FBI special ward!

James, Judy, Cameron and others were all wandering in the ward.

Originally thought it was just an ordinary operation to round up highway demons.

Unexpectedly, they encountered terrorists!

They also shot and injured the outstanding FBI agent Akai Shuichi.

At this time!

The door of the operating room opened, and everyone gathered around.……

"The operation was successful"

"The patient is no longer in danger of death.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.


"Can we go in and take a look at him?"

Female agent Judy is the one who cares the most about Akai Shuichi.

She has been fascinated by this long-haired man since a long time ago!


"But you'd better not stay in there for too long."

"The patient is very weak now and needs a lot of time to rest."

Under the arrangement of FBI senior investigator James, only three people, including Judy and Cameron, entered the ward.


Seeing that Shuichi Akai was so badly injured, Judy didn't know what to say for a moment.

Shuichi Akai slowly raised his eyelids and looked at his boss James:"It's the Black Organization"

"Black organization?"

"Are you saying that the person who attacked you this time is a member of the Black Organization?"

The three people present were surprised!

The Black Organization's activities are mostly in the island country.

The number of times they have been active in New York is few and far between, let alone a direct confrontation with the FBI.

"It's them!"

Akai Shuichi was sure.

He had been undercover in the Black Organization for a period of time as Moroboshi Dai.

He knew the nature of the people in the organization!

At present, it seems that this Highway Devil is actually a plan of the organization to get rid of him.

"Do you know who is the person who showed up in New York this time?"

James asked.

The Black Organization's arrival in New York this time might be an opportunity for the FBI.

If they could capture their core members here, it would deal a huge blow to the Black Organization.

Akai Shuichi shook his head:"He is a very powerful person."

At that time, the gunman was at least 600 yards away from him.

For a sniper, hitting the target at 600 yards might not be a difficult task.

But if all three shots were fired at the same position, it would not be something that an ordinary gunman could do. The first person he thought of was Gin!

Of course!

Maybe there was another master in the Black Organization that he didn't know about.

"You should have a good rest."

James called Cameron and Judy, who wanted to say something nonsense, out to create a safe environment for Akai Shuichi to recover from his injuries!


"You may have to move up your trip to Japan."

The Black Organization is active in New York and has committed shootings.

This incident will definitely put pressure on the FBI's top brass.

Time is running out!

The crackdown on the Black Organization does not allow them to wait any longer.


"I'll go back and get ready now."

Judy answered competently.


On a quiet street in the suburbs of Buffalo, New York,

Kizawa Yuu parked his car in front of a small, brown courtyard according to the address.

Kizawa Yuu glanced at Huihara Ai, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

He was just about to pick up this little girl who weighed only a few dozen pounds and play with her.

"I can walk by myself!"

Habara Ai has come out of the shock of the headshot.

She looks stronger than before!

What happened tonight is not necessarily a bad thing for Haibara Ai.

She has endured a size that does not belong to her!

In the future, even the little wind and waves will not make her frown slightly.

"Ding Dong——"

Mu Ze You Yu now pressed the doorbell in front of the door.

The killer's keen perception allowed him to hear the sound of people walking inside.

The door opened!

Fei Yingli was completely stunned.

"Why are you here?"

Hiki Eri didn't have many friends in New York, and this time she came to take care of her baby in absolute secrecy.

I thought it was the postman or a nearby worker.

I didn't expect the person knocking on the door was actually the child...his father!

"Why can't I come?"

Although they haven't seen each other for a while, Kisaki Eri's temperament has not diminished at all.

She is not affected by the pregnancy at all!

Kisaki Yuu subconsciously looked down...

Kisaki Eri's belly has been slightly bulging, and it can be seen that she is pregnant.

Kisaki Eri took the initiative to let Kisaki Yuu into the room... After a period of settling down, her attitude has changed greatly.

Life is like that, if you can't resist, you might as well close your eyes and enjoy it.

She is now firmly controlled by Kisaki Yuu!

Giving birth is inevitable!

She just hopes that the matter of this child will not be discovered by the Maori father and daughter.

Kisaki Yuu didn't think so much at night, but Kisaki Eri preconceived it.

It's like he sent bullets from a thousand miles away!

If he didn't leave some essence, it would be his fault.

It's just that this night was hard for the little loli Huiyuan Ai.

She is the real girlfriend?

Think about it!

How can a scum like Kisaki Yuu say seriously?

She is just a victim threatened by this pervert.

But there is another voice in her heart that keeps repeating: Why did you say that you are Kisaki Yuu's sister?

Damn it!


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