This is the source of Tian Tiao's confidence, and also his real fear.

So what if he is stronger than him?

Those who cannot kill him will only become his nourishment, making him and his creations stronger.

"But now it seems that I can't control him by myself."

After sending Lan Guanghong and Yingshan Ren away, Tian Tiao Longxian thought: "How about joining forces with them? They should not refuse such a research subject."

"...Huh? Where is my belt?"

... "When did you get this?!"

Looking at the belt in Lan Guanghong's hand, Yingshan Ren was stunned.

Obviously, he used his body in the battle, but he didn't notice when Lan Guanghong put Tian Tiao's belt on his body.

"Nothing special, just practice makes perfect."

Lan Guanghong threw the belt to Lao Ren: "Hurry up and call to report that you are safe. Sister Qiyu is so anxious that she is ready to come and rescue you in person."

He said this not without purpose. When he just got home, he noticed that the information Qiyu was looking at was the structural diagram of Nozama Pharmaceutical and the personnel composition of each department.

He had no doubt that if he could not get back in time, Qiyu would have to launch a rescue operation alone.

Lao Ren also believed this. He was also the person who knew Qiyu best, until she could really do such a thing... and the success rate was not low!

He quickly called Qiyu with Lan Guanghong's mobile phone.

"Hello, guess who I am...Ahaha, as expected, nothing can be hidden from Sister Qiyu...Dinner, just like usual, I love whatever Sister Qiyu cooks..."

After the call, Lao Ren was about to return the phone, but found that there was no trace of Lan Guanghong around him.


At this moment, Nozama was in a meeting room marked with the International Business Strategy Department in the building.

"You mean, the Amazon named Mizusawa Yuu is the most needed experimental subject in our plan?"

Headquarters chief Yugo Tachibana crossed his legs and looked at the handsome young man standing behind the desk with a serious face.

"Yes, Maki... Oh no, Headquarters chief Tachibana."

The handsome and elegant young man pushed his glasses.

A ray of blue light quietly flowed through his pupils.

Chapter 374: Team leader Utsumi is here!

No one could have imagined that Lan Guanghong suddenly made a comeback and sneaked back to Nozama headquarters. He himself was impulsive.

The reason was that he saw a familiar person on the way downstairs.

The final villain of Kamen Rider OOO, Dinosaur Greeed - Maki Swordsman.

Of course, this is not the real puppet doctor, but just a person with the same face, which is the same as Ichimonji who has the same face as Haiyao.

But based on his long experience of crossing, Lan Guanghong judged that a character with this characteristic would definitely not be a passerby!

So after sending Lao Ren away, he immediately possessed an assistant in his department, and then used the identity of this assistant to quickly look through the entire department's information.

As it turned out, he found the right person!

Dr. Maki's identity in this world is the head of the International Business Department - Tachibana Yugo, and the department is currently researching projects related to Amazon.

The project plan is divided into two, the code name Sigma, which is intended to combine human corpses with Amazon cells to create war weapons without emotions and unaffected by pain.

However, the project is currently stuck in a bottleneck, stuck in the step of cell fusion.

The second is the Neo project, which was just started yesterday after Lao Ren was captured.

Tachibana Yugo decided to further develop the Alpha belt based on it and make a new belt that can generate more types of weapons.

... If he knew that his own president could make a new belt, I wonder what his expression would be.

However, Tenjo has always shown himself as an ordinary old man and will not leak those technologies.

But it was precisely this point that made Lan Guanghong catch the flaw.

Closing the notebook, he pushed his glasses and smiled healthily.

"Interesting... I have to pledge my loyalty now!"

In the end, he reported that Mizusawa Yu would be the key to the success of the Sigma plan, and took this opportunity to show his talent to Tachibana Yugo.

Admittedly, he could only become a bio-knight in this world, but he still had the knowledge of mechanical knights in his mind, so it was too easy to convince Minister Tachibana.

After just a few minutes of chatting, he amazed Minister Tachibana and called him Genius.

"Amazing! I didn't expect that there is such a genius like you in our department!"

Minister Tachibana patted his shoulder and said excitedly: "From now on, the project team will be divided into two. You will be responsible for the development of the Neo project. You will report the members and funds later!"

Lan Guanghong quickly put on a "drifting half-life" look and said with emotion: "Thank you, Minister, I will definitely produce results as soon as possible!"

"Okay, that's the spirit, you... Hey, what's your name?"

Lan Guanghong: ...

"Minister, just call me Utsumi."

With a snap, the two held hands together, and bright smiles appeared on their faces.

Tachibana Yugo: Great! With Utsumi's help, this time I will definitely show my face in front of the president!

Lan Guanghong: Great! Now I don't have to worry about the materials for making equipment, and I can make a few more!


"Tsk tsk, the routine is old, but it's really useful!"

On the bench in the park, Lan Guanghong fed the pigeons comfortably.

At the other end of the chair was the trembling "Utsumi".

The assistant was really scared today. He had no sense of existence in the department. Today, he was just browsing his phone and playing with fish as usual, and suddenly he was raped by a ball of blue liquid!

Then, he watched his socially anxious self brag in front of the director and fooled the director. After coming out, he inexplicably became the second project leader at the same level as his original boss.

After that, this body left the company and came here, and then the blue liquid flew out, forming this "person" next to him!


Lan Guanghong just simply raised his finger to keep silent, and scared the assistant to be motionless.

Then he fed the pigeons and said calmly: "Utsumi, you have seen the situation yourself, do you know what to do?"

The assistant looked horrified: "Are you, you still going to occupy my body?"

"Tsk, I think you don't understand at all."

Lan Guanghong taught helplessly: "I don't have so much time to play house in the wild seats all the time. Normally, I won't interfere with you anymore... As long as you get the materials I need obediently."

"Don't worry, I will give you some information regularly.

"But if you want to do something small..."

Lan Guanghong didn't say anything else, but pressed his palm on the armrest of the bench slightly, squeezing the steel armrest into a ball of dough.

The assistant:... "Gulp~"

"Very good, it seems we have reached a consensus."

Lan Guanghong smiled and patted the assistant's shoulder, then stood up and waved to him with his back: "Come on, Team Leader Utsumi. ”


Lan Guanghong’s figure gradually went farther and farther away, and finally disappeared completely.

The assistant on the bench breathed a long sigh of relief and collapsed.

…In fact, his name is not Utsumi at all.

But it doesn’t matter~

After arranging the undercover Utsumi, Lan Guanghong still has things to do.

That is Mizusawa Yuu who somehow got involved with the Extermination Squad and also got involved with Lao Ren.

Although Lao Ren didn’t seem to care about this matter, Lan Guanghong couldn’t bear it.

——Sister Qiyu gave him the belt to let him do this?

The child is so rebellious, he needs to be beaten up!

It’s not difficult to find Xiaoyou. When Lan Guanghong took away Otaki Ryusuke, he took off his armband and the team walkie-talkie and hid them behind his waist.

Now, as long as he takes out the red armband, the Extermination Squad will immediately receive the signal.

The base of the Extermination Squad is hidden in a basement, which is small. But it is a paradise for those who risk their lives.

Xiaoyou is also here. Now he dare not go back to face his sister, and his mother's company is even less likely to accommodate him, so he can only stay here temporarily.

The extra task of arresting Yingshan Ren made the Extermination Team a lot of money, and now they are eating and drinking happily.

Xiaoyou can't fit in, just feels that he is out of place here.

He can't figure it out. It was Yingshan Ren who appeared in time to save them yesterday, why can he backstab them without scruples after the battle?

Because his mother's words asked him to help the Extermination Team, he did not stop those people's actions and watched Yingshan Ren being captured.

This also made Qiyu mistakenly think that Xiaoyou was also one of the criminals, and then she led Lan Guanghong astray.

Xiaoyou didn't know that a certain Creation King was planning to beat him, and he was still worried about whether he was a human or an Amazon.

"... For his own benefit, he can easily sell out the life-saving people."

"Is this, human?"

"No! "He shook his head violently.

"Sister Qiyu clearly knew that I was an Amazon, but she was still so enthusiastic to help me."

"People are diverse, I can't easily draw conclusions!"

"... Anyway, let's take it one step at a time."

Ding ding ding~!

Suddenly, an emergency call from the nozoma broke the cheerful atmosphere in the basement.

Amazon appeared again!

Chapter 375 You have made it.

"Level B, identification code unknown."

Xiao Wang frowned: "In addition, its route is very strange."

On the map, the red dot representing the target shuttled between roads and buildings at will, as if there were no obstacles on the road.

Xiao Wang thought that the enemy this time was a flying species, but after watching for a while, he found that the target's route was very regular, as if it was moving at high speed on a non-existent road.

"Let me see."

Jun Maehara came to Xiao Wang's side, observed for a while and said with certainty: "Sewer. "

"Also, its action pattern is wrong. The newly awakened Amazon should have a huge appetite..."

Here, he paused for a moment, because he thought of his missing teammate Otaki.

But he quickly suppressed this emotion and continued: "At this time, it should be eating in a fixed place, not running around like this."

"Unless..." Sanqi continued: "Someone is chasing it!"

"That's right." Maehara nodded, and suddenly his face changed and fell silent.

Sanqi and Xiaowang also quickly thought of something and stopped talking.

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