Oh, there is an exception, and that is the weirdo cadre Bosigang. Because he provoked Minami Kotaro so much that he was destined to die with one strike, he was stunned and gave him another sword. He was honored to be the only one who was stabbed twice by the spiral sword. The enemy of the inferior waist.

Now, this supreme and powerful "sword that stabs anyone to death" has come into the hands of Lan Guanghong.

Although he failed to evolve into RX, it is equally joyful to get such an artifact.

"Very good! Let's try it!" The blue-light red sword pointed at the head of the rhinoceros that was rushing toward him, and he launched a counterattack!

"Heretics, accept judgment!"

"Unforgivable! Devil!"

In the flash of lightning, the sharp rhinoceros horn collided head-on with the tip of the spiral sword. The two needles faced each other. Purple and blue light burst out instantly, turning the square into a large-scale light pollution scene.

But soon, the purple light slowly disappeared, and finally only the dazzling blue light remained.

Soon after, the light slowly dissipated, and the figures of the two people in the field reappeared.

Blu-ray red approached Azma at close range. He held the sword in both hands, and the other end of the sword had been buried in the opponent's abdomen. Countless sparks spurted out from Azma's wounds.

"Yeah!" He exerted force again, and the tip of the sword came out of his body, stabbing the devil through!

"Uh, oh..."

His body was filled with the sun's rays, and Azma was stiff and unable to move. He felt as if this power was about to melt his soul.

This is not his imagination.

A scarlet page floated out of his body. It was the contract between him and Keefe, but now this chapter of the contract was mottled and was soon completely engulfed by the surging golden flames.

This meant that his contract with Keefe was ended.

He is no longer immortal.

"Ha~" When he was about to die, Azma breathed out, raised his hands, and watched as his body turned into golden light spots bit by bit.

Drifting away in the wind.

"Is this the sun?"

"It's so warm..."

Lan Guanghong remained silent, drew his sword, turned around, drew R, and posed, all in one go.


There was a violent explosion behind him.

Chapter 63 The decisive battle is coming

After the battle, Lan Guanghong casually held a sword flower in his hand. Suddenly, he suddenly had a whim and carefully touched the blade of the sword with his hand. He found that it was neither hot nor sharp, just like a long stick that was slightly warm.

"Wow, what a good baby!" Under the mask, Lan Guanghong showed a crazy smile and rubbed the sword blade against his face.


The clear sound of taking pictures came from not far away, and the blue light and red face froze.

"Look, let me tell you, it's definitely Black!"

"Well, the spinning sword is only available to Black RX, right? Why does it appear before he evolves into RX?"

"Yakamashi! In short, you don't need to be so clear about the Kamen Rider!"

People who had been hiding not far away appeared one after another. Some took out their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures, and some even started live broadcasts on the spot.

"Ahem!" Lan Guanghong coughed dryly, put the spinning sword into his belt, and continued towards the gate of Phoenix.

"Sir Black, please wait!" A brave citizen actually ran up to Lan Guanghong, raised his cell phone and asked him: "Sir Black, what are you doing in Phoenix today? You want to clean up this place. ”

"No." Lan Guanghong looked up at Akaashi who was standing by the window and peeked down, and responded calmly: "Since I found out that Commander Akaashi was controlled by a demon, the misunderstanding between him and me has been resolved. So what? Are you going to come to Phoenix to cause havoc for no reason?”

"The reason why I came here today is actually because I discovered that the demon who once disguised himself as a human and controlled Commander Akaashi is still alive, and transformed into a chimera and controlled him again, so I'm here to help him today."

"If you don't believe it, you can watch the surveillance. The demon released his transformation before he died and showed his face."

At this point, he suddenly shouted: "Is that so? Commander Akaashi."

Upstairs, Akaishi's face turned red and the corners of his mouth twitched.

But in the end, he picked up the microphone next to him, turned on the big screen in the square and responded: "Yes, I found an opportunity to send a distress signal to Master Black while I was under control. He came here specifically to save me today."

"Thank you very much, Lord Black!"

Akaashi gritted his teeth and bowed, then immediately turned off the broadcast.

"That's it." Lan Guanghong nodded facing the camera: "I still have things to do next, so I won't say much, Ciao~"

He was welcomed into the base gate by Phoenix's people in full public view. At this moment, people were in an uproar.

"In other words, were all the previous orders given by Commander Akaishi controlled by demons?!"

"So Black and Gorgom are actually real?"

"Hey, hey, that's not the problem now, right? Don't forget that we have all been stamped with sins. Now think about it, there won't be any problem with that sin mark!"

"Needless to say, the problem must be... big!"

A large group of people argued for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

Since Phoenix is ​​so unreliable and the commander can be exploited twice by the devil, then we can only find another reliable organization!

Yes, they decided to defect to Gorgom!

"In fact, Master Kifu has no ill will towards humans. He just wants to create a world where demons and humans can coexist harmoniously, so we have no reason to be hostile." Akaashi tried hard to persuade Lan Guanghong through the remote instrument: "Master Kifu said that as long as you are willing to surrender... willing to cooperate with us, he can hand over all the people on this planet to you for management, and you will become the only king in this world!"

"Bah, daydreaming!"

Lan Guanghong spat and said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, prepare the things for me, and I will go up and stab you in the waist if you say one more word!"


The instrument was turned off, and he really retreated honestly.

Lan Guanghong sneered disdainfully, crossed his legs and drank the black tea brought by the doctor.

Regarding Akaashi's initiative to give in, he was just trying to talk nonsense, but Akaashi still cooperated.

Lan Guanghong was not surprised by this. From his usual behavior and the fact that he surrendered to Kifu and became a traitor to humanity, it can be guessed that Akaishi is actually a person who is quite afraid of death.

It was just that he dared to act recklessly because he relied on being a Kifu contractor.

But now, after witnessing Azuma, who was also a contractor, being stabbed and blown up by a sword, and even the contract was burned, and clearly realizing that Lan Guanghong had the ability to completely kill him, Akaishi naturally became cowardly.

Speaking of which, Akaishi originally trapped Lan Guanghong underground, but did not kill him at that time, because he was afraid that he would suddenly do something incredible like in the drama, and finally become a terrible opponent that even Kifu could not deal with.

But unexpectedly, Lan Guanghong still evolved. Although it was not complete, it already had the ability to kill him.

So... want money? Want equipment? Want people?

Take it, take it, don't be polite!

- Just don't come up and stab my waist!

Lan Guanghong gladly accepted it. After defeating Azuma, his anger had subsided a lot. It was not impossible to let Akaashi live a few more days.

When everything arrives at Gorgom, with the joint efforts of Karizaki and his son, the strength of our personnel will soon usher in an explosive growth. At that time, it will not be too late to kill him!

Congratulations, congratulations!


"Hmm, it tastes good~." Lan Guanghong licked his lips, thinking that the person who could make such black tea must be a talent!

What's the name of that female doctor? That's right! Mikoshiba Akemi.

Let's pack it up and take it away later. It was a happy decision!

Not long after, under the full operation of Phoenix, Lan Guanghong drove to his own organization with four trucks of supplies and talents.

Upstairs, Akaashi stared at him with scarlet eyes and watched him leave, his hands creaking.

"Hey, this is not what we agreed on!" Behind him, Shik protested to Akaishi in dissatisfaction.

——His laboratory was almost emptied, and now he can no longer continue his research work. The only thing he can use is another Chimera belt.

"Yes, this is not what we agreed on." Akaishi came back to his senses and looked at Shik indifferently: "You said that Kamen Rider Damon is invincible, and Blue Light Red will never win."

Shik: ...

"Why don't you revive Azuma first? If you can do it, I will immediately get all your things back."

Shik tilted his head for a long time without saying anything, and finally silently turned into an illusory body and sank into the ground.

"Hiss~ Huh~" Akaishi took a long deep breath and barely calmed down the excitement in his heart.

"Just wait for me!" He pulled off his gloves and looked at the devil's eye in the palm of his hand: "In a few days, Master Kifu will definitely crush you all!"

Kifu had just been resurrected, just like a vegetative person who had experienced a long sleep suddenly woke up, and it took a long time to restore his body functions.

When the original demon is fully recovered...

It's time for the decisive battle!

As the title says, this book will be published tomorrow. For a newbie who has been writing books for the first time since childhood, I really feel so scared (vibrating)!

Thank you all readers for your support!

Well, I don't really have anything to say, but according to convention, I have to post a comment before publishing, so I'll just say a few words.

Let me first talk about why I decided to write Black. First, there are many knight articles in Maoke, but I found that there seems to be no one who wrote Black. So although I know that Black is less popular than Zi-O, Kuuga, Soka, and Xiao Ming, I still decided to write him (popularity does not equal popularity).

Another reason~

To be honest, I want to take advantage of the popularity of Black Sun!

But I never expected that the 50th anniversary commemorative work would leave me with a face full of question marks after reading it.

That's it? ? ?

The story is so bad. If it wasn't all ten episodes released at once, but one episode a week like Zongzi, I guess I would lose my pants by the end.

emmm..., in a way, it's quite self-aware.

As a result, it didn't get any popularity, and it encountered a month-long silence, which almost broke my defense.

Fortunately, I wittily swore a poisonous oath in advance, and finally I managed to survive (funny).

Next, let's talk about the direction of this novel.

First of all, the label is infinite flow, but it basically only enters the world of knights, but there will be a guest appearance of a team member in the mid-term activity chapter (dong, dong, dong!)

The current confirmed direction is

The Levis chapter that is about to be completed - black sun (short story) - 01 - Faiz - Ohno DECADE (short story) - Old Driver (theater short story) - Fengdu Detective.

The main content will be inserted into the chapter, and some key characters and enemies of Gorgom will appear from time to time (consistent with the settings in the play, but not the original characters, such as Li Hume in the protagonist's dream is the sky priest, but not Bi Hume), the identity of the protagonist, and the entanglement with Shadow Moon and the King of Creation will be presented one by one.

The rest is undecided. At that time, I will probably ask for the opinions of the masters to see what to write next.

Next, let's talk about the update.

emmm... I am very good at my coding efficiency, so I won't offer a reward. If I open a reward, I will feel uncomfortable if I owe less chapters, and I can't make up for the more chapters I owe. I will type slower when I am anxious, and it will be a vicious cycle.

So, I won't open it. It is more important to ensure stable updates.

But I still have to update tomorrow. As for how much I can code... I will guarantee five updates at the minimum.

Finally, as usual, I would like to thank all the readers for their support. I hope that I can continue to write stories that make everyone happy in the future.

Chapter 64 This Knight is not a knight

Since when, people have discovered that there are some strangely colored clouds in the sky. These clouds are always twisting and surging, as if there are countless demons hidden inside.

"Is the storm coming?" Lan Guanghong looked up at the clouds floating in the sky and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that it will speed up."

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