The culprit who caused the Dawn accident showed up so openly!

The angry Fuwa fired continuously, but the opponent did not dodge at all. The ordinary sublimation gun bullets hit him without any effect.

Seeing this, Fuwa took out the gray key given to him by Ren Wei Agang and squeezed both sides with both hands.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

With a light "click", he inserted the key of forced authorization into the sublimation gun on his waist.

"Very good, I'll do it too!"

Lan Guanghong imitated his captain and held the purple key with both hands.

"Huh ah ah ah!"


The key was broken open, and Lan Guanghong couldn't wait to insert it into the sublimation gun.

However, the next moment!

The scarlet arc burst on the sublimation gun, and Lan Guanghong's eyes went black in an instant.

Next, he had a strange illusion.

Although he was here, the world turned gray, and the speed of the people around him became extremely slow. Lan Guanghong could even see the saliva sprayed from Fuwa's mouth when he shouted "henshin".

"What's going on... Ugh!"

Scarlet fonts formed by strong malice suddenly emerged from all directions, and they wrapped Lan Guanghong in them, as if they wanted to eat him up.

"What the hell is this thing!"

Anger, struggle, murderous intent... Strong negative emotions were affected by malice and poured out from his heart, but Lan Guanghong still tried his best to endure the urge to destroy everything.

"Emperor Stone, what are you doing, Emperor Stone! Come out and do something!"

The Emperor Stone has the ability to be immune to all mental and superpower attacks, and can even allow people to retain their memories in abnormal time and space travel, but there is a prerequisite.

It is this kind of attack, which it has seen before.

Obviously, it has never seen the situation where the consciousness of the machine invades humans, but after all, it is the Emperor Stone, and after reacting, it immediately began to disperse it.

... Doing it, doing it.

The Emperor Stone emits a faint red light.

Blue Light Red felt relieved and waited patiently for the situation to return to normal.

But as the malice was dispelled, bright yellow lines began to appear on his body, and the perspective gradually rose.

Not long after, he watched himself turn into a steel giant about two and a half meters tall and with an extremely strong body!

Blue Light Red: ? ? ?

What's going on! I haven't had time to feel sad yet, how come I became like this? !

Chapter 101 Burst! Mechanical Knight

"Forget it, Agito is right, I will lose if I take it seriously."

"Anyway, let's try the strength of this posture first!"

The sad prince-Mechanical Knight raised his head and quickly found the location of Fuwa and the others.

At this moment, Oren's falcon-shaped 01 was holding the little boy Sakurai and flying to the shore, leaving Fuwa alone to fight the purple knight.

However, Fuwa in gorilla form was not the opponent of the purple knight. When Blue Light Red saw him, he was just pierced by the purple knight's ultimate move, and he was embarrassed to fall to the ground after the transformation was lifted.

Blue Light Red: ...

Okay, now I can be sad.

But I was very calm, and even wanted to take out my gun and shoot the purple knight.

Just do it!

Blue Light Red placed his right arm in front of his chest, and the gears in his belt turned rapidly, gathering energy in his hand.

The gathered light finally formed the shadow of a gun, and finally materialized into a pistol as long as his forearm, full of mechanical feeling.

Its name is - Laser Breaker.

Unlike the original weapon Vortex Shooter, when he evolved into the Mechanical Knight, he extracted data from the machine that intended to invade him. This made this gun, and even the Mechanical Knight itself, undergo some incredible changes.

As if instinctively, Blue Light Red quickly calculated the next move of the Purple Knight, and before the opponent killed Xiang Bupo, he raised the gun.


A light blue beam shot out, and the Purple Knight suddenly felt something and jumped back.

The next moment...


A ray with the power of a normal knight's kick hit the target, and the purple knight rolled on the ground in a panic. His transformation was forcibly cancelled.


Where did this big guy come from!

Mie, who was almost blown up by a gun, didn't have time to think about it. He threw out his saber and shot it straight, but his body jumped into the water without hesitation.

The saber was evaporated by a gun first, and Lan Guanghong stared at the water surface, with lightning flashing in his compound eyes.

This is an ability called Analysis Eyes. Unlike the detection eyes, which are mainly used for searching, the analysis eyes are mainly used to lock and analyze the opponent's data. After that, the brain will also calculate countermeasures based on these data at high speed and give it targeted attacks.

This is also the reason why the mechanical knight can hit the target every time, because before firing, all the enemy's actions have been seen through. Unless the computing power is higher than that of the mechanical knight, it is impossible to avoid his attack.

At this moment, the high-speed computing makes Lan Guanghong feel numb in the brain, like an electric shock, but it is not uncomfortable, but very comfortable.

"Hiss~ It feels good... Oh, I found you!"

The analytical eye locked onto the location of the destruction, and the electronic structure exposed in his wound was seen in the magnified vision.

"Is it also a Shumagia? Then, there is no need to show mercy." He kicked the key that had just been forcibly broken off the ground, and Blue Light Red reached out to catch it, and then placed the purple key on the side of the Laser Destroyer.

[Quetzalcoatlus Authorize]

The laser destroyer sounded a warning, and the transparent component on the barrel also emitted a purple light.

Raising the gun again, Lan Guanghong pulled the trigger.

The next moment, a purple energy bullet shot out from the muzzle, suddenly bursting in the air, and turned into a huge Quetzalcoatlus that cried and pounced into the lake.

The water surface immediately churned violently, and soon, like a fishing eagle hunting, the Quetzalcoatlus flew into the sky with its "prey" in its mouth.

The Humagia in its mouth was already in tatters, and its parts fell from the air differently from the black fragments. The scene was extremely cruel.

"Tsk, it's too brutal." Lan Guanghong turned around and couldn't bear to see this tragic scene: "I am kind-hearted, and I can't bear to see this poor Humagia being beaten so badly, so..."

He lightly tapped his fingertips and snapped his fingers with sparks: "Disappear."


The wind god pterosaur made of energy, and the Shumagia that could transform into a knight, turned into nothingness together.

Tragic destruction, until it was destroyed, Blue Light Red didn't even know his name, only that he was the culprit of the Dawn accident.

"Next, it's time to find that person."

He turned his head to look at 01 who turned back to pick up Fuwa, and Blue Light Red jumped to the top of the ruins with both feet.

——When he evolved into a mechanical knight, he found that the machine that wanted to erode him with malice was not far away.

Probably, it's under the lake!

He turned on the analysis eye, and in a few seconds, he saw the conspicuous target.

"Is it a satellite? No wonder there is such a huge amount of data."

"We can't leave this scourge!"

Determined, Blue Light Red raised his hand slightly and pointed the gun in the direction of the abandoned satellite.

Then, he pulled the trigger continuously!

Boom, boom, boom~!


Half an hour later, ZAIA Japan Branch Office

"Weia, it's not like you to be so impatient. Calm down." Tianjin Gai tasted the coffee in the cup elegantly and smiled with satisfaction: "What happened?"

"Huh~" Ren Weia obeyed the order and took a deep breath, and said calmly: "President, Yak was destroyed."


Tianjin Gai's face changed, and he didn't even notice the coffee spilled all over him.

"What did you say? Satellite Yak was destroyed?"

"Yes, the function completely stopped, and the Destruction in the Thunder of Destruction was also destroyed."

"Who did it!"

"...I don't know. There is a special magnetic field around the attacker. Our satellite did not capture the opponent's image. We only know that he used a very powerful laser weapon to destroy Destruction and Yak."

"How could this happen?" Tianjin Gai collapsed in the boss chair.

Yak is gone, doesn't it mean that his perfect plan will fail?

Things shouldn't be like this. Sempersen shouldn't be like this!

...The next day, early in the morning.

Lan Guanghong slowly opened her eyes, and the unfamiliar ceiling was in sight.


Oh, I remember, I masturbated too hard yesterday, and suddenly felt dizzy, just like the feeling after using Bio Knight. Finally, I sent a message to Faria and lost consciousness.

In other words...

Turning around, Faria was sleeping next to her. This should be her new home.

When Lan Guanghong looked at her, Faria opened her eyes.

Their eyes met, and Faria looked at Lan Guanghong with a very strange look: "Do you want to eat peaches? Pervert?"

Lan Guanghong: ? ? ?

"Why are you scolding me suddenly? And, what about eating peaches?!"

"Eh~? Don't tell me you don't remember what happened last night."

Lan Guanghong had a bad premonition: "What did I do yesterday!"

"You really don't remember" Faria was suspicious.

Seeing him nod repeatedly, and his expression was not fake, Faria nodded in confusion, and her eyes glowed and projected an image.

"Don't try, this body doesn't have that function."

"It won't work here either, water will get in!"

"Ah! You bit too hard, you pervert!"

Blue light red: !!!

"Turn it off, turn it off quickly, no, delete it for me!"

He covered his face in despair and howled: "Fuck, what the hell is this!"

- As an evolutionary state of the same level as the Bio Knight, if you use it beyond your level, you will also pay a corresponding price.

The Bio Knight consumes a lot of physical strength, and the body will be exhausted after using it for a long time. And the Mechanical Knight is overloaded with brain power. After using it for a long time, it will become temporarily mentally retarded at the least, and at the worst - rationality will temporarily fade.

In short, there is no thinking, only desire...

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