
We are comrades-in-arms at the same time, and you don’t believe me?

You would rather believe that an unknown person just saved you... Oh, by the way, he saved you when Phoenix crashed.

Chigusa, who had secretly taken refuge in Akaishi and was not at the base on the day of the crash, suddenly remembered that these two comrades, and even most of the people behind them, had been saved by Lan Guanghong.

Speaking of which, whether the blue light and red were Timmons's business or Akaishi took the initiative to say it. Originally this was to pave the way for the next plan, but he didn't expect that the first step would be a failure.

The original plan was to use Orutega to cause the demon to defeat Timmons, and the Phoenix personnel enthusiastically rescued and finally forced the demon back. Kadota and the others were actually deliberately arranged to witness this scene.

In this way, Akaishi can openly call it "rescue", but it is actually "capture".

Unfortunately, he had calculated that Blue Light Red would keep the appointment, and he also knew that Timmons' strength could not defeat the fourth level. But he never expected that the other party would lift the table and turn into an unknown creature that even he was frightened by.

So in the end, Akaashi escaped, Chigusa was numb, and even Kadota and others didn't know what they were going to do.

Looking at the confused group of people, Lan Guanghong chuckled and said, "Haha, so humans are really interesting."

"Well, I'm very happy today, so I won't hold you accountable for pointing a gun at me. It won't happen again." After that, he waved to everyone: "ciao~."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Lan Guanghong jumped up high and disappeared from everyone's sight in a few ups and downs.


Kadota retracted his outstretched hand, turned around and asked, "Chigusa, what exactly happened here?"

Chigusa bit her lips and didn't say a word.

On the other side, Akaashi, who returned to the temporary base, rubbed his gloved right hand and pondered about the blue light.

"The origin is unknown, the power system is unknown, and the combat power is at the fourth level, even above me." His eyes flashed: "It seems that we need to pay more attention to it and formulate a special response plan."

After thinking for a while, he pressed the pager on the table and said, "Call Dr. Karisaki over."

After a while, the listless Dr. Kokarizaki came to the office.

"Hi, what are your orders, Commander?"


What's going on with this dead dad look? Was the sinking of the base such a big blow to him?

Forget it, as long as I can still work.

"Dr. Karisaki, do you remember Blue Light Red?"

"Well, what's wrong with Timmons' human body?"

"I have a video here, take a look first."

With that said, he picked up the remote control and turned on the projector, playing the video of today's Blu-ray Red vs. Orutega, which was captured with the invisible camera he carried.

"Oh~, this is what he looks like in person." George looked at the blue-red handsome face casually, even with some hostility.

Yep, it's just a transformation to fight a demon. What's there to see? Even if this demon is stronger...

"Kamen Rider—Black!"

George:! ! !


He threw himself in front of the screen and stared at Kamen Rider Black's figure with wide eyes.

Well, although the appearance is quite different, it does have Black's characteristics.

And this fighting method... hiss~ so brutal, but I like it so much!

The video ends with a knight punch.

At this point, George was convinced that this Black was the Kamen Rider he knew!


He grinned, and his hands pressed against the wall trembled slightly.

Looking at George's appearance, Akaishi's heart moved.

"Dr. Karisaki, do you know this unknown creature he turned into?"

Of course George knew him.

Kamen Rider is a tokusatsu drama that he has watched with his father since he was a child. From childhood to adulthood, from Number One to King of Time, he has watched it all without missing an episode.

As for the collection of Kamen Rider peripherals, there are countless of them. Later, they all developed to the point where they disliked the poor quality of the official products and directly made them by themselves.

In addition to wanting to surpass his father's mood in making the Levis Driver and the Double-Sided Driver, the idea of ​​making the Kamen Rider himself also occupied a large part.

He even has a wish, which is to create a knight in his lifetime that is exactly the same as the one in the tokusatsu drama, both in appearance and performance.

Now, a living idol appeared in front of him, how could he not be excited?

"Sir Akaashi, you don', it's nothing."

The excited George suddenly calmed down, adjusted his glasses and asked, "Do you want me to analyze the ability data of this creature?"

Akaashi:? ? ?

"Yes, I need..."

"I understand, let's analyze it now!"

Before he could finish speaking, George directly picked up the projector and quickly left the office.

Looking at George who suddenly became very energetic, Akaishi looked puzzled.

After thinking for a while, he turned on his computer and searched for "Kamen Rider" and came up with a lot of news about Timmons and Levis.

Akaashi pondered for a while, then typed the name "Black" on the back.

Two hours later...

Akaashi:! ! !

Damn it, are there really such buggy beings in the world? !

It's basically impossible to kill him. If he dies, he will most likely evolve into a stronger form. How to deal with this?

"No, these are fake, there is no way this knight really exists!"

Akaashi shook his head and pressed the pager again: "Call Dr. Karizaki again."

This time, he waited for a long time and saw no one.

Finally, the person responsible for conveying the order hurried into the room and reported to Akaashi: "Commander Akaashi, Dr. Karisaki is missing."

After a pause, the man continued: "He also took away all the results and data. Maybe, he probably rebelled."

Akaashi:? ? ?

"Hiss~!" He grabbed his hair irritably: "Send all your hands out and be sure to capture him!"


After the messenger went out, the sound of breaking cups and someone's roar came from the closed door.

Chapter 41 (Revision) Another Timmons

On the street, two groups of people from Phoenix met at an intersection.

"How's it going? Did you find the target?"


"Damn it, where did you go?"

After a brief exchange, Phoenix's team members quickly left here and walked towards the next street.

They didn't notice a single guy eating a hamburger among the couples in a nearby fast food restaurant.

"Xie Te, you are following so closely." George, who was wearing youthful clothes and with a mushroom head, subconsciously adjusted his glasses, but they were in vain.


He now felt that he had gone a bit hastily.

If we continue to stay in Phoenix and wait for the right time before suddenly running away, things will go much smoother.

Now, I have run away anyway, so let’s take it one step at a time.

After all, it's just a job in Phoenix, it's not as important as joining an idol!

After finishing his burger in silence, George put his bulging schoolbag on his back and walked out of the fast food restaurant in silence.

"Go through two more streets and you'll reach the Happy Bathhouse. If I can get there, I'll definitely see you!"

"...Minami Kotaro!"

Just as George lowered his head and moved forward cautiously, a strange voice suddenly came from the front: "Stop!"


He raised his head with luck and looked at the man standing in the middle of the road ahead like an ignorant person, only to find that the other person was staring straight at him, exuding undisguised malice.

——Oh haha, it’s exposed.

"Hand over the backpack!" The man pointed at George and shouted sternly.

"Hi~hi~hi, relax." George raised his hands and looked around, finding that this was the only person blocking the way.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise an evil smile.

Humph, you dare to face me alone. You probably don’t know that I, Kokarizaki, have never given up on exercising in addition to scientific research, in order to prepare for the moment when I become a Kamen Rider in the future.

Let me show you the power of my powerful body!

"I haven't seen you in Phoenix? Are you new?" George pretended to be friendly and said hello, slowly approaching him with his feet.

The other party did not answer, but also strode towards George.

Closer, closer.

That's it now!

George narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly retracted his hand and punched out.


This punch hit the opponent firmly, but the man still stood firmly on the spot. On the contrary, George's expression changed drastically.

He felt as if his fist had hit a hard stone, and a sharp pain came back from his hand!

Damn it, this guy is not human!

George reacted instantly and wanted to retreat immediately.

However, after he took the initiative to approach the enemy, it was already too late to run away.

The opponent used a lightning-fast backhand to stamp a palm on his abdomen. The huge force contained in this palm directly sent him flying backwards. The zipper of the backpack behind him also burst open with a "stab", revealing the sin mark inside. It fell out like a goddess scattering flowers.

Along with the Sin Seal, there were two belts.

One of them is the Levis Drive. In order to make a sin mark that can separate third-level demons, George temporarily asked for Ikki's belt and sin mark back.

The other one is the same as the one in Blu-ray Red's hand, the Timmons drive.

This drive is a legacy left by his father and the origin of his research on the Kamen Rider system that uses demonic power.


George fell to the ground and rolled twice. Severe pain hit his whole body, making him unable to move for a while.


The sound of the fight between the two alarmed the people on the street. Soon, the people present ran out of the street in fear, leaving only the mysterious man looking down at George who fell to the ground.

"Tsk, can't you run away?"

George rolled over as hard as he could so that he was facing the sky.

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