Teitan High School!

A group of high school girls in sailor uniforms entered the campus one after another...

At the school gate!

A white AE86 slowly stopped.

Suzuki Sonoko stepped down from the passenger seat with her schoolbag on her back.

"Saori, Kanna!"

"Good morning!"

Suzuki Sonoko touched the hair beside her ear.

She was in a good mood without hiding it!

She just wanted to let her classmates see that she really had a boyfriend.


""Why aren't you leaving yet?"

The girl in love.

Although it was hard for her to give up her feelings for Kisawa Yuu, she also thought that it was time to hear the roar of the AE86 engine.

Kisawa Yuu got out of the car and said slowly:"I'll go to your school for a walk"

"Class is about to start"

"How can we have time!"

Suzuki Sonoko pointed at the watch on her wrist.

Besides, school is such a boring place, how can we have a relationship?

"It doesn't matter"

"I'm just walking around!"

Suzuki Sonoko's expression changed slightly:"Are you going to see Teacher Judy?"

She knew the charm of the English teacher.

Her revealing clothes attracted the attention of many male high school students.

"I don't learn English, so why should I look for her?" said Mu Ze You Yu

"Then it's up to you."

"I'm going for my class"

"Be careful, some places in Teitan High School are not open to the public."

Kizawa Yuu patted the police ID in his trouser pocket.

Are you kidding?

He is a detective in the first investigation section and he can go wherever he wants.


"Is this guy really your boyfriend?"

From just now... the attention of these female students was on Kisawa Yuu.

Very handsome!

Combined with the identity of a criminal policeman, it looks even cooler.

"Of course."

Suzuki Sonoko raised her chin proudly.

In the past, all the men's eyes were on Xiaolan, but today she finally got some pride.


"Where is your headband?"

After taking off the headband, the courtyard's appearance instantly improved by several levels.

King level!

All the students could not believe that a headband could bring such great harm to people.

"No more!"

"I will never wear a headband again."

Suzuki Sonoko solemnly announced on campus with her hands on her hips.

Kizawa Yuu said she looked good without the headband.

Women dress up to please themselves!



"I heard that a very handsome doctor named Shinde has come to Teitan High School."

"I came all the way here to take a look!"

"It's really unusual!"

Kizawa Yuu picked up the stethoscope next to him and put it on, and placed the other end on Vermouth's chest.

Her heartbeat was steady!

There was no sense of tension at all.

"How did you figure that out?"

Vermouth's eyes narrowed slightly.

In addition to Absinthe, she has another name.

The Thousand-Faced Witch!

That means she can disguise herself as anyone without being noticed.

Just like Dr. Shinde now.

But her superb disguise skills seemed to be useless in front of Kizawa Yuu.

Every time she disguised herself, this guy could accurately capture her.


"The unique smell on you can't escape my nose."

The examination is completed!

Mu Ze Youyu put the stethoscope back to its original position

"What do you want me to do?"

"Did he come here just to expose my identity and show off his own cleverness?"

Vermouth stroked his glasses. This is where the cleverness of disguise lies. Whoever you pretend to be looks like! If it was Vermouth herself, she would have a lady's cigarette in her mouth now.

"Can't I ask you, the doctor, for an injection?"

Kizawa Yuu stopped joking and asked,"What is Gin doing recently?"

After the last explosion, Gin seemed to have disappeared in Tokyo. He hadn't seen him for many days!

He really missed this good brother.

"The last incident had already made the gentleman in the organization very angry."

An explosion!

Killed six members of the organization.

The most infuriating thing was that these six members died in the internal fighting of the organization.

"Feel sorry!"

"This is not my fault"

"I didn't allow anyone to enter the room."

Mu Ze You Yu said indifferently.

It was true!

Those six members of the organization were not his subordinates.

"Would a normal person plant bombs all over their house?"

"Am I a normal person?"

Faced with Mu Ze You Yu's question, Vermouth was speechless for a moment.


They are all monsters who lick blood on the edge of a knife.

"It's the same question as before."

"What is Gin doing recently?"

He recently bought a house near the Metropolitan Police Department.

He wants Gin to pay for the renovation!

"Why do you think I would tell you?"

Internal fighting is a normal thing in the Black Organization.

She also has opponents!

But if the internal fighting escalates to the point where the organization suffers losses, it will not be allowed.

Even if she is appreciated by that gentleman, she will not be forgiven.

"Because I have the news you want."

"One about Tomoaki Niide!"

Vermouth thought for a moment:"I hope the information you have can help me."


From Vermouth, I learned that Gin is running around for the organization.

Getting money and guns!

Come to think of it...

The organization's scientific research requires a lot of funds to operate, and assassinations require the support of firearms.

All previous operations have revolved around these two things.

Including the operation to let Miyano Akemi rob 1 billion yen!

"how about you?"

"You're not here just to treat high school students, are you?"

Vermouth did not answer this question.

However, Kisawa Yu still made it clear that he would send the first-hand information he had after he found Gin.

After Kisawa Yu left, Vermouth smelled his body carefully... a special smell?


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