Lin Xiaofeng and Yukiko heard the sound and looked over, finding three men standing not far away in the house.

"This is a fantasy period drama with me as the protagonist as the selling point!" The actor named Isabusa Moriya pointed his thumb at himself and said with a slightly proud expression.

He was the one who just said the name of the movie.

His slightly curly hair and two mustaches combined with his wheat-colored skin make him look somewhat like a mature man.

"No, no, the selling point should be my skills as a director, right?" A man with a goatee and round glasses joked from the side.

Ma Shanfeng, a famous Japanese film director.

"What you are saying is wrong. This movie is a big hit because of my musical talent." Agada, a man with a slightly sinister face and a curved nose, said in a frivolous tone.

Although the three of them all said that they were the reason for the movie's success, their expressions were all calm and indifferent, and you could tell at a glance that they were teasing each other.

Then, the three of them greeted Yukiko one after another: "Fujimine, it's been a long time no see."

An Chi Keiko corrected her: "Fujimine married a long time ago, and now he is Mrs. Kudou."

"It's really... long time no see."

Yukiko saw the three people and seemed to have returned to the past.

These 690 three people are high school classmates of Anchi Keiko and Yukiko's high school classmates.

"Mrs. Kudou, twenty years have passed, and you really haven't changed at all." Ishayamori also sighed with emotion.

"That is to say...when I saw Mrs. Kudou, I thought I had traveled back in time to high school." Mr. Mashan recalled his youthful days.

"Back then, the big star Yukiko Fujimine suddenly turned into Mrs. Kudou, which broke the hearts of countless movie fans. We are the same, and we can't be hurt."

Agada Riki looked regretful, feeling that it was too cheap for Fujimine Yukiko to marry Kudou Yūsaku.

The three men stared at Yukiko with bright eyes, and they all wanted to cuckold Kudou Yūsaku on the spot.

Yukiko felt the greedy eyes of her three old classmates and was thankful that Lin Xiaofeng was with her, otherwise she might have fled immediately.

Lin Xiaofeng saw the three men staring at Yukiko, and he could understand. After all, Yukiko was a top-notch wife. She also had a double ponytail and white stockings. She was so cute. As long as they are men, there is no way to ignore them. Lin Xiaofeng cannot blind their eyes. However, understanding is understanding, Lin Xiaofeng still has to tell them that the famous flower has an owner, so don't think too much about her.

Lin Xiaofeng stretched out his hand, grabbed Yukiko's waist, and pressed her delicate body into his arms.

The three men couldn't help but look stunned. From surprise to confusion to understanding.

"This person looks so familiar. I really want to see him somewhere else."

"Oooh...I remembered, it was the famous detective who replaced Kudou Shinichi.

"That's right, it's Lin Xiaofeng. He's so awesome. Not only did he steal Kudou Shinichi's title of famous detective, he also stole Kudou Shinichi's mother."

An Zhijingzi was also surprised when she heard what the three male classmates said. It turns out that Kudou Yukiko’s boyfriend is a famous Tokyo detective who replaced his son!

"Yukiko, you really know how to play."

Anzhi Jingzi sighed and invited Yukiko and Lin Xiaofeng into the house.

Everyone was sitting on chairs, chatting together, and the table was covered with snacks and cans of beer.

Anzhi Jingzi asked: "Are you Lin Xiaofeng, a famous detective in Tokyo?"

Lin Xiaofeng looked confused: "This is Kyoto... Why do you know me?"

Anzhi Keiko said matter-of-factly: "Detective is the most noble profession, how could you not know?!"

Lin Xiaofeng suddenly realized, no wonder in the cartoon, Mouri Kogoro is recognized by people wherever he goes.

Everyone started chatting casually. During this period, An Zhijingzi suddenly mentioned Anhao and wanted Lin Xiaofeng, a famous detective, to help solve it.

Lin Xiaofeng had no choice but to postpone, so he agreed.

An Chi Keiko stood up: "The secret code is in the hands of the script writer Nishiki-kun, so let's go to his room together now.

So, everyone followed Anchi Keiko to the script writer Nishiki-kun's room. The hotel rooms of these people are next to each other, so turn around and walk a few steps to find the room where the target is.

The playwright, Taro Nishiki, heard a knock on the door and opened it.

An Chi Keiko explained the purpose of her visit to Nishiki Taro.

"Oh. Do you want a password from me? Come in first."

Nishiki Taro opened the door and let everyone into the room. Afterwards, Nishiki Taro turned back to his workbench, took out a piece of paper from the manuscript paper, turned around and handed it to the wind nearest him.

"This is it. It was mailed to me last week." Nishiki Taro explained, "It was put in an envelope together with the leaves of the octagonal gold plate."

Lin Xiaofeng glanced at the note and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Mr. Nishiki, do you know what the four small black squares at the beginning of this code mean?"

Hayabusa I, who was following behind, interjected: "Oh, that mark represents the person who came up with the secret code and called out the ticket."

"Whether it's on his notebook or on his bag, that guy will put this mark on it." Agada Riki also added at the side.

"So, where is Mr. Izuku? If you ask him, wouldn't you know the meaning of the code?"

Lin Xiaofeng glanced at everyone and then said.

"There is no way to ask." Nishiki Taro shook his head in frustration, "That guy jumped off the stage of Kiyomizu Temple last month and died.

"So, I was wondering if the password on that note might be the password he sent to me before he died, hoping that I could unlock it."

"It's just that I've been thinking about it for a week, but I still have no beginning or end."

Anzhi Jingzi smiled bitterly and said: "That's why I thought of asking Detective Lin to help decipher the code.

After getting the code, Lin Xiaofeng took Yukiko and said goodbye to everyone on the grounds that he wanted to study the code.

Lin Xiaofeng took a look at the time and saw that it was a little late, so he booked a room in this hotel instead of looking for another hotel.

"Xiao Feng, how come you are so excited when encountering an incident like Xin, and you immediately open a room to study dark lips."

"That's just rhetoric. I have more exciting things to do than reason."

Saying that, Lin Xiaofeng hugged Yukiko tightly, feeling the delicate body of the most beautiful wife in his arms.


Yukiko was surprised. If it were Kudou Yūsaku or Kudou Shinichi, no need to think about it, he would definitely study the code immediately. Lin Xiaofeng, really doesn't follow common sense.

"Xiao Feng, you really don't follow common sense."

"Having a room with a beautiful woman and studying the principles of life is the only way to play your cards right."

Hearing Lin Xiaofeng's words, Yukiko twisted her body shyly.

Kudou and his son are all about cases, reasoning, and Sherlock Holmes all day long... In comparison, Lin Xiaofeng is not too interesting.

Yukiko felt Lin Xiaofeng's heat, gradually swelled, and spoke softly.

"Xiao Feng, don't worry, it's the medical wash area.

"Sister Yukiko, help me wash it."

"You are such an adult, are you ashamed?

"Don't want to?"

"I didn't say I didn't want to."

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