Blu-ray red stretched out her hand towards Zimli: "Miss Guide, can you use the power of creation to help me pinch an ID core?"

Chapter 353 A hundred-year-old woman’s eternal pain

Lan Guanghong's tone was very kind, but Zimli had just witnessed the brutal scene of him suppressing Taili while talking and laughing, and she suspected that she would follow in Taili's footsteps by just uttering half the word "no".


Zimli held her hands on her chest and closed her eyes to pray. After a while, Lan Guanghong noticed two more objects on her body.

When I took it out, I saw it was a black ID core with a dark green locust pattern printed on it.

There is also a mobile phone used to count scores and rankings. The same core pattern is on the screen and the name of the knight is written on the ground.

"Kamen Rider Battla (Fighting Locust)? Well, let me try."

He took out the Desire Activator and inserted it into the core. After putting on his belt, he took out two Boosts.



Twist the handle, the two thrusters spurt out flames at the same time, and the red jet armor covers the black body.

However, the head is a very retro Showa knight head shape.

"It feels very disharmonious, and the output is a bit weak."

Looking at his top-heavy appearance in the mirror, Lan Guanghong asked with some dissatisfaction: "Zimli, can you rub the belt buckle? It's similar to Hidetoshi's BoostMK2."

MK3 was created by Hidetoshi himself, so he didn't ask for more.

"How is it possible?" Zimli said speechlessly: "That special buckle cannot be created out of thin air. It requires several lifetimes of accumulated wishes and the power of a goddess. I definitely can't create it."

Blue light red:......

He looked at Zimli steadily until the latter seemed a little flustered and then suddenly said: "So weak~"

Zimli: ...Are you polite?

Lan Guanghong smiled slightly, raised his hand and discharged ten Boosts: "Then, I will make a wish to fuse these buckles. This will be easy, my lady goddess."


"Where do you get so much Boost? Who are you?"

"Just a passing Kamen Rider."

Lan Guanghong walked to the window and looked out, urging: "Hurry up, the organizers' final counterattack is coming."

Outside, another group of demon disciples rushed over, including many high-level species and demon disciple knights that were very different from ordinary weirdos.

Extreme Fox has already fought against the monster. MK IX exerted a crushing power, but there were too many enemies that could not be eliminated in a short time.

There is another problem, the Taoist priest is missing.

I might have been embarrassed in front of Gazer before, but with Jihu stepping forward, Blu-ray Red didn't enter the venue.

Who would have thought that in such a short time, such a big person would be gone without even a clairvoyance test.

"Hey, here you go!"

Zimli's voice drew Lan Guanghong's attention back. He looked down and saw that the backup goddess of creation was holding two buckles that looked very similar to MKII in her hands.

"Thank you!"

Blu-ray red didn't say much, took the buckle and put it on the belt to start.

[Boost MKIV]

A ball of flames marked with five thrusters burned on each side of the body, and then turned into thick red armor, covering the body.


Lan Guanghong jumped from the high building while holding on to the window sill. When he hit the ground, the jet pipes on his body suddenly burst out with blazing flames, causing the nearby evil demons to scream.

[Fight! ]

"Rider Punch!"

He twisted his bow arm and punched out suddenly with the impact of the quadruple thruster.

The demon disciples directly in front of Dou Locust were torn apart by the strong fist wind, and the nearby weirdos were also affected and rushed into the air, shouting in panic.

The ground left a trail of burning flames.

Lan Guanghong retracted his fist and looked at the effect of this punch with some surprise.

"Not bad, it really feels like the Black period."

More evil demons swept in, and the blue-red red face under the mask was obviously more excited.


"Rider Kick!"

Lan Guanghong and Yingshou were there to clear out the mobs.

The Taoist priest was led to another place by an acquaintance.

"What do you want to do, Beloba?"

"I should be the one to say this, right?" Beloba said with a wicked smile, "What are you doing? Be a partner of justice with Jihu?"

The Taoist priest shook his face: "What I do has nothing to do with you."

"Even if the world is destroyed?"

"……What's the meaning?"

Beloba covered her mouth and laughed: "Hahahaha, haven't you seen it yet? This game can't end."

Another voice followed Beloba's words behind the Taoist Priest: "As you can see, because of the changes in Jihu and that guy who messed up, there will no longer be a god of pleasure in this game."

"The DGP organizers will not allow this to exist, and they will try their best to remove these two obstacles."

Guagua twirled his fingers, suddenly half-crouched and said with a strange smile: "The evil demon's attack is just the beginning."

The bully Niu Niu didn't know that the organizer had decided to manually destroy the world, so the two future fun-lovers tried their best to fool him.

"They can resist the DGP's offensive, but what about ordinary people? Innocent people will be brutally killed by evil demons."

"Only by eliminating bugs and allowing the game to continue running can the world return to normal."

"Sa, Ba Niu, what will you choose?"

Taoist priest: ...

He was silent for a while and then suddenly asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Hmph~ Let Sakurai Keihe regain his memory first, we still need him now."

Taoist priest:?

He didn't know about Jing He's elimination yet, so he took out his ranking phone and looked at it, then ignored them and turned around to leave.

Behind him, the smile on Gua Gua La's face disappeared.

"Do you think he will really obey?"

"Of course." Beloba slowly closed her fingers: "This guy can't escape my grasp."

"You said the same thing last time."


The Demonic Ceremony, the eternal pain in the heart of the 350-year-old woman.

"It doesn't matter. As long as he lets Jinghe touch the core, the plan will be successful." Guagua comforted him thoughtfully: "He is the warrior I chose, a warrior who covers up his sad tears with a mask."

Gua Gua La pretended to wipe away her tears, but couldn't help but twist the corner of her mouth into a perverted smile.

Now, Jinghe has been "betrayed" by everyone.

As long as he is given a little more powerful information, the warrior of his dreams will appear in darkness.

"...Don't let me down."

On the battlefield of evil demon disciples, when the enemy had been strangled to the point where there was not much left, Ba Niu suddenly came back to kill him.


The chainsaw spun wildly, and he raised his hand to knock over the two demon disciples, and suddenly slashed at Lan Guanghong's back.

Blu-ray red:?

He turned around and clamped Ba Niu's chainsaw with his hands. Just as he was about to ask him why he was so angry, he suddenly heard the other party whisper: "The evil demon is an informant, fight me!"

Blu-ray red:!

If you say this, then I am too familiar with it!


The two of them separated, and Lan Guanghong staggered in his steps, looking like he was overloaded and about to burst into pieces.

But he still used his last strength to face the bull that attacked again.

"Some people say that you are causing the game to stop going on. What's going on?"

The current situation was not suitable for a detailed explanation. Lan Guanghong directly highlighted the key points and said: "Yingshou can create the world."

Taoist priest:?

"Zimli is the next creation goddess."

Taoist priest:? ?

"In a few days, they both won't be as powerful as me."

Taoist priest:? ? ?

Chapter 354 Best Actor per Capita

The three people who had finished clearing out the evil demons returned to the building to repair for the time being.

Maybe the blue light and red light were indeed a little stronger before, but Jing He didn't wake up until now.

He was moved by Zimli on the desk and placed in a very peaceful posture thoughtfully.

Coupled with the four people sitting in a row, Lan Guanghong suddenly felt like "Jing and you died so miserably."

The Taoist Priest was telling the story about Beloba and Guagua trying to instigate him. During the process, his eyes glanced at the three of them from time to time, with a hint of subtle surprise.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi, the boss of Jifox in the game, suddenly became the god of creation.

Zimli, the mission guide and mascot, suddenly became the goddess of creation.

Blue light and red... I'm not familiar with it, but according to him, it's more powerful than Yingshou and Zimli combined.

If these three people work together, even the invincible Driver will be beaten twice.

"... Let Taili regain his memory. Do you want him to compete again?"

Yingshou frowned, and after a moment he smiled confidently: "I understand."

Blu-ray red:?

"What's the trick? Tell me about it?"

His understanding of DGP rules was limited to the basics, and Hingshou and the others were better at this.

Yingshou also expressed his speculation generously.

"Zimli and I are still very weak in our creation power, but if we join forces, we can reset the world..."

The Taoist leader suddenly interjected: "What's the point? DGP has been reset countless times."

"It's different." Yingshou glanced at him: "They can't enter the world I created."

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