"Do you think this kind of temptation is really useful?"

"Don't forget that she is an FBI agent."

Huihara Ai reached into her pockets!

Although she looked like a little girl, she exuded the aura of a mature adult.

This was her most comfortable state!

Acting like a child in front of outsiders was more tiring for her than doing scientific research.

"Of course it works!"

"At least we know that there are other people who have stayed in Judy's room besides us."

It's hard to see if you don't look carefully.

There is a strand of yellow hair pinched between Kizawa Yu's thumb and index finger.

It doesn't belong to anyone present today!

"You don't think you can use a hair like this to control the FBI's movements."


Although she came into contact with detectives like Kudo Shinichi after leaving the organization, she didn't think that people could be so outrageous as to control the overall situation with a hair.

"This hair cannot help us understand the opponent's movements"

"But from this hair and the fingerprints that don't belong to Judy in the messy living room, it can be seen that the FBI has not doubted our identity."

Judy is an FBI agent!

It is almost impossible for her to have any friends in the island country.

Except for people like Conan, it is almost impossible to visit her residence.

Now... he is still an unknown policeman in front of the FBI!

"I guess you're right this time."


"Next time something like this happens, please don't take me with you."

God knows what she has been through!

The feeling of pretending to be a child and pretending not to know can really drive people crazy.



It is a memorable day for the two sisters of the Miyano family.

The two sisters never thought that one day it would be so difficult for them to meet again.

"Does it look good?"

Habara Ai is absolutely confident in her fashion sense and never asks Kisawa Yuu such questions.

She has not forgotten the ugly dress Kisawa Yuu bought her when they first met.

But today, in order to see her sister, she still asked this guy for his opinion.

This is the first time she calls her sister as Haibara Ai.

"Looks good!"

Red coat and short skirt.

Even put on a little makeup for today.

The beauty is still online!

"Let's go!"

She was filled with excitement when she thought about meeting her sister later.


The roar of the engine brought her to the Mihua Apartment

"My sister is here?"

I can't believe it.

Mihua Apartment is near Di 447 Dan Primary School, which is the only way for her to go to school every day.

How could she be so close to her sister?

""A surprise?"

Kizawa Yuu looked at the time.

It was just ten o'clock!

Miyano Akemi came out of the apartment wearing a wide hat. Haibara Ai originally planned to open the car door to welcome her sister.

Talk about the longing between the sisters for not seeing each other for a long time!

But when she saw her sister's belly... she was stunned!

She was not a child, how could she not see that her sister was pregnant.

This... what is going on?

She looked at Kizawa Yuu in the driver's seat with a suspicious look.


"I should call you Xiao Ai now, right?"

"How have you been lately?"

Miyano Akemi noticed that her sister's eyes were fixed on her pregnant belly, so she smiled and said,"The baby will be born soon, and you will be my aunt in the future."

Miyano Akemi smiled kindly!

She rubbed the baby in her belly, and looked at Kimura Yu who was in the driver's seat.

Her eyes had already explained to her sister who the father of the child was.

Haibara was stunned! Sure enough!

The terrible idea that just popped up in her mind came true.

Kimura Yu, that bastard, really did this kind of thing.

She looked at her sister's bulging belly, and thought of the handcuffs that were still hanging on the head of the bed, which had enlarged her...

She had prepared a lot of words, but at this moment, she couldn't say a word.

"Little Ai!"

"How did you spend the few days you escaped from the Black Organization?"

How many days?"

Huiyuan Ai frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

"elder sister!"

"How long have you lived in Beika Apartment?"

Miyano Akemi hesitated for a moment and said,"I have been living here since my organization was found to have robbed 1 billion yen.""

Got it!

Haibara Ai understood everything!

That bastard Kizawa Yuu took advantage of the incomplete information between the two sisters.

He took down both sisters... all of them!


The gathering place of the two sisters of the Miyano family was a very distinctive restaurant.

Miyano Akemi talked incessantly throughout the whole process, talking about the feelings of the two sisters and their yearning for future life.

Haibara Ai just forced a smile on the side!

She couldn't be happy!

The surprise that Kizawa Yuu brought her today might take a lifetime to heal.

AE86 stopped at the door of Beika Apartment!

The moment Miyano Akemi got out of the car, Haibara Ai's expression had completely changed.


"Why did you lie to me?"

Habara Ai couldn't stand the fact that both her sisters were played by this guy, Kisawa Yu.

She compromised with Kisawa Yu for her sister.

Unexpectedly, her sister suffered the same fate as her.

It was simply a replica of her!


She was the one who replicated her sister's fate.

"Then why didn't you tell your sister the truth?"

"Is it because you don’t have the courage?"

"Or do you want to continue to maintain our relationship?"

Kizawa Yuu couldn't say.

Maybe it was both!

As of now, their relationship is very harmonious.

He is waiting for Miyano Akemi to give birth to a second child.

"Please watch the road when driving"


Huihara Ai pulled her hat down.

Although she was angry, she followed Mu Ze You Yu home obediently.

Where else could she go if not here?

Mu Ze You Yu was right.

If the two sisters lived together, no one would be able to escape if they were discovered by the Black Organization.

She didn't want to implicate her sister, and her sister didn't want to implicate her either.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Why do you insist on having someone give birth to a child for you?"

It's so strange!

The lawyer named Hibiki Eri gave birth to a boy.

Today I learned that her elder sister is also pregnant with the child of the Muze family.

But this does not seem to satisfy the pervert Muze Yu.

The organization has sent her many mice with strange personalities for experiments.

But this is the first one who has a special liking for children like Muze Yu.

"You will know when you get pregnant!"


Miyano Akemi is pregnant.

But this does not mean that he will let Huiyuan Ai go.


She couldn't find any other words to describe Mu Ze You Yu.



Big raindrops fell on the car brackets, making a clacking sound.

With a dense and compact rhythm!

Such a horrible weather is the best time to do some illegal transactions.

In a dark corner of the auto repair shop, the drug trafficking organization is doing a drug deal with a man in a black windbreaker.

"Did you bring the stuff?"

"Did you bring the money?"

It can be seen that both parties are very nervous.

Illegal transactions have never had any integrity.

No one knows if a gun barrel will suddenly stick out from somewhere in the next moment.


The sound of gunfire cut through the air in the silent night.

A member of the drug trafficking organization fell to the ground instantly.

This gunshot was the fuse!

The tense nerves of both parties were almost broken with this gunshot.

The quick hand has the advantage, the slow hand has the advantage! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Both parties are within a radius of less than 20 meters.

At this time, the party that takes the initiative to shoot will have an absolute advantage


"Da da da——"

There was no gunmanship or technique in the small space.

It was all about emotion!

In an instant!

A bright red mist mixed with a strong smell of blood filled the air.

The powerful foundation of the Black Organization was fully demonstrated in the intensive gunfight.

Although there were only five people on the Black Organization side, they had cleanly and neatly solved the drug trafficking organization of more than a dozen people on the opposite side in less than a minute.


The leading black-clad man watched as three out of four of the people he brought with him died.

He couldn't help but let out a roar!

These were all members of the organization. He didn't know how to explain why they were brought out without the organization's permission.


"I didn't expect that you would be the one doing the drug deal behind the organization's back."

Kizawa Yuu walked out from the dark.

Before, he was wondering when the organization started to get involved in drug trafficking.

Seeing Ireland here, he understood everything!

Although Ireland is one of the code-named personnel in the organization, his status in the organization is obviously not as good as before.

If it is really the organization's action, they would definitely not send only a few small shrimps.



Was it you just now ?���I'm wondering who fired that shot just now.

"You killed Pisk..."


Ireland's eyes were full of murderous intent.

He respected Pisk very much. He was like a father to him!

When he learned that Pisk died at the hands of Snowflake, he vowed to kill this guy.

But he was not just talking about this to settle old scores, but more importantly to attract Snowflake's attention, so that he could give orders to the two subordinates next to him.


Two bullets killed two enemies.

The two men next to Ireland fell in a pool of blood before they could even figure out what was going on or even receive Ireland's order to attack.

They died with their eyes open!

"Now there are only two of us."

Kizawa Yuu blew away the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle.

It would be too immature to play this trick in front of him.

"Half for each!"

A wise man knows the times!

He is already in an absolute disadvantage. He just wants to help Piske get revenge and kill Snowflake.

The current situation also tells him: not today!

"Kill you... I can get everything."

As soon as the words fell!

Mu Ze Youyu decisively pulled the trigger.

He did not give Ireland any chance to save himself.

With the last gunshot of the scrapped auto repair shop, Ireland's life also ended.

Mu Ze Youyu walked in front of Ireland and took the 50 million yen of this transaction from the backpack on the ground.

But the goods were not so lucky!

In the fierce gun battle just now, the goods had been turned into a sieve, and turned into a pool of muddy water under the soaking of rain.

This time's harvest: 50 million yen!


It was already late at night when Kizawa Yuu returned home


Fortunately, Huiyuan Ai was doing scientific research in the room.

Sometimes she dreamed of making an antidote for ATPX4869.

"You sleep alone."

Thinking of her sister!

She could no longer accept sleeping in the same bed with Mu Ze You Yu.


Handcuffs work!

This is the best way to deal with disobedient women.

Ai Haibara in the loli state is very light!

He can easily hold her with one hand.

In the mansion with excellent sound insulation, it can be said that no one can get help from her.

Under his meticulous encouragement...

Ai Haibara gradually became obedient!

And she took the initiative to tell him about the development progress of ATPX4869.

By extracting the catalyst-like elements from the last white dry, Ai Haibara made several antidotes.

But the antidote is still in the testing stage!

Ai Haibara, the researcher who developed ATPX4869, cannot determine the true effect of the antidote now.

It doesn't matter!

He will take action!


The next day.

Haibara Ai couldn't understand!

Didn't Kisawa Yuu dislike Conan, the unlucky guy?

Why did he go camping with them?

However, Kisawa Yuu's arrival made this camping more colorful.

"Big brother!"

"Tell us more about the cases you solved before."

Kojima Genta, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, Yoshida Ayumi!

The three of them surrounded Muze with admiration.���

Conan becomes dim in front of the real detective.

"Why did this guy come along?"

Conan was very depressed!

He didn't want to participate in such a boring camping activity.

After seeing Mu Ze You Yu, the only interest he had left in his heart was shattered.

He now had only one reaction when he saw Mu Ze You Yu.


"We are here."

Dr. Agasa parked his old car on the shore near the destination.

The BaiGai Group ran like a wild horse!

"Police officer, big brother!"

"Let's go collect firewood together."

Even Ayumi's attention is now on Kizawa Yuu.

"You guys go!"

"Big brother has some things to do."

The Baige trio looked to the side:"Conan, let's go together!"

Conan has become a spare tire at this time!

"Oh... OK!"

If it was before, Conan might have refused on the spot.

He didn't want to do some boring kid's things, which would only make his IQ drop.

But today!

He just wanted to stay away from Mu Ze You Yu


"You can say it now?"

"What's your purpose for coming here?"

Huihara Ai didn't believe that a killer like Kizawa Yuu would have the leisure to hang out with her.

It would be more like saying that this guy took the time to play with a few more women!

"Let me help you do an experiment!"

Kizawa Yuu casually took out the experimental version of the ATPX4869 antidote.

Yesterday, Haibara Ai was still complaining on his body that the antidote she made could not be tested for its effect.

Is it really impossible to test it?

Isn't there a lively little white mouse next to them ?

"You are……?"

Huiyuan Ai's pupils shrank suddenly.

As the person who made this medicine, how could she not recognize it?

This guy!

He must have secretly stolen the medicine while she was sleeping soundly due to overwork last night.

"What effect will this drug have? It is still unknown."

"If this guy named Kudo dies here"

"How do you plan to get away from the police?"

It's too dangerous!

Even if you can escape the police, what if you are found by the organization?

Kudo Shinichi's name appears on the organization's list!

"Aren't you confident in your research?"

While talking, he has already blended the antidote into Conan's water cup. He is just waiting for the mouse to come back to test the effect of the drug.

Don't mention it!

He is also looking forward to the successful development of this antidote that can temporarily restore the body.

Let Haibara Ai switch back and forth between the big and small modes...

It's a different taste!


I said: I will die in 88

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