That day!

The sun was shining and the sky was clear!

The second daughter of the Suzuki Group, Sonoko, asked him out to play.

He thought they were going to some mountain villa for a love encounter. But when he found out it was an amusement park, he instantly felt bored.

The adrenaline that surged up seemed to be suppressed by the amusement park ticket.

But before going out, he still gave Suzuki Sonoko a master-like death order: never bring Xiaolan with you.

He didn't want to be forced to work overtime because of Conan, that brat!

"There is Yu-kun!"

"Are you a little unhappy today?"

"It must be some tricky case again, right?"

"It's so boring for you police officers to be involved in these murders all day long"

"But... you can tell me the case and I will help you analyze it."

Speaking of which... she seems to have lost the pleasure of solving a case in her sleep.

It seems that she has not appeared since she started dating Mu Ze You Yu.

Could she be dazzled by Mu Ze You Yu's iron body?

""Comeon! Bitch!"

The particularly harsh English attracted the attention of Suzuki Sonoko and Kizawa Yuu.

In the crowd!

A blonde woman was surrounded by a group of bastards. Their greedy eyes had exposed their desires!

They wanted to carry the woman's big white legs on their shoulders right here!

"Teacher Judy?"

"How could it be her?"

It's so annoying!

In Suzuki Sonoko's impression, this English teacher who had just come to Teitan High School not long ago was the kind of person who liked to show off her flirtatiousness in her dress, but was rigid and serious outside of the classroom.

Now she was here typing on the game console...

She couldn't change her image of this foreign woman at all.


"This is the English teacher you always mention."

No need to introduce!

Mu Ze Youyu has already walked towards Judy.

It must be said!

As an FBI agent, Judy disguised herself very well.

If he didn't know the true identity of this woman in advance, he might just think that she was a sexy female teacher who loved video games.

"Teacher Judy...?"

Suzuki Sonoko still couldn't look at such an English teacher.

It refreshed her understanding of the profession of English teacher!

"Oh~~ It's Suzuki"


After a conversation,

Suzuki Sonoko had a new understanding of this new English teacher.

It turns out that teachers can also play so well!

It turns out that foreigners are really good at playing!

"Suzuki-san, this is……?"

It was then that Judy noticed Mu Ze You Yu next to her.


"We are very good friends.

Although Suzuki Sonoko kept saying that Xiaolan had a boyfriend in front of her classmates, she still couldn't take the initiative to admit their relationship in such a public place!

And it was the first time she met her English teacher in this way.

"Kizawa Yuu!"

"Sonoko and I are good friends who have known each other for a long time."

A simple self-introduction.

Kisawa Yuu was almost sinking into the ravine at this moment.

The dazzle made his eyes hurt!

The strong self-control did not let him lose himself.

He and Judy were in two different camps after all.

They were tit-for-tat opponents!

"I see"

"My name is Judy Stelling"

"She is the English teacher of Class B

, Grade 2 of Teitan High School.

"Teacher Judy"

"I wonder if you can be a private tutor in your spare time?"

Mu Ze You Yu's sudden words caught the two women present off guard.

"There is Yu!"

"Do you want to learn a foreign language?"

If you really want to, she can do it for you.

The two of them will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort if they learn through practice.

"not me!"

"It's my sister Xiao Ai."

He didn't expect to meet FBI agent Judy in such an occasion.

In a hurry, he came up with such a method to try to establish a connection with Judy.

"Xiao Ai?"

"Didn’t she just go to Teitan Elementary School recently?"

"Do we have to learn English now?"

She had doubts about Huihara Ai's identity before.

If they were siblings, shouldn't they be called Mu Ze Ai?

Mu Ze You Yu told her that Huihara Ai took her mother's surname for special reasons.

How strange!

"Xiaoai likes English very much!"

"I'm too busy with my work at the Metropolitan Police Department and I don't have time to teach her.……"

I don't know if it touched Judy's G-spot.

This foreign woman suddenly reacted!

"I do!"

"I can be Xiao...Xiao Ai's English teacher."

"But I want to get paid!"

Judy didn't intend to agree at first.

She is an FBI agent! She came to Tokyo not to teach, but for the Black Organization.

But when she heard Kizawa Yuu say that he was working at the Metropolitan Police Department, she changed her mind!

"Remuneration is not an issue"

"This is the address where I live now!"

The two reached an agreement.

Each gets what he wants!

It was originally an ordinary trip to the amusement park, but under the kind invitation of Kizawa Yuu, he and Suzuki Sonoko still had a love collision on the AE86 in the underground parking lot.


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