
Chapter 161 Weah’s persistence

Chen Mu has been in this village for two months, and he finally has a more detailed understanding of this isolated village. The village has no name, and their surname is also very strange, called Wanqi. Even Bowen, who has some research on surname science, has never heard of it.

For children of wealthy and quasi-rich families like Bowen, surname learning is one of the courses they must learn. This course is of great help in the interactions with the upper class. Basically, Bowen knows all the famous surnames in the Tianyou Federation, and he even knows some ancient surnames that have once been glorious. But he had never heard of such a weird surname as Wanqi.

There are about 100,000 people in the village, which is considered a large tribe. What surprised Chen Mu the most was the level of technological development here. Although they are very backward in terms of cards, they are much better than Tianyou Federation in other aspects, such as metal production technology.

The metal production process has never been taken seriously by the Tianyou Federation. The protective properties that metal can provide are really limited, which also limits its military use. On the contrary, because of its low cost, it is widely used in civil applications, such as construction.

The metal technology in the village seemed to Chen Mu to be incredible. They can make very precise instruments, and this level of precision far exceeds the average level of metal manufacturing in the Tianyou Federation. This can be seen from the production of the measuring instrument. Alfonso used an extremely light alloy to make the measuring instrument. It only took him two days to easily copy the measuring instrument with excellent performance.

Unfortunately, neither Bowen nor Cheng Ying realized this. In their opinion, can the most sophisticated metal instrument be compared with a higher-precision detection card?

However, Chen Mu saw the broad prospects contained in this, even though he was only a teenager. Compared with cards, the cost of metal is too low. Pure metal has limited uses, but if you combine superb metal technology with the card system, the power of this combination will become very powerful! Moreover, Chen Mu learned from Alfonso that there were several mineral veins near the village. Chen Mu couldn't help but wonder how Alfonso and his ancestors found such a location with such a favorable geographical environment.

The jammed weapons in the village seemed to Chen Mu to be relatively primitive, and he discovered a strange place. Although Alfonso can make card equipment, he knows nothing about the card system, which makes Chen Mu feel very incredible. Later, after asking Alfonso, I found out that the making techniques they called "stuck things" were handed down from their ancestors. Now there are not many left, and there are not many types he can make.

Alfonso was also vague about the deeds of their ancestors, and it was inconvenient for Chen Mu to ask more questions.

Alfonso's progress is the fastest among everyone. He has experience in making card equipment and can understand card knowledge more easily than others. Among the other teenagers, three of them improved significantly faster than the others. Chen Mu did not expect that Du Hong was also among them. The only thing that made Chen Mu feel pity was Alfonso. Due to his age, his perception increased very slowly, and he was the slowest among everyone. Perception is the most basic skill that a card maker should possess, which will greatly limit Alfonso's future development space.

The progress of the three teenagers, including Li Duhong, in this area can be described as rapid, which is no less impressive than Chen Mu's back then. Especially Li Duhong, he is the youngest among the three and has made the fastest progress. Chen Mu didn't hide anything. He taught these teenagers the perception training methods he learned from the mysterious cards.

He was surprised by the tenacity of these guys' nerves. I think back then, he could be tortured to death by the extreme exercise method, but these children all seemed to be fine.

Chen Mu quickly fell in love with the life in the village, which was peaceful and free. He doesn't need to do anything here. Basically, he will teach Alfonso first, and then let Alfonso teach the other children. The materials here are rich, even richer than at the base! This also greatly stimulated his research enthusiasm. The only unpleasant thing is that all the materials here are the most primitive materials, and he needs to deal with them one by one.

Where did he learn how to handle materials? In desperation, I had to explore slowly. Fortunately, this process is full of fun, and the children are really obedient. Many things only need to be divided into experimental tables, and they will do the experiments strictly according to the above, which greatly reduces the time required for the experiment.

In two months, the area of ​​[Chen's Laboratory] tripled, and the number of people under him also tripled, to nearly eighty people. The knowledge these children learned from Chen Mu will be recorded in detail and left with Kit for backup.

The cards created by Chen Mu are affecting the village little by little, such as energy cards. The energy utilization rate of the energy card is much higher than the energy extraction device they used before, and it is also much smaller. The most popular ones are heating cards and lighting cards. These two ordinary cards are welcomed by almost all villagers. For villagers who need to enter the jungle, lighting cards and heating cards can greatly reduce the weight of the supplies they carry.

Both of the cards created by Chen Mu only have one star. They are the simplest cards. They have limited functions but do not place any requirements on the user. Chen Mu had his own considerations in launching these two types of cards. Although these two cards are simple, they are of great practical value, and these two cards are just for the beginners below to practice.

One-star energy cards, one-star lighting cards, and one-star heating cards are all one-star, but to these villagers who have never come into contact with cards, they are full of shock.

Compared with the "cards" they usually use, the weight and size of the meter are almost negligible, and it is much more convenient to carry around. After trying the benefits of the meter, the villagers heard that more advanced cards required professional training, and the flow of people to Bowen and Cheng Yingna immediately surged.

It was okay for Chen Mu. The clan leader was taking care of him, as long as he didn't take the initiative to say anything and didn't dare to go to the place called the laboratory.

What puzzles these villagers the most is that Mr. Chen actually has a good relationship with Weah.

In the village, Weah only listened to the patriarch. He was not from the village. A few years ago, the patriarch found Weah in a coma in the jungle and rescued him. After Weah woke up, he lost his memory and couldn't remember who he was. Even his current name, Weah, was given to him by the clan leader.

From then on, he followed the clan leader and was inseparable. He was extremely skilled and had no rival in the village, which made many competitive young people treat him unkindly. It's just that the strength is there, no one dares to find fault. Weah has a cold temperament and is taciturn. He will not listen to anyone except the words of the patriarch.

"Your physical condition is the best I have ever seen." Weah said with a cold expression, he was making his fortieth effort.

"Oh." Chen Mu didn't care. He had been busy with his research. For the first time, he could spend his time as he pleased without any pressure. He doesn't need to worry about money, in fact, money has no use here. All the villagers in this village were extremely kind and respectful to him, and the patriarch did not give him any hard requirements. He could do whatever he wanted without worrying about materials. The richness and quality of the materials here are difficult to see elsewhere.

Isn't this exactly the life you want?

Chen Mu no longer thinks about leaving the jungle. He thinks that after leaving the jungle, he will not live a better life than here.

Weah became interested in him after seeing him doing calisthenics. More objectively, he was interested in Chen Mu's body. He believed that Chen Mu's physical fitness was extremely good and he could learn some skills from him. According to him, only Chen Mu's conditions in the entire village could meet the standards.

"I don't remember many skills, but there are enough to teach you." Weah's expression was still as iceberg as ever.

Chen Mu couldn't remember how many times he refused: "Weah, I really don't have time. Look, how busy am I now?" He pointed to the assistants who were busy in the laboratory: "I still have a lot more There are experiments to be done. I need to re-determine the properties of these materials, otherwise they are just a pile of grass."

Weah was unmoved: "You are very suitable for learning my skills."

Weah's persistence gave Chen Mu a headache. He sighed helplessly: "Weah, I'm really sorry. I have learned a lot of skills. If there are more skills, it will become more complicated. You also know , Too complex often means accomplishing nothing. What I need now is not to learn new skills, but to continue to explore and refine the skills I have learned.”

Chen Mu didn't realize that due to the change in environment, he needed to communicate with different people. Alfonso, other assistants, Colin, etc., and he talked more than before. And as the pressure of death diminished, Chen Mu also began to gradually regain his youthful nature.

"I won't take up too much of your time." Weah still had no intention of giving up.

At this moment, Colin suddenly broke into the laboratory and said solemnly: "Mr. Chen, the patriarch, please come over."

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