"Otaki, it's time to take the medicine... eh?"

Here it comes again, the feeling of being attacked by dead memories.

He shook his head to get rid of the weird feeling, and concentrated on observing Otaki's performance.

The future of the Amazon family depends on Otaki's performance now!

The bloody smell spread, which should be the favorite smell of Amazon.

However, Otaki showed a painful look, and his facial features were tightly twisted together.

"It stinks!"

Lan Guanghong, Hongo Takeshi:?

"It stinks, take it away quickly... ugh~"

His reaction did not seem to be fake, but it confused the two people in the experiment.

This, this is not right?

The experimental results should not be like this.

Before the two had time to think about the reason, Ichimonji, who was lying down, was unhappy.

"Hey, what do you mean!"

Ichimonji was furious.

Who could stand being sucked out of nowhere and being despised as XX?

Looking at Ichimonji who turned over, Lan Guanghong had an idea in his mind.

"Wait! I think I know what the problem is!"

"I thought of it too!"

The two looked at each other, and Hongo Takeshi stopped Ichimonji and asked seriously: "Ichimonji, did Shocker do something to your blood?"

Lan Guanghong took action directly, activating the power of the Bio Knight to detect the blood in the bowl.

After a moment, his face became solemn.

"The blood is poisonous."


"Wait a minute, does Hongo not need to exchange blood?"

After exchanging another wave of information, everyone sorted out the reason for this matter.

It turned out that after Hongo Takeshi's betrayal, Shocker added a second layer of insurance to control the cyborgs with poisonous blood, so that the cyborgs would die after the rebellion because they could not exchange blood.

Hongo Takeshi had never known about this because he betrayed Shocker, and Lan Guanghong had no way of knowing it.

Ichimonji thought that Hongo Takeshi had other ways to exchange blood, and he was going to use him after recovering his original personality.

As a result, he didn't need to exchange blood at all.

Ichimonji was stunned at the time.

"So, I will die?"

"Not really, not really. Hongo and I will help you make an antidote serum as soon as possible."

Lan Guanghong comforted: "Don't worry, we are all locusts, it's not a big problem."

Ichimonji thought about it and felt that it was indeed the case.

These two people can make drugs that change genes across species, so it is not a big problem to research a serum for him.

After thinking it through, Ichimonji felt relieved.

"Hmph, I am immortal, how can I be stumped by a mere poisonous blood."

"...That's unfortunate to say, those who claim to be immortal don't have a good end."

Lan Guanghong raised his finger to the sky: "I only threw an immortal into the universe, and I don't know where it is now."

Ichimonji: ? ? ?


I accidentally discovered Ichimonji's physical problem, and after another test, it was confirmed that Otaki temporarily lost his appetite for humans, which is a cause for celebration.

...Yes, temporarily.

Even if a genius like Hongo Takeshi, with the help of Bio Knight, two days is not enough to make a drug that completely changes the Amazon gene.

Therefore, Hongo Takeshi took a shortcut. He actually developed a drug that increases the speed of Amazon cell division to maintain activity and changes its picky eating habits in a short period of time.

After the injection of the drug, Amazon loses its desire to eat humans and can absorb nutrients from ordinary food like humans. This effect will last for about a week.

The disadvantage is that the efficacy of the drug will decay rapidly with the number of injections. The second injection can only last for three days, and the third injection may be completely ineffective.

But this disadvantage is not a problem at all in Lan Guanghong's eyes.

Think about it, the drug that was hastily developed in just one and a half days can achieve this level. What can Hongo Takeshi achieve in the ten days that he fought for with two injections?

Maybe not only Amazon, but also Ichimonji's poisonous blood problem will be solved.

"... The future is promising!"

Just when Lan Guanghong was feeling relieved, a text message from his mobile phone interrupted his good mood.

"Jin is in trouble! Tianjo Longxian is not dead, we need help."

Sender: Nanayu

Lan Guanghong: ...


Chapter 372 Gambling

After temporarily entrusting Otaki Ryusuke to Hongo Takeshi and the others, Lan Guanghong rode his motorcycle back without stopping.

Not long after, he pushed open the door of the rooftop and saw a messy hut that had been turned over.

Lao Ren was arrested, and Qi Yu had no news after sending a message. The clue seemed to be disconnected here.

But Lan Guanghong was not panicked at all, and went downstairs to open the door of her house.

As expected, Qi Yu was sitting at the dining table, reading the information and eating instant noodles. She seemed to be not worried about Lao Ren's condition at all, and her posture was very comfortable.

Seeing Lan Guanghong push the door, she even took out another box of instant noodles from behind.

"You've worked hard, would you like a bowl?"

"Thank you, I don't want to eat."

Lan Guanghong sat across from her and asked, "What happened? Why was Lao Ren arrested?"

"It was the expulsion squad."

Qiyu swallowed the last mouthful of noodles, pushed the empty bowl away and continued to explain, "They found Ren's bug and used it to lure him into a trap, and he was arrested."

"The last message he left me was that he was taken to the Nozama and saw Tianjo Longxian."

At this point, she stopped talking and looked at Lan Guanghong with a puzzled look.

Didn't you say that Tianjo Longxian had been eliminated?

"It's not my fault. I guess that guy has some special abilities."

Lan Guanghong scratched his cheek, his brain working fast.

He was sure that he was the one who was killed last time. Although the process seemed a bit too simple, he didn't think much about it since he was dead.

But now Tian Tiao is alive again, so some questions are worth thinking about.

The biggest problem is that Tian Tiao, as an existence on the same level as the three cadres of Shocker, should have undergone a high-level transformation operation. He can also prove that he can detect the stealth of the bio-knight.

So, why didn't he fight back when facing the attack of the bio-knight, but was easily killed?

And at that time, Lan Guanghong didn't feel anything special from Tian Tiao. He was just an ordinary old man.

"Could it be a parasite... No, that's not right."

He thought that Tian Tiao used parasites to control others and disguised himself, but rejected this conjecture the next moment.

Doing so can't escape the eyes of the bio-knight.

"...Ah~! What a hassle."

Lan Guanghong scratched his hair and suddenly slammed the table.

"Forget it! At worst, I can kill him again. I don't believe he can always be resurrected."

"By the way, take out Lao Ren... Hey, where's Xiaoyou?"

Suddenly remembering that there was such a zongzi, he asked casually, wondering if he was temporarily replacing Lao Ren to kill monsters.

"In the extermination team."

Qi Yu took a sip of tea slowly, smacked his lips and said, "He also has a share in catching Ren."

Lan Guanghong:...?

I think I've only been gone for less than two days?

How come it seems like I've been gone for two weeks?


Nozama Pharmaceutical, secret laboratory.

Takayama Ren, with his upper body naked, was locked in an electrified cage, and his body was injected with special inhibitors, making him very weak.

Even so, he was lying on the ground with a cynical smile on his face.

The familiar footsteps came, and his smile was slightly withdrawn, and it bloomed again after a moment.

"It's been a long time since we last met, President!"

"Yes, I haven't seen you for several years."

Tian Tiao Longxian sat outside the cage like an old man visiting and chatting, looking at the trapped beast with interest.

"Much stronger than before, not bad, Yingshan Ren."

Yingshan Ren turned over and sat up, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"This is all thanks to you, President Tian Tiao... huh?"

He was suddenly stunned, and his nose twitched a few times.

This smell? !

"Don't smell it, you're right."

Tian Tiao Longxian smiled and looked up: "I didn't greet you well last time, so I made some special preparations this time."

"...I'm looking forward to your surprise."

The blue water flowed down from the sky and turned into a blue light and red.

He shook his hands and stared at Tian Tiao: "But, if I just become an Amazon..."

"Of course it's not that simple."

Tian Tiao laughed heartily, and suddenly stopped smiling and said: "Lan Guanghong, I want to bet with you."

Lan Guanghong decisively refused: "Forget it, I have an incompatible relationship with gambling and drugs."

Tian Tiao continued as if he didn't hear it: "I know you can change your genes, I want you to fight me as an Amazon,"

"If you win, I will tell you my ability. If I don't tell you about this ability, no one in this world can kill me."

At this point, he licked his tongue greedily: "If I win, I want a tube of your blood. How about it?"

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