
Chapter 159 Teacher, what’s your score?

"Where's the sparkling stone? Hurry up, hurry up, the luminous leaves are all ready!"

"The floor needs to be re-paved. Well, there are some zebra stones in the warehouse. Go get them."

From afar, I could hear the angry shouts of Elder Baff in the house. People were coming in and out of the house constantly, and they all had various items in their hands, mostly materials.

"This will be Mr. Chen's temporary residence. If you need to add anything else, just ask Mr. Chen. All the materials you listed have been placed in your room. If you need anything else, just ask."

The patriarch accompanied Chen Mu towards the house with a smile on his face. Weah followed behind the two of them, his face expressionless.

The three of them walked into the house and saw a lively scene inside. People were constantly moving things inside. In addition to Elder Buff, Alfonso was also present. Alfonso witnessed Cheng Ying's stunning attack last time. After learning that the card was the card that Chen Mu had modified on the road, Alfonso simply gave up. And he immediately came here and took the initiative to carry various materials from his own warehouse to the warehouse of Chen Mu's house.

He directed the villagers to sort and place various materials, and he even made a set of instruments specifically for Chen Mu. It's just that these instruments are based on the instruments he usually uses, such as metal refining equipment and so on. He didn't know if Chen Mu needed it or not, so he moved over here at once.

Seeing Chen Mu and the clan leader coming in, Elder Buff and Alfonso quickly put down their work and came forward.

"What else do you need?" Alfonso asked with a hint of flattery.

When the patriarch saw Alfonso's expression, he was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, pointed at him and cursed: "Alfonso, now you know how to please others? Stop putting on your airs? Haha!" Then he turned his head. He said to Chen Mu: "You don't know this guy's tail is always raised to the sky. In addition to giving me some face, it's even more difficult for others to get some benefits from him. He likes to put on airs the most. Haha, now I know how to put on a smiley face."

Alfonso wasn't angry either, he just smiled from the side. Elder Baff on the side had an expression that couldn't bear to stare.

Chen Mu didn't make fun of him. He had already seen that Alfonso was a typical researcher. He has very obvious advantages as a researcher, but he also has equally obvious shortcomings. Compared to others, Chen Mu could understand Alfonso's behavior better.

"Let's go into the warehouse and take a look." Chen Mu didn't hesitate.

These people couldn't help but express some admiration for Chen Mu's vigorous and resolute attitude.

The warehouse was already half full with all kinds of materials, and Alfonso moved almost all the materials in his warehouse.

Chen Mu inspected each item carefully with a meticulous attitude. Influenced by him, the other people subconsciously kept quiet.

After checking all the materials, Chen Mu finally raised his head and said: "I need golden grass or star pattern leaves. If not, white banana leaves are just fine." No matter what kind of card is made, you need one most basic thing, that is Blank card. The blank cards he usually uses are finished products, but now he needs to make them by hand.

"No problem." The patriarch responded lightly.

Considering the future usage, Chen Mu added: "It's best to get more."

"Okay." The patriarch's answer was still straightforward. He said to Elder Buff: "Go ahead and let them go faster."

"Yes!" Elder Buff responded loudly. After saying that, he turned around and left the house. The speed was almost comparable to trotting.

After giving the instructions, the patriarch said to Chen Mu with a smile on his face: "If you have any requests in the future, just tell Alfonso, don't be afraid of trouble." Seeing that Chen Mu's eyes were always on the materials, he said goodbye to Weah and left the house. .

Alfonso and Chen Mu introduced these materials. Chen Mu discovered a very strange phenomenon. The naming of materials here is very consistent with that of the Tianyou Federation. Except for a few distinct naming differences, most of the rest are exactly the same.

This made Chen Mu secretly think that maybe Alfonso's ancestors were also from the Tianyou Federation. However, he wisely did not get to the bottom of it, and as for this question, he didn't really care.

Many of the materials here he had never used or even seen. Quite a few of them were not even included in Cheng Ying's illustration card, which gave Chen Mu a headache. Unknown materials also mean unknown properties, and unknown properties, in a sense, have no value.

Looking at Alfonso's expression, Chen Mu knew that these materials were not commercially available. It would be such a waste if it were just used in vain. Chen Mu couldn't help but think about how to use these materials that he didn't even recognize.

Cheng Ying and Bowen began to teach the villagers to practice perception. Both of them were professional card repairmen, and their foundations were much more solid than Chen Mulai. Cheng Ying naturally has no problem, and Bowen is also very aware of his situation. Being uncooperative at this time will not do him any good.

He has a strong sense of crisis in his heart!

Chen Mu once pushed him into such a difficult situation and even saved his life. Bowen felt that he was not as good as Chen Mu in terms of strength in card repair. As for card making, he had a clear understanding that with his own level, he was not qualified to help Chen Mu.

Chen Mu knows what he knows, and what Chen Mu knows, he doesn't. In terms of value, even though he didn't want to admit it, he actually knew in his heart that Chen Mu was of much greater value to the village than he was. And what frustrated him the most was that the clan leader seemed not interested in cooperating with the Ning family.

Cheng Ying's last battle also made her status in the hearts of the villagers skyrocket, and the children liked this beautiful female teacher even more.

Cheng Ying has no arrogance and is sincere in her treatment of others. She was quickly accepted by the villagers and everyone liked this forthright and sincere girl.

In order to increase the interest of these children, Cheng Ying will perform some performances from time to time, such as air shows.

Cheng Ying performed difficult tumbling movements in the sky from time to time, and the children below screamed and cheered from time to time. The faces of the adult villagers are much more serious. They know very well how much advantage they can have in the battle if they can perform so many difficult movements in the sky! If they can also fly like Cheng Ying, they can live in the jungle more freely.

Applause rang out from time to time, the children's hands turned red, and everyone's little face turned red. The only one who was absent-minded was Li Duhong. Not only had he seen this level of flying, he had also tried it in Cheng Ying's arms. He looked at these enthusiastic companions with slight contempt, curled his lips, and kept turning his small black eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"The teacher is amazing!"

"Teacher, can I fly in the sky like Teacher in the future?"

As soon as Cheng Ying landed, the children rushed up and rushed to ask questions.

Cheng Ying smiled and patiently said to these children: "In the future, everyone will learn special flight training courses. As long as everyone works hard, they will be able to fly."

"Teacher is so awesome! He's more flexible than a poisonous bat!"

"Yes, yes! Teacher, teacher, is it difficult to fly like you just did?"

Cheng Ying smiled softly: "It's not very difficult! What the teacher did just now has a difficulty level of only 45 in flight training."

"Teacher, what is the difficulty level of forty-five?" A pair of small hands were raised, like a small forest.

"This one is very difficult." Cheng Ying also liked these children very much, squatting down and patiently explaining: "You know, Mr. Chen can get 80 points in a small-scale dodge flight training with a difficulty level of 80. "

"Wow! So awesome!" All the children looked shocked. And Lidu's red eyes, which had been looking sleepy, suddenly lit up.

The villagers nearby also looked at each other, and they were also frightened by the news that Cheng Ying inadvertently revealed. Cheng Ying's movement difficulty just now was only 45. What would a movement with difficulty 80 look like? And what is the concept of getting 80 points when the difficulty is 80?

They don't know exactly how high this level is, but they just subconsciously feel that it is very high. It turns out that Mr. Chen is also a master! The villagers sighed with emotion.

The movement on Cheng Ying's side also attracted the attention of the children who were studying in front of Bowen not far away. Suddenly, a child raised his hand to signal to Bowen.

Bowen asked: "What's your problem?"

The child asked curiously: "Teacher, what kind of training did Teacher Cheng talk about? The difficulty is 80. How many points can the teacher get?"

Bowen's face suddenly darkened.

Chen Mu was so tired that he almost lay down. There were no instruments used by card makers here. Although he once modified cards for Cheng Ying in a very simple environment, this does not mean that he made cards at will under such conditions. Fortunately, the metal processing technology here is very advanced, and Alfonso is the most powerful expert in this field in the village. Chen Mu kept asking Alfonso to make those simple instruments. But even those simple instruments took Chen Mu a lot of effort before Alfonso finally understood them.

The two of them worked hard all night last night and were very tired.

Early in the morning, there was a sudden knock on the door, and someone outside shouted: "Mr. Chen, we have delivered what you asked for!"


Chen Mu responded and got up groggily. He was still in a dazed state. He walked over, opened the door, and tried to open his sleepy eyes.

Looking out the door drowsily, Chen Mu was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly got excited, and all his drowsiness suddenly disappeared.

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