
Chapter 156 Party

All kinds of protective jamming equipment are scattered around the small auditorium. It can almost be called a jamming equipment exhibition here. Chen Mu looked at these jammed weapons carefully. He had never seen so many jammed weapons. The shapes of these jamming devices are different, and the most common one is a jamming device composed of countless barrels. A neat row of gun barrels formed an array, pointing toward the sky. Since he couldn't see its internal structure, Chen Mu couldn't tell how this stuck weapon attacked. But those thick metal pipes alone are enough to make people feel heart palpitations. After a cursory glance, there were at least hundreds of jamming equipment piled around the auditorium.

Each of these card weapons is huge in size, and in the eyes of a novice like Chen Mu, they are still very intimidating. Put together, it's quite spectacular.

Weah and Chen Mu walked into the small auditorium. The circular dome makes the interior space feel wider, and the white stone pillars are carved with many patterns that Chen Mu can't quite understand. The inlaid lights on the dome are like stars, illuminating the hall brightly.

The auditorium was buzzing with people, villagers gathered in small groups, discussing in a relaxed manner, cheerful music was floating everywhere, and there were also the excited screams of children.

Weah's face was still expressionless, and Chen Mu followed closely behind him consciously. Wherever Weah goes, the villagers will automatically give way to Weah, and the playful children will not disturb him. The most bizarre thing is that no one dares to say hello to Weah. Chen Mu smiled bitterly, it seemed that this guy was not a popular person either. On the contrary, he received a lot of curious looks.

Weah looked calm, not unnatural at all. He led Chen Mu through the crowd and soon reached the deepest part of the auditorium. Some important people in the village were waiting for them. Chen Mu saw the old man he met at the entrance of the village, standing in the center of the crowd. A person as slow as Chen Mu also understands the old man's status in the village. Bowen Chengying had also arrived, while Li Duhong stayed beside Bowen honestly.

When the little guy saw Chen Mu and Weah, his eyes lit up.

"Haha, Mr. Chen was starved because of poor hospitality. This really makes the old man feel ashamed. It's a sin!" The old man apologized. Alfonso on the side looked unhappy. He had just been severely scolded by the clan leader, so he felt naturally uncomfortable. He didn't understand why the patriarch was so nice to such an ordinary-looking young man.

Chen Mu smiled: "You are too polite. If not, I wouldn't be able to taste Weah's craftsmanship. That would be the real regret."

"Oh." The old man's eyes lit up: "Mr. Chen and Weah can get along well? That's a good relationship. Weah is the number one master in our village, and both of them are young talents. Naturally, we should get close to each other."

Among the crowd, someone snorted slightly, obviously dissatisfied with the old man saying that Weah was the number one expert in the village. Even the middle-aged people around the old man looked a little ugly.

Weah's expression remained unchanged, as if he hadn't heard. Chen Mu was very sensible and didn't answer. He didn't care whether Weah was the best player in the village. But if it is because of this incident that many people hate him, then the gain outweighs the loss.

The old man's expression remained unchanged, and he seemed not to have heard the cold snort. He turned to Chen Mu and smiled: "There are not many rules in the village. Although this is called a party, it is actually noisy. Please forgive me."

Bowen and the others kept talking about where and how, and praised the lively atmosphere here.

Only then did Chen Mu look at the middle-aged people around the old man. Each of these middle-aged people had a calm demeanor. At first glance, they were people with real power. The three people that attracted Chen Mu's attention the most. An old man with all white hair, but his face was very rosy, he was very energetic when he spoke, and he looked very energetic. His name is Baff, and he is the elder in the village who trains young people. Every child in the village will receive education under him when he is young.

The other one looked a little gloomy, his eyes were sinister, his eyes were long and narrow, and his gaze was like thorns between opening and closing, which gave people a very uncomfortable feeling. Conrad is mainly in charge of discipline. If there is any dispute in the village, he is the final arbiter. In this regard, the patriarch will not interfere. People around him were quite afraid of Conrad, and even Li Duhong was honest in front of him.

The least noticeable one is a young man with a calm face. He is also the only young man beside the patriarch who does not look over thirty years old. His eyes are always calm, giving people a very easy-going and easy-going feeling. Kit, the boy in charge of the family tree archives in the village. His family is the most special family in the village. His ancestor is designated as the person in charge of the family tree archives. Since then, this responsibility has been passed down, and the keeper of the genealogical archives must come from his family. Kit, on the other hand, has been organizing and managing family trees since he was seven years old. Now he is twenty-five years old, a full eighteen years.

Organizing family trees and files is a very boring task, but Kit never gets tired of it. He also never played with other children in the village. Although he was young, he rarely developed a calm temperament and was very popular with the clan leader. And he was also known as the most knowledgeable man in the village, but not everyone liked him. In an atmosphere that advocates strongness and pursues power, no one except Kit is willing to spend time on things like genealogy files that cannot improve power.

"This is the mistress. He happened to meet you all that day, so he wanted to observe you secretly. Unexpectedly, it caused a misunderstanding between the two parties, and he regrets it extremely. Today I asked him to apologize to you all." The old man said with a sad face.

The mistress is not tall, only about 16.5 meters tall. She is shorter than Cheng Yingshang, but she looks extremely lean, with long hands and feet, and agile eyes. He was about to salute, but Bowen quickly stopped him and said with a smile: "Since it is a misunderstanding, then both parties are at fault. What the third brother did, made it more difficult for us. Haha, we can't get to know each other without fighting, and we can get to know each other like this. We have so many friends and we already feel extremely lucky.”

Bowen was very sensible. When he saw the other party coming down the steps, he quickly followed him.

"Haha, it makes sense! It makes sense!" Buff's hearty voice was heard: "If we don't fight, we won't get to know each other! You young people, please be affectionate to these little brothers. There are mountains beyond the mountains, young people, It’s always good to see more of the world.”

Several young people in the village responded quickly.

The mistress looked at Chen Mu with a somewhat unnatural look. After running desperately that day, his injuries worsened, and as soon as he returned to the village, he fell into a coma. In the coma, Chen Mu's ghostly figure was like a nightmare, following him like a shadow, chasing him so nervously that he could hardly breathe.

As soon as he saw Chen Mu, the dream he had when he was unconscious appeared in front of him involuntarily, and his eyes immediately dodged.

"Let's go, don't let our distinguished guests go hungry. You should also try the food in our village and see if you can get used to it." The clan leader joked with a smile.

Since he had just eaten a deer leg from Weah's place, Chen Mu didn't have much appetite. He ate some fruit at will. The sweetness of the fruits here was not comparable to those sold in Dongshangweicheng. He was more interested in the little things here.

For example, a grill that can adjust the temperature is a typical piece of equipment. There is also an ice bucket, which is also very interesting. It looks no different from an ordinary bucket. Pour water into it and it only takes three minutes for the water in the bucket to freeze into ice cubes. Then I saw the villagers pour the ice cubes in the bucket onto a piece of felt, and then use a slender light knife to neatly cut the large ice cubes into small pieces.

The level of metal smelting here is very high. All tableware is made of metal, and each piece is engraved with fine and beautiful patterns.

Unlike Chen Mu, a country bumpkin, Bowen's eyes were much more vicious. After a short while, his expression became a little strange. Where is this remote country?

Looking around, almost every villager had gems or something hanging around their necks, which made Bowen's eyes almost fall out. Of course, these gems are no big deal, but if each of the thousands of villagers had one or even a few hanging around their necks, Bowen would feel like he was going crazy. And every floor here is made of complete zebra stone. Those black and white stripes, like those on zebras, all indicate their expensive status. Outside, a piece of zebra stone flooring like this is priced at a sky-high price. In his home, this kind of expensive flooring is only used in small places like the collection room. But here, gosh, the entire auditorium is made of this flooring that's more expensive than gold.

His eyes sparkled, it was so rich here! He quickly thought about the profits if he could establish trade with this village...

Bo Wen didn't know how to eat, Chen Mu was already half-full, and among the three of them, only Cheng Ying was very happy. The food here tastes delicious, she has never eaten anything so delicious.

The hall was noisy, and except for the curious glances that drifted over from time to time, basically no one came to disturb him.

"Clan leader, is this the guest who injured the mistress?" Suddenly, an inappropriate voice suddenly appeared.

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