopping, cutting, stabbing, or chopping. The movements are simple and smooth, relaxing and powerful, and only a whistling sound can be heard reaching the ears.

After finishing a whole set of moves, the middle-aged man stopped, quickly put the two daggers into the scabbard, and breathed a long sigh of relief. When he saw Bai Xuehao, he ran over and picked up Bai Xuehao, and took the initiative to move his face towards him. Bai Xuehao rubbed his face and said excitedly, "Son, today is your birthday, are you happy?"

Bai Xuehao looked disgusted and pushed hard on the man's face with his hand, trying to stay away from the man's face.

"I'm happy, but can you stop leaning your sweat-stained face on mine, dad?" Bai Xuehao said with a look of disgust.

"Haha, don't I think you are too cute?" the man said with a silly smile.

Bai Xuehao was speechless, but to be honest, Bai Xuehao had red lips, white teeth, fair skin, small facial features, and a straight face. If he really put on women's clothes, no one would doubt that he would be a boy.

Bai Xuehao struggled to jump off the man and asked, "Are you still training as usual today?"

"No need, just do a simple warm-up and stay energetic," the man said casually.

"Come, let me see how well you practice the double-edged dance I taught you."

"Well, I won't lose to you easily this time," Bai Xuehao said stubbornly, and then took out two wooden daggers.

The middle-aged man also replaced the two short knives with two wooden knives. The two of them assumed the same posture, holding one hand forward and the other backward, ready to go.

Bai Xuehao launched the offensive first. He suddenly raised his right hand, and with a forward thrust, he stabbed the middle-aged man in the abdomen. His movements were very simple, nothing fancy, and full of momentum. It seemed that his momentum had reached its peak in an instant due to the influence of strength and speed. However, the middle-aged man's expression did not change at all. With a wave of one hand, he intercepted a single shot. The attack was coming, but Bai Xuehao seemed to have expected this situation. Before being intercepted, his left hand was ready to change his moves. A full moon slash with his left hand was already coming. The man did not rush and blocked the slash.

In this way, one of the two is attacking, the other is defending, one is attacking, and the other is blocking, repeating the process over and over again. Without looking at the wooden swords in their hands, the two of them are as graceful as dancing. Finally, Bai Xuehao suddenly took advantage of his unpreparedness and threw a short knife at the man's face. The man reacted very quickly and waved the wooden knife in front of his face with his left hand. But at this time, Bai Xuehao was already jumping in the air, holding both hands. Holding a wooden knife and stabbing from top to bottom, the man narrowed his eyes and did a backflip without hesitation. At the same time, his feet caught Bai Xuehao who was falling downwards. Bai Xuehao could only look at his child's body. have no choice. (′Д`)

The man put down the unhappy Bai Xuehao, touched his head, and said excitedly, "Son, you've made a lot of progress. I've only been exposed to sword skills for two months now. I can get a glimpse of the skills for the first time. It's better than what I did back then." "It's just a little bit worse." Although he said this, the man knew in his heart how long it took me to practice to this level. 10 months, or a year, forget it, don't care, I can't lose my majesty. , we must educate our son well and not make him arrogant.

Bai Xuehao had a look of doubt on his face and thought in his mind that I had the advantage of being reborn and cheating to get to this point. My dad is even better than cheating. Could it be that I am a proxy trainer? He shook his head, maybe he was just bragging and didn't want to lose face, I understand, I understand. .

Then the two just did simple muscle training and bow and arrow training.

A shout came from inside the house, "It's time to eat." The two stopped their movements, rushed straight into the house, wiped off the sweat stains, and sat down in their seats. Their mother was already sitting on the left side of the dining table, and Bai Xuehao's seat was on the right side. Next to his father, in front of him was a table carved from black rock, on which were placed three pots of fragrant meat, thick soft flatbreads, a large pot of broth, and a jar of hot water. This is breakfast for a family of three. Among them, the mother actually only eats a small amount, and most of it falls into the mouths of the father and son. The most important thing is that the appetites of the father and son are almost the same.

He is very good at eating. This is a very intuitive feeling that Bai Xuehao came to this world. If his current breakfast were placed on the earth, I am afraid it would be enough for three adult men. But in this world... although other people are also good at eating, I seem to be better at eating.

"Well, it tastes so delicious." Bai Xuehao was about to grab a piece of meat from a bowl, but was slapped back by a white and tender hand.

"You just started without washing your hands. How did I teach you before?" her mother scolded her. Bai Xuehao scratched his head and remained silent. He sighed lightly and left his seat, preparing to go to the yard to fetch water. His father stood beside him. chuckled.

"What are you still doing sitting here? Have you washed yourself? Why don't you go quickly?" With the sound of "pop" on the table, the mother raised her eyebrows and said to her father.

The father's laughter stopped suddenly, and he left his seat with the same expression as Bai Xuehao.

The family of three sat down again and started eating. Even for earthlings, this is considered gourmet. Bai Xuehao also knew that... his physical aptitude seemed to be extraordinary, and his diet since childhood was quite special. The meat he ate was not only the flesh and blood of ordinary beasts, but also the flesh and blood of spiritual beasts. Later he also understood that it was the flesh and blood of spirit beasts. .

Bai Xuehao ate very quickly, and he could be described as gobbling it down. He swallowed a piece of meat in a few mouthfuls, and then gurgled a jar of hot water directly into his stomach.

"Eat slowly. Even if your martial soul awakens today, don't eat so fast." Seeing Bai Xuehao's behavior, his mother couldn't help but comfort her.

Indeed, it has been six years since he came to this world, and Bai Xuehao can't wait for his martial spirit to awaken.

After the family of three ate, my father stood up after his mother had finished sorting the tableware.

"Come on, son, it's time to take you to the awakening ceremony."

"Well, are we going to Wuhun Hall to participate?" Bai Xuehao asked

"Who said we are going to Wuhun Hall?"

"But I read in the book that if you want to awaken, don't you have to go to the Spirit Hall?"

"Awakening is not a difficult matter. As long as you have the tools, your father and I are also soul masters and can also awaken you."

"Follow me," Dad gestured, and then walked out of the door. Bai Xuehao followed immediately after seeing this.

I saw my father coming to the courtyard, facing the inner recess of two rockery stones, reaching out and pressing three times in succession. Then he turned back to the warehouse room, and pressed three times in succession on a brick in the corner, just listening. Come on, rub it. . . . The sound was like some kind of gear mechanism running. The father lifted up the blanket in the middle of the ground, and saw a depression in the center of the ground. There was a keyhole-like hole in the center, and he took out a golden key. , insert the hole, and the original depression directly becomes the entrance to the basement, and the dark staircase seems to connect to infinity.

Bai Xuehao next to him looked calm on the surface, but in his heart, he shouted "fuck". He had stayed in this house for six years, and he didn't know that there was such a mechanism in the house. He had only seen it in martial arts novels before. Saw it.

"Let's go." His father changed his previous casual attitude and said to Bai Xuehao seriously. He took out a torch from somewhere, lit it and stepped into the basement first.

Bai Xuehao followed closely behind.

The stairway looks far-reaching, but it is actually not long. However, the steps inside are not simple. My father and Bai Xuehao did not go in a straight line. Every time they passed a certain distance, they would take some strange steps or take some strange steps. Press a certain mechanism, or simply draw an arrow and shoot to a certain place. Finally, when you reach the end, there is a door.

He took out another silver key and opened the door. The door was also dark inside. My father walked to various places in the room one after another and put his hands on something one by one. Every time he put his hands on something, there would be something. This thing gave off a bright light, and when my father turned around in every corner, he was finally able to see clearly what was inside the entire door.

This is an ancestral hall.


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