"Oh my god!"

"Even Sonoko is going abroad."

Ran Maoli is extremely depressed!

What happened to the promise of being good sisters for life?

Sure enough!

In front of the huge Suzuki Group, Sonoko, the second daughter of the group, can't change her fate.


"Do you think I am a jinx?"

First it was Kudo Shinichi, then her mother Kisaki Eri, and now her best friend Suzuki Sonoko... one after another, they gradually left her side.

Even everyone went to a foreign country across the ocean!

She seemed to have become a lonely person!

"Uh... no"

"How could Xiaolan be a jinx?"

Conan was confused by the question. If he really wanted to talk about a jinx...

Kizawa Yuu has said more than once that all the murders were caused by him.

When Kizawa Yuu is mentioned... he gets a headache!

There is no evidence to prove that Kizawa Yuu is a bad guy.

But he doesn't look like a good person.

Especially the way he handles murders makes him very unhappy.

The last fall from the building next to teacher Judy was not solved until the end.

This incident made him and Hattori Heiji feel uncomfortable for several days.

Of course!

What makes him most uncomfortable now is the sudden increase in size in the Beika Hospital.

He can't understand the reason!

Now he can only guess that his body suddenly recovered due to something external.

As for what it is... he can't deduce it at all with the few clues he has.


"You won't leave me one day, will you?"After being together for such a long time, even a dog would develop feelings.

Mao Lilan suddenly felt that her question was too childish!

Of course Conan would leave!

Conan's mother just let him stay here temporarily.


"Sister Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Conan is done with!


Come back?


Kudo Shinichi?

He himself suddenly became confused about the future.

The organization was destroyed, and the antidote that made him smaller was obtained, so he could naturally become Kudo Shinichi again.

If not... would he have to be Conan forever?

This is not the worst!

If his current identity is discovered, Conan may not be able to continue. It may even implicate the people around him!


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!


"This is the search lesson"


"A murder occurred?"

"We rushed to the crime scene immediately."

Sato Miwako shook the car keys at Kizawa Yuu.

No time to explain.

Get in the car!

A period of running-in has made the two of them have enough tacit understanding!

This tacit understanding made the other people in the investigation section grit their teeth.

But they could do nothing!

They could only watch their goddess gradually turn into the shape of Kizawa Yuu.


The murder took place at a place called Dejima Office.

The deceased was the president of Dejima Office!

"The deceased was called Dejima Sohei"

"He is 54 years old this year and is the president of this firm."

This position is estimated to have a top three mortality rate in the scientific world.

The cause of death can be seen from the tragic state of the deceased.


"What did your president eat just now?"

Sato Miwako took out a pen and paper and began to prepare to record.

This is the normal process of handling a case!

The police are not like detectives!

It is definitely not okay to reason with trouser pockets based on a little clue.

"Just eating burgers with us"

"Then he suddenly fell backwards and lay on the ground"

"By the time we reacted, it was already too late."


The three employees of the firm worked together to perfectly reconstruct the events before and after the incident.

"I can say that the murderer is among you."

Classic scene!

Kizawa Yuu looked at the entire office.

He didn't expect to encounter the classic three-choice situation without Conan.

"Mr. Police Officer!"

"This matter has nothing to do with me"

"What do you mean?"

"Did I kill the president?"

"You have such a bad relationship with the president, I think you are most likely"

"It was you who bought the hamburger, so you are the most likely person to have poisoned it."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"The burgers I bought were all the same teriyaki fish burgers, how would I know which one he would eat?"

"I think you are the one who poisoned the food. You had a quarrel with the president a few days ago.

Before the matter came to an end, the three of them were already arguing fiercely.

It was hard to tell who was the Oscar winner from their acting skills.

"Is there anyone else in this firm besides you guys?"

Sato Miwako wrote down the information of the three people in detail.


"This office is rented by our company."

"There are only a few of us at the moment!" said a bearded employee.


"Then where is the landlord here?"

Sato Miwako imitated the detective's behavior.

The real murderer may not be these three employees.

The relationship between the landlord and the tenant may also be a motive for murder.

After handling many cases, she has already experienced the various motives for murder.

"The landlord is long gone!"

"We only know that the landlord is Dr. Miyano"

"But I haven't seen that man since our office was renovated."

"But his daughter, Mingmei, did come once."

Dr. Miyano!


The two pieces of information converged and quickly attracted the attention of Mu Ze Youyu.

"Let the three of them stay here"

"No one can leave this room until the investigation results are out."

Once Kizawa Yuu's decision was announced, it immediately caused dissatisfaction among the three employees of the agency.

"Mr. Police Officer!"

"You can't do this"

"That's what I mean!"

All three of them said it as if they were innocent.

They all stood up to resist Kizawa Yuu's decision!

"Stay here!"

"Otherwise, admit that you are the murderer."

Kizawa Yuu said in a strong tone.

No doubt!

The three employees who had just strongly opposed were instantly frightened.

This guy doesn't look like a good person!

He doesn't seem to have anything to do with the righteous police.


"Where are you going?"


This guy is violent in law enforcement again.

That's not all!

He even arranged for her to be here to watch over the three suspects.

Officer Megure is really something!

We can't just ignore this case because they are efficient.


"I don't mind if you want to come."

A big fight at the crime scene...

I'm afraid this kind of plot has not been filmed in the entire island country yet.

Kizawa Yuu entered the bathroom. He closed the door with his left hand and locked it with his right hand!

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and skillfully dialed a series of numbers.


"it's me!"

"Does Beido Town Kitajima Office know about this?"

There was a brief silence in the bathroom, as if time had frozen at this moment.

After a moment, the voice of Miyano Akemi came from the other end of the phone.……

"That's... that's my parents' home."

How could Akemi Miyano not know her own home?

She had been here once before she robbed 1 billion yen.

"How do you know that place?"

Miyano Akemi's voice revealed nervousness.

Could it be... the Black Organization? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"President Kitajima was poisoned!"

"I'm here now!"

"Is there anything here that needs to be dealt with?"

This is why he made this call!

Miyano Akemi no longer belongs to this world.

All traces of her should also disappear from this world.

""I see!"

Miyano Akemi felt relieved.

Fortunately, the person who died was President Kitajima.

She thought the Black Organization had discovered something.

"I put a tape of my mother in the bathroom before"

"It's just under the float in the toilet tank."

Although the Beidao Office is the house left by her father, she has only been there twice since she was a child!

Once when she was five years old!

The other time was when she felt she was in danger in the Black Organization.

"I've found it."

Her keen sense of smell allowed her to find several tapes before Miyano Akemi could say anything. She hung up the phone decisively after confirming that there was no other trace of Miyano Akemi.

"elder sister!"

"What on earth did you hide in the toilet?"

Huiyuan Ai couldn't help asking after hanging up the phone.

Her memory of her parents... was already very vague.

"It's a surprise!"

"You will understand when your brother-in-law brings the things back."

"I'll keep it a secret until then!"

"Blame me!"

"I had forgotten about this matter after the last bank robbery."


Huihara Ai's mouth twitched slightly.

This title was like a knife stabbing her heart.

She couldn't look her sister in the eye!


On the other hand,

Kisawa Yuu has already planned to find out the real murderer.

He can solve the case... too!


"What are you doing?"

"These things could be poisonous."

Sato Miwako was shocked!


They are solving a murder case.

Everything in the room could be poisonous. How dare Kizawa Yuu eat a hamburger here?

"Do not worry"

"I just bought this at a convenience store."

"Do you want to try it?"

Miwako Sato shook her head frantically:"No!"

God knows if she just touched a deadly poison.

Forget about the hamburger!

She will not put anything in her mouth before taking a shower tonight.

"What do you want to do?"

She didn't understand!

Is this guy Mu Ze You Yu really trying to solve the case of poisoning the president?

"You will know later."

Kizawa Yuu first let the first employee enter the room he had vacated.


The employee came in and his calm face suddenly turned into horror.


"You... ate the burger just now?"

I can't believe it!

Even if you are greedy, you shouldn't eat the burger on the table.

Don't forget!

Their president died suddenly because of eating a burger.

"You can leave now."

He was now roughly certain that the unnamed employee was not the suspect.

"I understand!"

Sato Miwako suddenly realized.

She finally understood why Kisawa Yuu was eating a hamburger at the crime scene.


She took the initiative to bring in the second employee.


"Officer, didn’t you ask this question just now?"

Miwako Sato slammed the table and said,"Mr. Imai, I think you need to explain the motive and process of murdering President Kitajima."

"police officer!"

"I didn't kill the president."

"I think you must have made a mistake."

Imai Tsuo still hasn't figured out what happened.

He was exposed?

But there is no evidence to indicate that he was the one who killed President Kitajima?

"We were not wrong!"

"You are so calm!"

"You clearly saw Officer Mu Ze eating a hamburger but he didn't show any fear."

"This means you know the poison was not in the burger!"


Sato Miwako fluently expressed the result in her mind.

Although she had the help of Kisawa Yuu, it was really cool to solve the case by herself.

"Mr. Police Officer"

"I... I just didn't pay much attention to the burger in the officer's hand"

"Since he dared to eat it, it must be non-toxic."

Imai Tsuo still wanted to deny it.

But it was useless!

Under the 307 layers of interrogation by him and Sato Miwako, he had to confess the truth within half an hour.

"You guy!"

"I really should learn from you."

After this period of in-depth contact,

Sato Miwako has surrendered to Kizawa Yuu both physically and mentally.

This is the normal operation of solving a case!

In previous cases, they were either led into a maze by a few hints from Maori Kogoro, or manipulated by Conan, the little devil.

Let them search for a lesson without a sense of existence!

"Where are we going to eat tonight?"

Sato Miwako understood immediately!

Rather than asking where the two of them should go to eat, it would be better to ask where they should go for an exciting love applause.

"You've made up your mind!"

Speaking of which.

The two have been communicating in the car since they came back from Kansai last time.

It's not his problem at all!

He invited Sato to his house, but the woman refused to agree.

She said that Xiao Ai, a little loli, couldn't let go at home. She was also rejected when she went to the hotel. They all hang out in this area!

The frequent cases in Beika Town have made the detectives of the Investigation Section familiar faces. They choose to do it in the car every time.

It saves money and is exciting!

If this goes on, he is worried that the hood of the AE86 will be left with a butt mark by this woman.


Late at night.

Seeing Kizawa Yuu coming back, Huiyuan Ai couldn't wait any longer.

She wanted to find out what she wanted from Kizawa Yuu.

"Give me Shiho who is 11 years old!"

"Happy birthday to you!"

"At your age, you should already have a boy you like, right?……"

Haibara Ai was moved to tears when she heard her mother's voice in the tape.

It was her mother!

It turned out that the gift her sister mentioned was what her mother wanted to say to her.

At this moment!

She found that Kizawa Yuu still had some humanity.


"Why did you have to hide this tape in Bei Dao's office?"

It contains nothing but what the mother wants to say to the sisters.

It seems... there is no need to hide it!

"Not entirely!"

"The tape labeled 21 contains some records about my mother's previous scientific research in the organization."

"You know I'm not very good at this stuff."

"I think since it was left by my mother, it must be very important."

"That's why I chose to hide these tapes in the toilet of Kitajima's office."

Huihara Ai's expression suddenly changed!

The emotion turned into shock at this moment.

Something left by her mother's experiment?

Huihara Ai hurriedly found the tape marked with number 21.

This bag may be the most precious thing her mother left her!

If it is really some records of the experiment, maybe there will be records of making the antidote for ATPX4869.

Huihara Ai didn't even dare to hesitate!

Listening to the contents of the tape word by word...

PS: Dear readers, the update will be two (5000 per chapter) or three (3500 per chapter) per day in the future.

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