Did I blame him wrongly?

"Very familiar, go forward from here, turn left at the second intersection..."

While muttering, he followed his feeling and walked forward.

Suddenly, he stood still, with strong confidence in his eyes!

"Yes, it's here!"

He lifted his damaged dress and strode into the store.

Lan Guanghong:...

The sign on the store read: Soak, Soak, Bath!

"This is worse than drinking wine!"

At least drinking wine can be a way to talk and complain.

A bubble bath is basically a 100% free indulgence.

"It's really outrageous!"

Lan Guanghong shook his hand indignantly and followed him in.

No other intention, just want to see the depravity of human nature.

The next second.

He pretended to be in the wrong store and turned out quickly.

"Forget it, forget it, my wife is so great, I can't do anything to let her down."

"...I remembered a few new faces, let her try them out tonight, hey."

Just as he was imagining what position the main body should use at night, he suddenly found Ichimonji walking out with a lonely face.

Blue Light Red:?

"What's wrong? It doesn't have that function after the transformation?"

"No." Ichimonji took a long breath and said in a low voice: "No money."


"Lend me first..."

"No!" Blue Light Red turned and left.

"You are so stingy." Ichimonji shrugged and followed.

A few minutes later, there was a ramen restaurant on the side of the road.


Ichimonji swallowed the noodles piled with toppings in big mouthfuls, as if to make up for all the food experience lost during the transformation.

"Delicious!" Ichimonji stacked the bowls: "Boss, give me another bowl!"

"Delicious!" Lan Guanghong wiped his mouth: "Boss, give me another bowl!"

"Two guests!" The boss looked like he was crying or laughing, and picked up the empty bamboo basket: "Sorry, we're sold out."

After eating all the noodles in the noodle shop, even the toppings were swept away, Lan Guanghong still felt a little unsatisfied.

"Forget it, life is not perfect."

It was almost late at night, and Lan Guanghong estimated that Hongo Takeshi had said everything he should say, and he probably didn't have the courage to do it, so he prepared to go back with Ichimonji.

All the way, Ichimonji kept looking at him with resentful eyes.

Lan Guanghong couldn't stand being looked at by him: "What are you doing?"

"You obviously have money, I saw it all."

"The rest should be handed over to my wife. If it's too little, she will crush me."

Ichimonji was shocked

"You are married?!"

"Of course!" Lan Guanghong raised the corner of her mouth slightly, took out her mobile phone and adjusted the album: "Look, she is very beautiful."

Ichimonji: "..."

"You just want to show off your wife to me?"

"No." Lan Guanghong said one thing and meant another.

Ichimonji took the phone unconvinced, thinking that he would find some flaws in him later.

The result...

"There are so many photos, which one is your wife?"

This is what I've been waiting for!

"All of them."

Ichimonji: "...Huh?!"

Lan Guanghong nodded and said affirmatively: "She can split and change!"

Ichimonji's mouth twitched immediately.


Too sour!


Gorgom Palace.

The original Lan Guanghong opened his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The arc of the provocation gradually became larger, and the smile became evil and wild.

"Faliya, come to the bedroom quickly!"

"I want to fight ten today!"

Faliya, who was commanding the research of the Dragon Fang Card Box, received the voice transmission, and stars flashed in her eyes.

In an instant, the empty bedroom that was originally as big as a football field became shadowy and became a sea of ​​Faliya's clones.

Beauties are like clouds, and the waves are surging...

Faliya's body straddled the waist of Lan Guanghong, and her rosy lips uttered the most dangerous words in the most gentle tone.

"The king is so brave, how can ten be enough?"

"I think ten times is just right~"

Lan Guanghong: !!!

Chapter 371 Immortal Body Ichimonji

Gorgom Tokyo Branch.

It took thirty-eight hours to create, and there was not much time left for Otaki Ryusuke.

Fortunately, with the joint efforts of Lan Guanghong and Hongo Takeshi, the drug that can inhibit the internal consumption of Amazon cells and the impulse of cannibalism was successfully developed.

Now, it's time to officially verify the results.

A tube of golden liquid was injected into the dragonfly Amazon. Lan Guanghong's eyes flashed twice, and suddenly he took two steps back without making a sound.

Hongo Takeshi looked at him in confusion, then squatted beside him holding a notebook, ready to record the status of Amazon.

"Um... Gu!"

The dying dragonfly species, which had been tortured by cell internal consumption, suddenly groaned.

As the cells regained vitality and began to divide excessively, his cry of pain gradually became louder.

"Hum, hum!"

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Hot steam suddenly spurted out of him!

Hongo Takeshi was caught off guard and was sprayed all over, so he quickly pulled back.

"Cough, cough!"

He coughed twice, and glared at Lan Guanghong with resentment.

Lan Guanghong didn't care, and smiled with his hands spread out.

The cry of pain from the dragonfly species also attracted Ichimonji and Asuka. The four of them stood in a row with their arms around their chests and watched, and their postures were surprisingly consistent.

...The effect of the drug lasted for a few minutes before slowly stopping. After the thick fog caused by the drastic changes dissipated, the dragonfly species had regained its human form as Ryusuke Otaki.


Otaki gasped frantically, sweat pouring down his forehead like rain.

He wanted to reach out and wipe it, but his body was still tied up and he couldn't move. He could only raise his head and ask the four people in front of him for help: "Can you let me go?"

Hongo Meng refused decisively: "No! We still need to verify the results."


Blu-ray and red Jiejie smiled, and suddenly took out a needle as thick and long as a forearm from behind.


He was so frightened that he leaned back and tried to stay away: "No! This will kill people!"

Asuka was also shocked by the size of the needle: "This is too thick!"

"It's better to be rough. The more you draw, the more accurate the result will be."

Lan Guanghong patted her chest and promised, "Don't worry, you won't die."

"No! Don't come over!"

Otaki's shouting was of no use, he could only watch the blue light and red side and sterilize the needle while grinning.


Otaki, Asuka:?

I am gloating about the drama and watching a play:? !


The thick needle penetrated the blood vessel accurately and drew out a small half of the blood at lightning speed.

In an instant, Yiwen's face turned pale.

Half of it was pain and the other half was anemia.

He asked with a distorted expression: "Why are you poking me?!"

Lan Guanghong said confidently: "Experiment, see if Otaki is still interested in human flesh."

"Then you go find Hongo!"

"Why are you looking for him? I didn't invite him to dinner."

One word:? ? ?

Good guy, I was just waiting here for you to treat me to dinner!

"Don't worry, it's okay." Lan Guanghong reached out and patted Yiwenji on the shoulder: "I'll treat you to a bowl of pig blood soup tomorrow morning, and you'll make up for it soon."

"No need!"

Ichimonji refused decisively and angrily went to lie down on the sofa.


Lan Guanghong shrugged, poured the blood into a vessel and brought it to Otaki.

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