Concubine Yingli on the side, hearing this, also sighed slightly in her heart.

“Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a descendant of the Genda family”

He also heard about what happened to the Genda family, but he did not associate his daughter’s classmates with this young man.

Gentagawa spoke: “Concubine lawyer, although Uncle Maori asked me to protect your safety, such a commission still requires your consent, but if you have other options, then I can only leave.”

Although he is willing to take action for this matter, it does not mean that he will rush to help.

Concubine Yingli smiled and said: “Your strength, we have all just seen it, I really need a bodyguard for close protection now, you are the most suitable candidate, moreover, I have no other choice”

Ashida Kensaku on the side also spoke: “Don’t worry about me, I’m just here to help, but I don’t have time to be a bodyguard, although if the concubine lawyer needs it, it’s not impossible.”

“You guy . . . …”

Kogoro felt a burst of anger hit the top of his head, what is the origin of this guy, his status as a legitimate husband has been provoked!

Genda Chuan smiled and said, “Mr. Ashida is right, as a senior police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, of course, I don’t have time to come and work as a bodyguard for the 11th concubine’s lawyer.”

“A senior official of the Metropolitan Police Department?” The expression on Kogoro’s face froze, a little incredulous.

Kensaku Ashida was also curious: “How did you see that?” I shouldn’t have shown any flaws, right? ”

Genda Chuan smiled indifferently and explained: “First of all, your style is temperament, no matter how good a person is, if there is no corresponding status, it is difficult to cultivate the corresponding temperament, so from the moment you enter the door, I know that your status is not low, this is the first point”

“Moreover, from the moment you entered the door, I found out that the swing amplitude of your arms is different, in which the left arm swings normally, but the right arm is almost fixed, although this is because your arm is injured, but it is not the main reason, the most important reason is because of your gunman’s gait habit!”

Maori Kogoro wondered, “What does gunman’s gait mean?” ”

Fei Yingli answered in time: “The so-called gunman gait refers to a behavioral adaptation formed by people after receiving a lot of weapon training, which can be regarded as an occupational disease of armed personnel.”

Ashida Kensaku smiled and said: “Wonderful reasoning, but it’s just reasoning, my right arm doesn’t move, can’t it be completely because of an arm injury?”

Or maybe I have some special muscle disease that causes this phenomenon? Moreover, this has nothing to do with me being a person from the Metropolitan Police Department, right? ”

Gentagawa continued: “Mr. Ashida, don’t worry, I will continue to explain, the gunman’s gait is indeed not completely proved, but as supporting evidence, it is enough.

And I can see that your hands are the hands that hold the gun all year round, although you deliberately use some methods to maintain your hands and lighten the cocoon marks on your fingers, but you can’t hide the detective’s eyes! ”

He continued: “So to sum up, the gunman’s gait and calloused hands are enough to show that you are a very powerful gunman, and you can be honest and equipped with guns, only soldiers and policemen, and you are a friend of the concubine lawyer, most likely a police person, and then synthesize your temperament, the probability of commanding and getting used to it, so the identity of the senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department is also about to come out.”

“The police informed before that the Gunma Prefectural Police Headquarters, in cooperation with the military, destroyed a smuggling armed gang, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

After speaking, he secretly said in his heart: “It seems that the person who destroyed the base of the black-clothed organization has him, but I don’t know what position he holds in the Metropolitan Police Department”

After all, the original work is just an anime, and most of the cases involved are only ordinary people’s cases, and there are actually very few pen and ink for the high-level of the Metropolitan Police Department.


Ashida Kensaku clapped his hands for a while, and a smile appeared on his face: “Haha, what a keen observation, these little problems of mine, are clearly seen by you, but people are like this, the better they are at the body, the more they are bound by this kind of thing, the skills honed over the years, but also because of muscle memory, expose their abilities, not bad!” ”

He turned his head to look at Concubine Yingli and said: “Concubine lawyer, it seems that Mr. Maori has hired a very good bodyguard for you, then I won’t stay much, I will go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to deal with some things, some people have some things, and they should also do a break.”

Speaking of his eyes, a faint gloomy coldness flashed, but then hidden, as if it had never appeared.

Concubine Yingli nodded: “Thank you really this time, if it weren’t for your help, I would have had to give up”

As a calm lawyer, Fei Ying wants to uphold justice, but she also knows the truth of doing what she can.

If even if she tried her best, there was no possibility of winning, she could only give up.

But if there is a dawn of victory with all your strength, even if the possibility is small, you can give it a go!

“Well, you have to come on, there are young detectives and middle-aged detectives, and so do you.”

Looking at his back as he left, Maori Kogoro was full of displeasure: “It’s really a guy who likes to pretend, don’t be caught by me, otherwise I really want to beat him”

Then he looked at Concubine Yingli and said, “Miles, who is this guy?” ”

Concubine Yingli was about to answer, a sharp knock sounded again, and then a tall figure ran in, it was Xiaolan.

“Mom, are you all right?”

The girl ran in, grabbed her mother for a while, and was relieved to see that her mother was unharmed.

“Xiaolan, I’m fine, by the way, why are you here?”

Then he frowned at Kogoro and said, “What’s going on with you?” Xiaolan is still young, how do you let her know this? She will be in danger! ”

Kogoro was blamed, but it was difficult to argue, he actually did not tell Xiaolan the truth, and Xiaolan rushed here at this time, which startled him.

“Xiaolan, how do you know? I remember I didn’t tell you these things? Little Five 140 Lang wondered.

Gentagawa on the side smiled and said, “The reason why Maori classmates were able to come must be the credit of a certain detective, he came!” ”

Before the words fell, a messy footstep was heard, and a moment later, a slightly embarrassed figure ran in.

“Xiaolan, I said let you wait for me, you ran too fast, huhuhu————huh”

A slightly embarrassed handsome young man ran in, holding his knees with his hands, and gasped for a long time before finally relenting.

“Shinichi worked hard for you, I was also worried about my mother, so I rushed over, now it seems that it should be fine”

Only then did Kudo Shinichi see clearly the people in the living room.

“Hello Auntie, and Uncle Māori, Genda-san is also there”

Maori Kogoro saw this guy, couldn’t help but snort gently, I don’t know what’s going on, although he is a child who has watched him grow up since he was a child, but he has been unhappy since he was a child.

When he was in kindergarten, he let Xiaolan follow him all day for his daughter, depriving him of a lot of the fun of raising his daughter, and blamed this stinky boy.

And as her daughter grows up, this unhappiness is also increasing day by day.

Or maybe that’s why Kudo Shinichi was always hammered by him after he became Conan.

At this time, he spoke: “Detective boy, you actually guessed some things, so you will rush over with Xiaolan, but you should also know that this matter is very dangerous, I don’t want Xiaolan to get involved, let you destroy.”

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