But now, let alone breaking it, he struggled with all his might and couldn't even shake the fragile branch.

What frightened him even more was that the feeling of losing control gradually spread from his feet to his neck.


The bat monster fell straight to the ground, his eyes spinning in fear.

After a long time, light blue liquid flew out of its body and gathered into a human shape, with a silver armband in his hand.

"...artificial life form."

He shook his head and sighed: "Sure enough, the nature of human beings is to seek death."

Lan Guanghong had already obtained the characteristics of this monster race from it and figured out that they were artificially created life forms.

Very similar to the monsters in the Black Sun World, but more dangerous and deadly.

The monsters over there can be dealt with with guns, but the ones here are not only not afraid of guns, but also feed on humans.

He speculated that this kind of monster might be used as a war weapon, but the specific truth requires further investigation.

Behind him, the bat monster had turned into a pool of black mucus.

Even if they were stronger than the monsters of Black Sun, they couldn't stand Lan Guanghong's possession analysis, and their bodies completely collapsed the moment he left.

"We have to find a way to figure out where these guys came from."

Holding the silver armband, Lan Guanghong's mouth corners slightly raised.

Because the clues were delivered to him.

"Don't move!"

A group of fully armed people suddenly flashed out of the forest, holding assault rifles and pointing them at him.

Lan Guanghong quickly saluted in French: "Don't shoot!"

"Don't shoot!" A person on the opposite side almost stopped his companions at the same time: "He doesn't smell like Amazon, he is a human!"

"Huh?" The teammates showed puzzled expressions.

Lan Guanghong also saw the composition of this seven-man team at this time.

In short, there are men, women, and...

"Quack, and Commander Wakabayashi?!"

"...What the hell? This frog-like nickname."

The captain of the other world, Quack, saw that Lan Guanghong was not the target, and waved his hand and said, "It's dangerous here, leave quickly."

Lan Guanghong raised his index finger and shook the silver armband calmly: "What danger do you mean?"


This armband is an inhibitor syringe embedded in the arm of Amazon. The only way to remove it is to cut off the arm or kill the monster.

The members of the extermination team who make a living by expelling Amazon know this very well, so they are surprised.

"Did you kill that guy?"

"I did kill a man-eating monster. It's called Amazon?"

Lan Guanghong was also a little confused.

Why does this monster have the same name as a Showa cute creature?

"This has nothing to do with you. Go back and have a good sleep and forget about what happened today."

Even if he found that Lan Guanghong was different, the captain didn't plan to have too much interaction with him. After calling to confirm that the signal disappeared, he prepared to withdraw the team and go home.

The extermination team's transportation is a modified van, which is filled with all kinds of weapons that military otakus are crazy about. In the corner, there are also several baffles with the words "Peston Pest Extermination Service" and "Nozama Epidemic Prevention Service Station" printed on them.

Lan Guanghong seemed to understand something.

This group called Nozama, there is something wrong!

You think I won't recognize you if you turn Amazon upside down and change it to Japanese?

"Brother Guanghong, how did you defeat Amazon? I don't think you have any weapons."

"Weapons? Hahaha, the human body is the strongest weapon."

Lan Guanghong's face showed firm lines: "I am the descendant of the universe boxing. Fighting bears and tigers is common. Small monsters are not worth mentioning at all."

"Oh~ So awesome!"

The two-year-old Xiao Shou clapped with shining eyes.

Everyone: ...

Forget him, we will leave him behind when we enter the city anyway.

... The extermination team didn't plan to take him with them, but Lan Guanghong persuaded Xiao Shou with reasons such as getting lost.

At the request of the group pet, everyone had to take him along.

However, they still underestimated Lan Guanghong's chatterbox. Even after repeatedly stopping Xiao Mamoru from speaking, he still figured out the composition of this pest extermination team.

The captain Zhi Teng Zhen with a quack face is unexpectedly a good person.

Afu with a Wakabayashi face is a sniper. The other team members are Xiao Mamoru and Ryusuke who exude an inhuman aura, and ordinary people Misaki, Xiao Wang, and Maehara.

Originally, he wanted to sneak into the team to investigate the truth, but on the way, Zhen Ge, who was the co-pilot, received a call, and Lan Guanghong accidentally discovered that this was actually an outsourcing team that worked for money, and it was just an employment relationship with Noza.

ba yi si jiu ling san qi ba jiu

They didn't even know what Amazon was, anyway, they just killed it.

... Fortunately, Lan Guanghong had a backup plan.

Closed his eyes and adjusted the genetic composition with the power of the biochemical knight.

Beside him, Xiao Mamoru's admiring eyes turned into doubt, and then quickly turned into horror.

"He's an Amazon!"


Chapter 361: Intercepting Lao Ren

Xiao Shou roared, and the joyful atmosphere in the car instantly dropped to freezing point. Everyone in the extermination team picked up the nearest weapon and aimed at Lan Guanghong.

"Don't shoot, I'm a human."

Lan Guanghong said this, but secretly adjusted his genes back.

It had to be adjusted. When he transformed into an Amazon just now, he actually developed an appetite for the people in this car.

At that moment, he deeply felt the horror of this creature.

"... Eh? The smell has changed again?"

Xiao Shou, whose clothes were half torn, was stunned and sniffed carefully in disbelief.

Indeed, it has become the smell of humans again.

Xiao Shou: ...?

"Well, listen to my explanation." Lan Guanghong said seriously: "In fact, the one just now was not the first Amazon I killed. I encountered a crustacean when I was practicing in the mountains. I hunted it as a special prey."

Xiao Wang was a little confused: "What does this have to do with you smelling like an Amazon?"

Maehara, the think tank of the team, was quick-witted and came up with a terrifying guess from keywords such as "crustacean" and "hunting".

"You ate it?!"


Are you kidding me? Why would anyone eat that...

"Well, it tastes okay, like ink pasta."

Blue Light Red gave a thumbs up, then his face changed and he said in distress: "But since then, my body occasionally feels pineapple pineapple... I should have cooked it before eating."

Teammate: ? ? ?


"Hey! Don't vomit!"

After a lot of chaos, the truck drifted and spun, speeding towards the Nozama Group.

None of you here are experts in biology, so you can't make a hasty judgment on whether Blue Light Red's words are true or false, even if it sounds very much like a lie... But what if it is?

In short, it will definitely not be wrong to throw it to Nozama, and you may even get a special bounty to make up for the loss of the monster being robbed this time.

But they don't understand, but there is one person who does.

"...Eat Amazon? That's ridiculous."

On the side of the road, a wild-looking man leaning on a motorcycle eavesdropped on the conversation in the expulsion bus, with a smile on his lips.

As the person who created the creature Amazon, he knew that what Blue Light Red said was all nonsense.

If eating monsters would turn you into a monster, the world would have been in chaos long ago.

He took out a raw egg from his pocket, raised his head and crushed it to let the fishy egg liquid flow into his mouth, then wiped his mouth and got on the motorcycle.

If there is a smell, it must be Amazon!

It's time to hunt!


A stream of black smoke spewed out from the rear of the car, and Yingshan Ren sped along the road.

The atmosphere in the car was no longer as relaxed and happy as before. The extermination team huddled together to guard against the lonely Blue Light Red on the other side.

Xiao Shou followed his teammates and tried to look solemn, but the unnatural look in his eyes still revealed his fear.

——Who is this person? He actually ate Amazon in reverse?

Then what he just said about the speed of the leopard, the eyes of the eagle, and the strength of the bear...hiss~ So scary!

When Xiao Shou was getting nervous, the car suddenly braked with a "swoosh". He lost his balance and fell forward a few steps, crashing into a strong arm.

Xiao Shou:!

He slowly raised his head and saw Lan Guanghong's hearty smile with white teeth.


He jumped into Xiao Wang's arms like a frightened rabbit and hugged the latter's waist tightly.

Lan Guanghong:?

The door of the car was opened by Ah Fu, and he looked at Lan Guanghong calmly: "Get off the car, someone is looking for you."

Lan Guanghong was stunned: "Looking for me?"

No one in this world should know him.

With doubts, Lan Guanghong jumped out of the car and walked around to the front, and saw a very wild person blocking the front of the car.

Before he could speak, the other party took the initiative to greet him: "Hey~, I finally see you, your name is..."

He nodded his head and smiled as if he had suddenly realized something: "Lan Guanghong, right?"

Lan Guanghong:? ? ?

"Who are you?"

"Me~" Yingshan Ren's smile turned grim: "I'm here to kill you."

The hand behind his back suddenly pulled out, holding a silver belt full of battle marks.

The shape of that belt...

Lan Guanghong raised his eyebrows in doubt: "(Kamen Rider) Amazon?"

"Yes." Yingshan Ren held the right handle: "I am..."


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