Maori Detective Agency!



"Miss Yoko!"


Kogoro Mouri sat on the sofa, drinking beer while watching the video of the female star Okino Yoko. He looked like he was having an orgasm! Conan, who was standing next to him, was mentally depressed. Is it really that serious ? A middle-aged uncle is so crazy about a young girl who just debuted not long ago. Is lawyer Eri Kisaki not pretty?


"Did you know that a strange man has moved into your mother's apartment?"

Mauri Ran feels that her parents are in a dangerous situation recently.

Forget about getting back together!

If this continues, the rift may get bigger and bigger.

"Didn't you say that yesterday?"

Just a tenant!

Besides, Eri Kisaki is now studying in New York.

His top priority is to focus on the female star Okino Yoko.

"Don't you care about mom at all?"

"She has been in New York for a long time.

She is so worried about her parents getting back together.

But they don't seem to care much about getting back together.

"She has her own life.

Maori Kogoro drank a glass of wine.

The TV screen flashed!

Okino Yoko has changed into a revealing dress.



Maori Kogoro's eyes glowed green, and the seductive dance made him feel like his brother was going to vomit


Mao Lilan picked up the remote control and changed the channel directly

"See what's the connection?"

"Anyway, there is not much work in the detective agency now."

Xiaolan complained:"It is because you are watching Okino Yoko's video tape here that our agency has no work."

The screen flashed.……

"Auto chairman Kenzo Masuyama died of gunshot last night"

"At the same time, his building also had a violent explosion.……"

The news on TV instantly caught Conan's attention.

Masuyama Kenzo? ? ?

Wasn't this the suspect who used Kudo Shinichi's identity to help the Metropolitan Police Department solve the murder case of politician Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi yesterday?

Shot to death?

Conan's detective sense immediately made him realize that things were not simple.

"Conan, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to Dr. Agasa's house to play video games, so I won't be eating at home today."

On the way!

Conan used the voice changer to dial the phone.

"Inspector Megure!"

"I'm Kudou Shin'ichii"

"I want to know about the murder of politician Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi that I told you yesterday.……"

Conan's palms began to sweat after he hung up the phone.

The scenes of the explosion on TV, and the fact that no clues were found at the murder scene mentioned by Inspector Megure... reminded him of the opponent who had always existed in the dark.

The Black Organization!

Explosions, assassinations!

This is the style of the terrorist organization with black as the main theme.

What is the relationship between the murdered politician Shigehiko Tsugakuchi and the Black Organization?

What is the relationship between Kenzo Masuyama, who killed Shigehiko Tsugakuchi, and the Black Organization?

And who sent Shigehiko Tsugakuchi's file to the Mori Detective Agency?

Conan's mind was already in a mess!

He only knew that Kenzo Masuyama was killed by the Black Organization.

But this condition could not answer his question.

Was Shigehiko Tsugakuchi's file sent to the detective agency by the Black Organization?

If so!

Was it a coincidence or intentional?

Conan was numb!

One mystery after another made him feel like a chess piece in the hands of the Dark Organization.

Yesterday, his chess piece helped the Black Organization eat a white piece!

If his identity is really known... Given the brutality of the Black Organization, can the people around him

, such as Uncle Maori, Xiaolan, Dr. Agasa, Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi... still survive? Conan stands at a crossroads where people come and go. Confused!


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Officer Megure called him and Sato Miwako to the office.

"We found a lot of narcotics in the possession of a guy in Nakamura."

"After interrogation!"

"This guy named Nakamura belongs to a drug trafficking gang, and he has given his contact to someone else."

Inspector Megure put the information he had on the table.

It was a photo of a man!

And on it was the name of this middle-aged man: Chizo Ogura!

"The reason I called you two here this time is to secretly arrest Chizo Ogura."

"Based on information provided by Nakamura"

"Chizo Ogura now lives near Shinjuku Station in Tokyo."

Speaking of this,

Officer Megure put another arrest warrant on the table.

"Mu Ze brother"


The most important reason why Megure Jusan chose them is that they are capable.

In several cases, Kisawa Yuu has demonstrated strong business capabilities.


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