——I am the captain!

"Let's go, Fuwa." Ren Wei'a turned around and walked towards the president's office first.


He took a deep breath silently, thinking that he must regain the initiative in the office later!


After meeting Oren in the president's office, Fuwa directly filmed the video in front of him and said coldly: "Explain to me, the president of Hiden."

"What is going on!"


Oren, who learned that the magic machine had been destroyed before he arrived at the scene yesterday, was confused.

After he finished watching the video.

"These people are too much! How can they do this to Youle-kun!"

"Is it time to pay attention to that now?!" Fuwa poked the screen heavily with his finger: "In the past, the Despair Sublimator was needed to transform the magic machine, but now they can be hacked remotely. Do you know what this means?"

After hearing what Fuwa said, Oren also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"The only one who can remotely control Shumajia should be our satellite Zea. Izzy!"


Izzy closed her eyes, and after the connectors on both sides flashed a few times, she opened her eyes and said, "No abnormal records were found in the satellite Zea."

"What? Are you trying to say that this matter has nothing to do with your Hiden?"

"Well, Mr. Fuwa, calm down. We don't mean to shirk responsibility." Oren hurriedly stood up to smooth things over.

"Fuwa, calm down!" Blade Weia, who had been silent, suddenly raised her hand and pressed Fuwa back on the sofa.

Fuwa: ???

I didn't realize before that her hand strength is so strong? !

The secretary also added at this time: "The satellite has no abnormal records. If you want to get more detailed information, it is recommended to summon the astronaut Shumajia who is responsible for managing the satellite Zea for questioning."

"Yes, that's it!" Oren shook his index finger: "Let them come over quickly, Izzy."

"Yes, President Oren."

About half an hour later, a manic voice sounded in the president's office.

"It's so annoying! We are very busy." The bad boy, wearing a space suit and with a face full of dissatisfaction, broke into the office with a well-behaved younger brother.

Bad boy ignored the two people on the sofa, stood in front of Oren with his arms folded, and asked impatiently with his arms folded: "What's the matter?"

Oren: ...

This Shumagia, such a strong sense of oppression!

"These two are astronaut Shumagia, Space Baron Raiden and Space Baron Subaru." Izzy introduced.

Hearing the name of the former, Fuwa's heart moved.


It is now known that the name of the Destruction Thunder is composed of the names of four Shumagia, among which Destruction and Thunder have been eliminated, so this Thunder in front of him... could it be Thunder?

And this guy is the astronaut in charge of Zea, it is easy for him to tamper with the satellite.

Thinking of this, Fuwa immediately stood up and asked, "Hey, you are..."

"Shut up! I'm talking to the president, outsiders don't interrupt!" Raiden immediately turned sideways and glared at Fuwa.


Fuwa couldn't stand this, he walked in front of Raiden and almost stuck to him.

"What's your attitude? Be careful or I'll break you!"

"What did you say!" Raiden raised his hand and grabbed Fuwa's collar, looking like he would fight if he didn't agree with him.

The conflict was about to break out, but at this moment, the women on both sides attacked at the same time and pulled the two apart.

"Calm down!" X2

"Well~, don't be like this, why don't we separate, we ask Raiden, Mr. Fuwa, you ask Subaru, how about that?" Oren said with a pleading look, clasping his hands together.

Fuwa didn't want to agree to this proposal. Just as he was about to open his mouth to refute, Ren Wei'a said first: "Okay, please ask the president to arrange a reception room for us."

"Yes! I'll prepare it for you right away!"


Eh? No, I'm the protagonist!

Chapter 110: Hiden's Kind Father

Hiden Intelligent Company, reception room.

Inquiry is not what Captain Fuwa is good at. His interrogation method is probably to grab the other person's collar and yell: "Speak up!"

"What are you talking about?"

"How do I know? Anyway, tell me quickly!"

That's about it. He doesn't care whether the other person can bear it or not.

In this regard, Ren Wei'a is much more reliable. He can easily answer various technical questions and get to the point. His calm attitude makes Fuwa, who is sitting next to him, look like a gorilla.


"So, the recent frequent maintenance work is due to interference from unknown signals?"

"Yes, but please rest assured, my brother and I have carefully inspected it every time and found no abnormalities."

"Very suspicious." Ren Wei'a asked: "Can you trace the source of the interference?"

"No, this violates the special law on artificial intelligence."

"I authorize you with the authority of the AIMS captain, and only allow data tracking this time." As she said that, she suddenly reached out and pulled the dazed Fuwa in front of her and pointed it at Shumagia.

Fuwa: ???

"Why are you standing there? Authorization."

"Oh, authorization."

The lights of the Universe Wild Brother flashed twice, and responded: "Confirmed to obtain authorization, start data tracking."

A few minutes later, Shumagia cast a mud bombardment map in his eyes, and the three red dots on it were very obvious.

"Tracking completed, confirming that the interference signal came from these three places."

"There are actually three?" Bupo carefully looked at the location information displayed in these three locations.

A chemical factory, a fishing company, and another in an old bomb shelter?

Three completely unrelated places, and very far apart. At a glance, you can tell that they are...

"Trap!" Bupo stretched out his hand and grabbed the collar of the universe wild boy and asked: "You guy, are you deliberately playing tricks on us?"

"Stop, Bupo." Renweia tried to dissuade him, "He hasn't awakened to his technological singularity yet, so he won't lie."

"I'm afraid, this is a trap set by someone for us."

"Damn it!" Bupo let go of his hand and sighed angrily and helplessly: "We still have to go."

Yes, regarding Zeya's invasion, they must find the source and solve it as soon as possible, otherwise once a large-scale magic machine rampage breaks out, the consequences will be absolutely unbearable.

This was a conspiracy, and even though they knew it was a trap, they had no choice but to step into it.

...Soon after, Lan Guanghong, who got the news, came to meet them.

"Well done, captain!" From a distance, Lan Guanghong stretched out his thumb and praised Bupa.

Bupo's face turned slightly red, he coughed dryly and said, "The president of Feidian has gone to the chemical plant, what should we do?"

"Emm~" Lan Guanghong said silently, looking at him with a strange expression.

Bupo felt uncomfortable looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, I was thinking, aren't you the captain?"

Bupo was stunned on the spot.

Yes, I am the captain!

It's all my fault that those two funny guys, who are always bossing around, led me astray!


"Wei'a, let's go to the fishing company. Guanghong, I'll leave the old air raid shelter to you."

After reacting, Fuwa regained his former energy. After giving the order, he pulled the somewhat stunned Benweia and walked out of the Feidian Building.

"Huh?" Lan Guanghong looked at their backs thoughtfully.

Behind him, the eyes of the two Huobao team members were also shining with gossip.

"I'm telling you! There must be a story between the captain and the Blade Advisor. Look at him starting to call them by their first names!"

"Indeed, it seems that things developed rapidly last night."

"Ahem, what are you talking about!" Lan Guanghong interrupted the two people's whisper and frowned: "Why don't you go drive quickly? Why don't you wait for me to drive you?"

"Yes, leader!"

The two younger brothers hurried to the garage, but he remembered the story he had made up about Bupo.

Hiss~, will there really be a Bupoxun in the future?

Suck it, suck it~

An ordinary bowl of instant noodles is incomparable to the big meal he usually eats, but at this moment, the old man thinks it is the most delicious food in the world.

He raised his head and drank the last bit of noodles and soup into his stomach. He licked his lips and made a sound of satisfaction.


"I'm sorry, but now I can only aggrieve President Gai." The mysterious man sitting opposite, shrouded in a black robe, bowed his head slightly to apologize.

"No, it's delicious."

Taking out a pure white handkerchief and wiping his mouth, the con man narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then it's time for you to tell me who you are, right?"

He had already heard that this person was the person who left the message in his office and gave him the key. He is a terrible person who hides something deeper than him.

"Well, if you want to know."

The mysterious man took off his hood, revealing his true appearance.

The crook's pupils suddenly tightened, and he said in shock: "How could it be you!"

"There is nothing surprising. After all, I am Humagia. As long as the data is backed up, I will not disappear."

The middle-aged Xumagia, whose ears are first-generation connectors, raised the corners of his mouth and showed a modest smile: "'Be prepared for any disaster', this is a saying I like."

The old man swallowed and spit out the name of the person in front of him.

"Fei Dian Qi Xiong!"

He never dreamed that the mastermind behind using him as a tool turned out to be a Humagia, and a Ximagia who should have disappeared completely long ago.

Also, isn't this Feidian or Ren's father? Why did he become Xun's father again after more than ten years?

Surprised, the old man suddenly thought of a question, shook his head and said in denial: "No, you can't be Feidian Qixiong. I participated in the research back then, and there is no backup for the first generation of Ximagia!"

"Who can say for sure about that kind of thing?" Feidian Qixiong calmly avoided the topic: "Let's talk about business first. As you can see, I am on your side."

"That's possible. Aren't you from the Feidian family?"

"I cannot deny this, but it does not conflict with our cooperation."

"Tell me, how can we cooperate?"

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