"come over!"

"What are you doing, little brat, touching a dead person's things?"

Kizawa Yu had just arrived when he heard Maori Kogoro's angry voice and Conan being thrown out of the room.

"It's you again!"

Kizawa Yuu picked up Conan and threw him further away.

Annoying little brat!

He knew that anyone who got involved with this trio would be in trouble.


"Please go out immediately and do not destroy the crime scene."

After clearing the scene, Miwako Sato handed over the leadership to Yuu Kisawa.

Yuu-kun, please teach me how to solve the case!

The series of cases has made Miwako Sato begin to surrender.

After understanding!

The name of the deceased was Taku Itakura, 45 years old this year, and a software programmer.

Taku Itakura?

The memories in Yuu Kisawa's mind instantly flooded up.

This name is not unfamiliar to him!

Two years ago, the organization found Taku Itakura and asked him to develop a software...

I remember that he and Tequila went there together!

Yuu Kisawa looked at the USB flash drive in the luggage bag. If this guy wrote everything in detail in his diary.

There must be his shadow in it!

Although Taku Itakura didn't know his name and code name, he didn't want such things to fall into the hands of the police.

"The initial judgment was that the deceased had no obvious external injuries, but judging from the fact that he was taking coronary artery dilators, he probably died of a heart attack."

"It is estimated that the death time has exceeded two days!"

The testers analyzed the body and the drugs and came up with the preliminary results.

This is fucking professionalism!

"So... the deceased died of natural causes."

Fuck case closed!"

Kizawa Yuu took the evidence and prepared to order people to carry the body away.

Conan beside him was stunned!

How could it be?

This guy had clearly deduced the location of the bomb several steps ahead of him in the previous bombing case.

Officers Sato and Takagi of the Metropolitan Police Department also said that this guy was amazing.

Why couldn't he see such an obvious flaw now?

What the hell is this guy doing?

"Eh… that’s not right!"

Although he couldn’t figure out what Mu Ze You Yu’s purpose was, or maybe this guy was just lucky in the previous case.

Or maybe… it was for that USB flash drive!

But seeing a murder case being treated as a natural death.

He couldn’t stand it!

"Little devil!"

"I advise you not to make trouble."

This time Conan was not as stupid as before.

Seeing that Mu Ze You Yu was about to hit him, he immediately jumped several meters away.

"When we entered the room just now, he was clearly sitting on a chair with his face pressed against the table."

"There is no trace of dirt on the table.……"

Conan spoke out his deduction results as quickly as possible.

In the past, he would have chosen to use hints to gradually guide everyone in his direction.

But not today!

With Kizawa Yuu here, he might not even have the chance to speak out his deduction results.

Damn it!

Why didn't Officer Megure and Officer Takagi come to the scene in person?

Why did they have to let Kizawa Yuu, an unpredictable guy, take the lead?

"You mean... this person didn't commit suicide?"

Conan's reasoning was so detailed that even an eighty-year-old lady could understand it.

"I'm just saying it casually"

"After all, I'm just a child!"

Conan crossed his hands behind his head and pretended to be a child again.

"Hmm...that makes sense!"

""Cuff that brat Conan and take him away."

The whole audience was shocked!

Cuff Conan?

Did they hear it right?

"Officer Kizawa..."

"What are you doing?"

Sato Miwako was completely confused.


She asked Kizawa Yuu to lead the case today because she wanted to learn some crime-solving skills.

But she didn't let this guy do whatever he wanted!

"Why are you torturing me?"

Conan didn't expect that Kisawa Yuu would do such an outrageous thing.

He really couldn't understand this guy who was so erratic. He was so brave in the bombing case, but now he is not as good as the rookie police officer in Gunma Prefecture.

Is he pretending or is he real?

It's just that Kisawa Yuu's acting is too good, even Conan, the son of a big star, can't see through it.

"The person who knows the criminal methods best is often the suspect!"

"You repeatedly appeared at the murder scene."

"I think you are the most suspicious one!"

Maori Kogoro jumped out:"What's the motive? We came here on behalf of these three people, and today is the first time we meet Mr. Itakura Taku.""A red plum is redder than a red plum!"

Although Maori Kogoro is a rookie, he has learned a few tricks from Conan after being with him for so many years.

"Who knows what your motives are?"

"When I first appeared in the Suzuki Building, didn't this kid accuse me of stealing jewels?"

He said!

He was about to give Conan another painful blow.

Fortunately, Sato Miwako pulled him aside, saving Conan's life.


"What are you doing?"

"Conan is just a child, how could he be a murderer?"

She can see such a simple fact.

How could Kizawa Yuu not understand?

"Wouldn’t you say this kid is good at solving cases?"

"Then let him prove his innocence!"

"I'll take the evidence back to the evidence department for testing."

Is this possible?

Mu Ze Youyu's method of solving cases is really unpredictable.

"Officer Kizawa"

""Damn it!"

Conan watched Itakura Taku's USB drive being taken away by Kizawa Yuu.

There was a high possibility that there was something about the Black Organization in it!

Not only could he not do anything now, he was also treated as a suspect.


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