Opposite Beihua Station.

Kizawa Yuu and Miyano Akemi sat opposite each other in a cafe of several dozen square meters.

"At 7 o'clock this morning, an explosion occurred in an apartment in Beihua Town."

"An hour later, a violent explosion also occurred in an old factory building in Beihua Town. The victim was a woman. The police are still investigating the specific cause of the explosion.……"


The TV was broadcasting two major events that happened today.

Miyano Akemi looked at Kisawa Yuu with a suspicious look.

Only one woman?

Gin and Vodka are alive?

Kisawa Yuu spread his hands and shrugged.

He didn't know why Gin escaped the explosion, but it was not strange for a top killer in the Black Organization.

"Do not worry!"

"You no longer exist."

Kizawa Yuu knew Miyano Akemi's concerns, but as long as the police could prove that the deceased was Miyano Akemi, there would be no more trouble.

"I've handed the stuff over to you!"

"I hope you can fulfill our promise.

She has begun to believe in Kisawa Yuu.

As for today!

Kisawa Yuu did save her life after getting 1 billion yen.


"We will have a child together."

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Moses Moses!"

"Kizawa Yuu!"

"What are you doing? Have you forgotten that you are a police officer?"

"I've been waiting for you at the crime scene for half an hour. Don't you know about the two explosions in Beika Town today?"

Kizawa Yu's heart trembled!


He... really forgot that he was a policeman.

"Already on the way!"

"I'll be there soon!"

He put away his phone and took his coat.

Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Miyano Akemi that he would come to see her in the evening.

The baby-making plan is a big deal!

The probability of hitting the target once is not big, but it is not small either.


Who said that you can't continue to cultivate the land after planting crops?

Because it is near the Beika Station, there are many taxis waiting here.

Mu Ze Youyu got into one at random and went straight to the scene of the crime.

I am a policeman!

I am a policeman! I am a policeman!

I am a policeman!

Important things are repeated three times silently.

He must always remind himself that he is a policeman now



"I keep calling you but you don't answer"

"Did you go to the bar to pick up girls last night?"

Don't tell me!

Although Sato Miwako's words were not very reasonable, her guess was almost right.

He was too busy last night and fired all the bullets he had in reserve.

Every shot hit the jackpot!

Miyano Akemi was beaten to the ground!


"What caused the explosion?"

"Who is the deceased?"

He found that this police identity could provide him with great convenience.

It would allow her to easily knock on Miyano Akemi's door, and also allow him to understand the progress of the case at the first time.

It would be convenient for the next response!

"The explosion at the Beika-cho apartment occurred in the room of Hirota Masami, a female bank employee who was robbed yesterday."

"The cause of the explosion was the same as that of the old factory building, both were caused by a time bomb!"

"After investigation, the only death in the two explosions was Hirota Masami!"

"After visiting!"

"The neighbor next to the apartment said that he heard Hirota Masami yelling"Yamedie" crazily, which lasted all night."

Kizawa Yu rubbed his hands.

It was careless!

It was indeed too rude last night, but it should not affect the outcome of the matter.


"Why should I tell you this?"

Sato suddenly felt unhappy.

Mu Ze You Yu was her younger brother, but she felt like she was reporting to her boss.


"We two are one."

"If you don't tell me this, I can't do my job behind your back."

"Then, Officer Megure will scold both of us!" After a crazy tug, he got the follow-up important information from Sato's cherry mouth.

After the police investigated, it was found that the lipstick in the robber's hood was the same as the one used by Hirota Masami. It can be concluded that

Hirota Masami was also one of the robbers in the bank robbery!

This explosion was just like the other two robbers who were shot to death.

The instigator behind it was most likely the man who made Hirota Masami scream all night.

And the 1 billion yen robbed also fell into the hands of that man!

After listening to it, Kizawa Yu couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

This inference can be said to be brilliant!

It made 90% of the truth surface, but the rest had turned to ashes with the two violent explosions.

It won't be traced back to him!


PS: It is not easy for a young author to write a book, so please support me by giving me some flowers and ratings.

Please support me!

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