"Jingle Bell——"

Sato Miwako quickly answered the phone

"Inspector Megure!"


"Are all the bombs on the train fake?"

After hanging up the phone, Miwako Sato looked at Yuu Kizawa in the driver's seat.

"How do you know the bomb is not on the train on the Toudou Chuo Line?"

Her mood changed 180 degrees with this phone call.

The blame she felt for Kizawa Yuu suddenly decreased by more than half!

"I have no idea"

"I just don't believe what a little kid said."

Sato Miwako's mood dropped instantly:"Ah? Just like that?"

The little admiration she had just developed for Kizawa Yuu disappeared instantly. She thought that the Investigation Division finally had a police officer with reasoning ability, and thought that she would no longer be at the mercy of Conan and Maori Kogoro in the future.

It turned out to be a blind guess!

"Jingle Bell——"

At this time, Sato Miwako's phone rang again

"Officer Takagi!"

"On your side……"

Before Sato Miwako could finish her question, Takagi's anxious voice rang out from the other end of the line.

"Officer Sato!"

"Conan guessed that another bomb was inside the Tokyo Tower"

"Just now, there was an explosion at Tokyo Tower!"

In addition to Takagi's voice, I heard a few kids talking on the other end of the phone.

No need to guess!

Conan somehow got on Takagi's police car again.

"Officer Takagi!"

"Please explain the situation clearly. What is the current situation?"

"Is there any clue about the bomb maniac?"

Sato Miwako's mood suddenly became tense.

From the moment she received the fax, she vowed to arrest the bomb maniac this time.

"Because of the explosion, the elevator is now stopped in mid-air"

"I guess the criminals did this deliberately because they thought the police had guessed the location of the bomb."

Sato Miwako's pupils suddenly dilated!

The elevator was suspended in the air!

This scene...isn't it exactly the same as the bombing two years ago?

"Officer Takagi!"

"Don't move around there, report to the headquarters immediately"

"I'll go there right now!"

She had already thought about what the criminals were going to do next.

But this time!

She would never allow the tragedy of two years ago to happen again.

"We will rush to Tokyo Tower immediately!"

Kizawa Yuu acted as if he didn't hear anything. He only had one destination now.

Teitan High School!


"Did you hear me at all?"

"Officer Takagi has already said that the bomb is inside the Tokyo Tower.

Sato was getting angry and was about to pull the handbrake on the center console.

But before her delicate hand could fall, Kizawa Yu grabbed her with his backhand and held her down, while he continued to drive with his other hand.

"Didn't you praise that kid named Conan for being so awesome?"

"They can do this little thing!"

Sato Miwako tried to struggle, but she had no chance in front of Kisawa Yuu.

This guy... is so strong!

After getting along with him today, she felt that Kisawa Yuu was not like the rookie who had just entered the Metropolitan Police Department in her impression.

When facing danger... this guy is too calm


Teitan High School!

The high school girls in short skirts exposed their long white legs.

It dazzled him!

This is the advantage of Tokyo High School.

Just stick your butt up and do it!

Very convenient and humane!

If he didn't have a mission today, he, Kizawa Yu, would definitely discuss the origin of life with these flowers from the island country.

"What on earth are you bringing me here for?"

Sato Miwako felt very embarrassed.

Just now in the car, she was suppressed by Kizawa Yuu, a newcomer to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Such bomb enthusiasts often regard the bombs they place as works of art."

"He will definitely choose to stand in a corner and admire his masterpiece!"

"How to find him, don't you need me to teach you?!"

Don't ask him how he knew.

He has seen many such top talents in the organization.

"What are you going to do now?"

She has been manipulated enough today.

If it weren't for the police ID in her hand, she would have thought she was Mu Ze Youyu's little follower.

"I'll defuse the bomb!"

Looking at the back of Kizawa Yuu walking towards Teitan High School, Sato Miwako was full of doubts.

Is this true?

She had never seen such a confident policeman.

It was as if Kizawa Yuu had planted the bomb!

Although she was extremely doubtful, Sato Miwako still chose to believe Kizawa Yuu once.


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