Because he lost his drive and sin mark, Weiss, who had not been materialized for a long time, floated out of his body and wandered around the room in boredom.

"Hmph~, it's because the devil's true form was exposed, so he hid it. Look at Ikki, I've already told him that this guy is a devil." Weiss gestured with joy, then showed a pensive look. : "But it's so strange, there is obviously no smell of devil in him... Wow, I know, he is a new type that even I, Lord Weiss, don't know!"

After casually drawing a conclusion that had nothing to do with reality, Weiss shamelessly praised his own wisdom.

"No way out!" Ikki waved away Weiss irritably, but accidentally bumped into the leg of Yukimi who had just come in, causing her to stumble, and she couldn't help but scream in surprise.

"Ah, Mom!" Ikki quickly stood up, and Da Er quickly reached out his hand, and each of them supported Yukimi.

"Phew, you scared me."

Yukimi, who stood firm, patted his chest, and then knocked Kaki on the forehead with a look of complaint.

"Ah it hurts!"

"It's okay if it hurts. How many times have I told you, don't be so rash." Yukishi rubbed his wrist: "Is it Weiss again this time?"

"Yes." After Yihui responded, he looked at his mother making tea as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but ask: "Mom, aren't you worried about Uncle Guanghong?"

Yukishi sipped tea leisurely: "Don't worry, he will show up naturally when it's time to show up."

The sophomore thought for a while and asked doubtfully: "Mom, is Master Lan Guanghong really our uncle?"

Of course Blu-ray-Hong cannot be their uncle, and the sophomore knows this.

Therefore, his implication was that he was asking his mother if she knew about Lan Guanghong's past.

In response, Yukimi just smiled slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Secret."

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

The new Phoenix headquarters building has been built, and a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today, with the new commander Akaashi delivering a speech.

To be fair, the new headquarters is already quite impressive in a normal building, but compared with the previous flight base, it is still a little bit behind.

But this is understandable. After all, the biggest threat on the surface - the outlaws are no longer there. There is really no need to build a flying graveyard. Just build a building to make do.

The headquarters is a bit shabby, but it does not hinder the enthusiasm of ordinary people to eat melon.

The ceremony site was crowded with people, and Phoenix's team members maintained order at the scene, one person at a time and five steps at a time.

The sound of scissors clicking signifies the formal opening of the Phoenix Building as the new base.

Next, Akaashi trotted onto the podium, looked at the people below, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Everyone, I am Commander-in-Chief Phoenix, Hero Akaashi."

"Today, I am honored to announce that we, Phoenix, have completely defeated the Desperadoes and achieved complete victory."

Upon hearing this exciting news, everyone present immediately began to raise their hands and cheer.

Akaashi smiled and pressed his hands down. After the cheers stopped, he continued: "Next, we Phoenix will begin to study the technology of coexisting with demons, so that demons can become the power of us humans and become the ladder of human evolution..."

On the top of a building not far away, listening to Akaashi's impassioned speech, Lan Guanghong sneered disdainfully.

"Tch, that's really nice to say. If you didn't know there was a Keefe behind him, you might have been deceived by his lies."

"That's right." Faria held the lollipop in her mouth and suddenly pointed to a blurry place and said, "Look over there."

Lan Guanghong looked in the direction of her finger and found that it was the guy who ran away from the battle not long ago, Azima.

It's just that at this time, he changed into Phoenix's white clothes. Judging from his rank, he was still the deputy commander, the same level as the former Kadoda.

"As expected, we are an accomplice. That's fine. I will send you to have barbecue today!"

"Well, it's time."

Lan Guanghong looked at the sudden commotion in Phoenix Tower and showed a mysterious smile: "The show begins."

In order to facilitate publicity, a very large publicity board was built in front of the Phoenix Tower, enough for everyone in the square to see the content on the screen.

At this moment, the publicity board suddenly activated itself, showing a pattern that looked like the letter B or R.

At the same time, a hoarse voice sounded.

"Gentlemen, please don't believe what Akaishi says. He is deceiving you and wants the entire human race to be controlled by the original demon - Keefu."

"The evidence is that he himself is a devil who has lived for who knows how many years!"

After the words fell, the content on the screen changed accordingly, showing photos and video materials recording Akaashi's appearance, and the date of the materials was carefully marked below.

It is so old that it has even reached the year when photography technology was invented, and there is no way to verify anything older than that.

"As you can see, this man's appearance has not changed for nearly two hundred years, which shows that he is definitely not human!"

"Hmph, that's nonsense." Facing the information collected by Karisaki and the others, Akaashi didn't panic at all and showed disdain: "You want to slander me as a devil based on these forged information. You underestimate us humans. ”

"And more!" He slammed the table and said seriously: "You guys who are hiding their heads and showing their tails dared to disturb people's hearts at the Phoenix launch ceremony. I will never forgive you!"

His resolute attitude made the people who were originally a little suspicious put down their guard again and began to shout loudly to show their support.

"Commander Akaishi, you said it very well. We will never forgive those who want to deceive us!"

"Commander, come on, we support you!"

Listening to the shouts of the people below, Akaishi showed a happy smile from the heart.

-Humph, no matter how long it has been, humans are so stupid.

However, the organization on the other side of the screen is not just talking.

The picture changed again, switching to a black room with warm light.

Three people wearing white robes that covered their bodies stood silently in the center of the room. Behind them, there was a relief with the same shape as the strange characters that appeared at the beginning.

Looking at the image on the screen, Akaishi's smile was restrained, and he had a bad premonition.

"We are the most loyal followers of the Century King, Black Sun, Gorgom." The man standing in the middle made a hoarse voice: "In the distant past, our Lord fought a great battle with the invading original demon, Kifu, to protect the earth. This is the truth of the terrorist attack that caused the explosion thirty years ago."


Bullshit, Lord Kifu was still sleeping at that time, how could he have fought with Black Sun!

"Nonsense, it was a terrorist attack..."

"After that, our Lord fell into a deep sleep and only woke up recently." Relying on hardware suppression, Karisaki forcibly covered Akaishi's voice. He pointed at Akaishi through the screen and issued a judgment: "Now, he will personally deal with you, the claws of the devil!"

Akaishi:? ? ?

At this time, a black shadow like a meteor cut through the sky...

Chapter 47 (Revised) Shining Debut

"Very good, it's time for us to appear!"

Seeing that the atmosphere has been set, Lan Guanghong reached out to Falia.

Falia smiled slightly and also reached out to him.

The two put their palms together, and Faria transformed into a demon form and entered Lan Guanghong's body.

The remaining half of the lollipop fell from the air and was caught by Lan Guanghong, who stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it up and swallowed it.

"Let's go, Faria!"

"... Actually, you don't need mine, right?"

"No, it's very necessary, for me."

"Hehe~ Then go ahead, Guanghong!"

"Oh." Lan Guanghong's eyes became firm.

The next moment, he transformed into Black Sun, jumped from the top of the building, and fell towards the square of Phoenix like a meteor.


The black meteor streaked across the sky and landed on the open space in front of the podium with a loud bang.

The sudden attack made the Phoenix team members nervous. They stood in front of Akaishi and pointed their guns at Lan Guanghong, but no one dared to shoot.

Because the people behind the intruders were ordinary people, it was easy to cause accidental injuries if they shot casually.

Lan Guanghong knew this, so he turned back into a human form the moment he landed and slowly stood up.

The second in the Phoenix array, and Ikki, who was temporarily acting as one of the spectators, both widened their eyes.


However, no one paid attention to their abnormal reactions at this time.

"Deceiving the people, wanting to let the world be dominated by invaders." Lan Guanghong ignored the many guns in front of him, stared at Akaishi with his eyes, and shouted: "Unforgivable, devil!"

Akaishi knew that he must not let the other party take away the right to speak at this moment. Just as he was about to speak out against it, he didn't expect Azuma next to him to interrupt at this time.

"Nan Kotaro, this time, I must judge you!"

He was very close to Akaishi, so his words were also broadcast by the microphone, so that everyone present heard this speech.


Akaishi:? ? ?

No, don't you refute the other party before you speak? And...

Why did you expose the fact that he is Nan Kotaro! ! !

Azuma's thoughtless speech caused the scene that Akaashi was most worried about to happen.

There were a large number of people present, and many of them had read the story of Kamen Rider Black.

When Karisaki called himself "Gorgom", they began to get a little agitated. When Azuma called Blue Light Red "Nan Kotaro", the situation was a little out of control.

After all, Azuma, wearing a gold-rimmed uniform, knew at a glance that his rank was not low. This could be regarded as an official certification of his identity!

"Transform, transform, transform..."

Some people shouted loudly, and the sound gradually expanded from a point to a surface. Soon, a uniform "transformation" sound rang out behind him.

Blue Light Red would naturally do as they wished.


He placed one hand on his waist and pointed to the sky with one hand.


The Emperor Stone on his waist emerged, and under Blue Light Red's high emotions, it began to operate at the highest power.

The sun in the sky suddenly cast a beam of blazing sunlight. Compared with this beam of light, it seemed that the world was darkened.

The light was projected onto Blue Light Red, and deep red and blue light burst out from the belt, and his body changed accordingly.

"Kamen Rider——Black!"

After the transformation, Blue Light Red pointed at Azuma and Azuma: "You are the minions who want to turn this world into a devil's paradise. I will crush your plot. Wake up!"

"I will judge you!"

Azuma pushed aside the team members who were blocking him with a cold face, took out the Dimons belt and put it on.

Azuma covered his face and hid behind the platform.

First, as an ordinary person, it is a normal reaction to avoid the battlefield.

Second, he didn't want to see Azuma's face now.

As someone who also made a contract with Kiff in ancient times, Azuma always looked down on Azuma, thinking that this guy had power but did things without thinking. Azuma also disliked Azuma for his bad character. After they reluctantly cooperated for a while, the two who were supposed to work for the same goal eventually parted ways.

After the separation, Azuma had tried many times to solve the war between humans from the root, but his choice was to kill the ruler who started the war. Needless to say, his behavior led to a more crazy and reckless war.

After "saving" the world several times, Azuma was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do, so he chose to give up thinking and find a deep mountain forest to fish and mess around.

It was not until the appearance of Blue Light Red that Akaishi thought of this long-silent "comrade-in-arms", so he invited Azuma out again on the grounds that Blue Light Red was a mysterious invader and would become an obstacle to humans.

But Akaishi didn't expect that he was more brainless than before. Look, before they even officially fought, he gave his opponent an official certification and confirmed his identity as a Kamen Rider.

——Then don't you admit that we are villains? !

It's a pit, it's really a pit!

Akaishi rubbed his temples angrily and began to think about a new battle plan.

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