
The Triangle Chaser roared on the road, and the eyes under the rider's helmet showed suppressed anger.

Seventy-eight young boys and girls in their prime are in the most beautiful period of their lives.

But by those monsters...!

In the sky, a pair of Golem's big eyes scanned the ground back and forth, transmitting suspicious situations nearby to the fifth generation through the communicator that came with the motorcycle.

[It is discovered that the person suspected of Gurungi has entered the hospital gate. ]

"Damn Grunki!"

Wu Dai gritted his teeth and touched his waist with one hand, revealing the spirit stone.


The crimson warrior appeared, and then shouted: "Come here, Golem!"

The steel beetle received the summons and landed quickly, flew above the locomotive and changed its shape, forming a spread that covered the locomotive.

On the golden protective gear on his forehead, Kuuga's symbol was shining brightly.


The changed propellers of the hind limbs suddenly erupted into flames, and the locomotive's speed increased again, speeding towards the hospital like a phantom.

"We must catch up, and we must not let those survivors be harmed again!"

Godai was so focused on rushing on his way that he didn't realize that there was a faint black smoke floating out from his red body.

...Gulangji didn't even feel that a murderous god was approaching him. He had already arrived in the corridor outside the ward, snapping his fingers with one hand.


The crisp sound was particularly obvious in the silent corridor and stopped abruptly in front of the ward where the students were.


This time I will kill directly and I will never let anyone stop me from playing the game!

Grunki showed an evil smile and then opened the door with one hand.

Then, the smile solidified.

The red sword of the earth chopped off his head. At the critical moment, Gulangi transformed into his original shape, shrank down and shook out the large spikes on his body.


After being accidentally knocked in the eye by a sharp thorn, Yukina, who transformed into Agito, subconsciously wiped her eyes and stepped back.

Gurungi took the opportunity to rush past her into the ward.

Of course, it is not trying to kill someone as soon as possible, but it finds that jumping out of the window of the room is the fastest way to escape. If it runs back to the corridor, it will definitely be stabbed to the core.

With a crisp sound, Gurungi broke through the glass and jumped out.

"Very good, I can escape... Damn Linduo, and Agito, they shamelessly used bait... Huh?"


Triangle Chaser rushed into the hospital gate, and the fifth generation in the car saw Gurungi falling in the air at a glance, and he immediately became angry.

He jumped up from the car, stepped on the car seat with both feet and kicked hard, and flew towards Gurungi.

At this time, it was almost certain to hit with a knight kick, but Godai didn't want this Gurungi to die so easily.


Gurungi landed on the ground and was knocked down by Kuuga. The two held each other in circles for a few times before Godai gained the upper hand and pinned the enemy firmly beneath him.

Looking at the spikes on its head, there is no doubt that it is the murderer of students!

"You devil!"

Furious, Kuuga raised his fist and threw a right uppercut!


A heavy iron fist hit Grunki's face, and a mouthful of black blood spattered.

Kongwo still couldn't understand his hatred, he raised his fist continuously and dropped it!

Right hook! Right hook! Right hook!

That posture seemed to be beating the enemy to death.

The black smoke on my body became more intense...

Chapter 345 There is something wrong with this Daguaba

Bang! Bang!

Godai recalled the list of those dead children in his mind, and punched harder every time.

An ordinary weirdo would have been killed by this fierce fist, but the core of Gurungi is the belt. As long as the belt is not damaged, it is difficult to really kill it with ordinary attacks.

But not being killed doesn't mean that you can't feel pain.

The porcupine even wanted to die. Its eyeballs were exploded, its nose was cracked, and its chin was drooped to one side, with only a little skin and flesh connected.

The smelly, dark blood splattered all over the floor, but Godai still didn't stop.

"Something is wrong with the fifth generation!"

By the window, Yukina felt very uneasy when she saw Godai looking crazy.

It seemed like something was coming out of Kuuga's body.

Without hesitation, she decisively informed everyone of the anomaly.

"What? The fifth generation has gone dark?"

Lan Guanghong, who received Xuecai's call, didn't react for a while.

Fifth generation, blackened?

No way, didn't he keep his red eyes even when he transformed into the ultimate?

"Hiss~ Could it be that I was too hasty and only thought about training to make him stronger but ignored the mentality?"

Without thinking too much, the first priority was to rush to the scene and find out what was going on.

Lan Guanghong dropped the research at hand, and the figure disappeared the moment he opened the door.

A few seconds later, the black knight appeared above the hospital, his red eyes scanning the frantic Kuuga below.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but frown.

It only took half a minute at most from the time I received Yukina's call to the time I arrived, but in this short period of time Sora's appearance had completely changed.

His whole body was filled with black smoke, and his originally red body had completely turned black. In addition, there was a leg armor on his left leg that could stimulate the power of the seal.

The only good thing is that the eyes are still red, but maybe it will change after a while.

"Amazingly almighty, and still changing to a higher stage."

What drove Kuuga to change was the anger that Godai was gushing out, but apparently this anger burned too fiercely, and even Godai himself was burned.

Blue Light Red flew down, grabbed the back of the Five Generation's neck and lifted him up: "Wake up, Five Generation!"

Suddenly controlled, Five Generation subconsciously turned around and elbowed him!



Kuga's elbow hit RX's chest, and the latter did not dodge.

Instead, Kuga felt a sharp pain like a broken bone, but under the stimulation of this pain, Five Generation also broke free from the violent state with a start.

"It hurts... Eh? Brother Guanghong, why are you here?"

Blue Light Red threw him aside unhappily: "If I don't come, you will be killed."

Five Generation:?

"This guy was tampered with by the Rose Seed." Blue Light Red stepped on the chest of the Porcupine Seed to make it unable to move, and sprinkled a light blue light spot on it with one hand.

In an instant, the blood around Gurongi surged like boiling, and turned back into a pool of dead matter after a moment.

"Plant parasites and high concentrations of mental toxins."

After the analysis, Lan Guanghong said to the confused Wudai and Xuecai who had just come downstairs: "The rose species set a trap with this guy."

Xuecai found Huadian: "But how did it know that Wudai was coming?"

Lan Guanghong looked at her helplessly: "If Wudai didn't come, you would be the one who got caught."

Xuecai: "...Ah!"

At this time, the barely recovered porcupine species also understood something.

No wonder the rose species that had been restraining them suddenly came to it alone to play the Kikiru game.

It also said that it was the most promising to be promoted to the En Group and replace Daguba.

It was all a lie!

"Ba, Baluba!"

It shouted the name of the rose species angrily, and then quickly spit out a string of Gurongi language.

The general idea is don't kill me, I will take you to find the rose species, and I will take the lead!

"No need." Lan Guanghong mercilessly rejected its request, and then the sublimation potion in his hand suddenly turned into gravity compression, crushing the porcupine species to nothing.

Only then did he slowly utter the second half of the sentence: "They are already here."


The wall suddenly broke, and an extremely huge figure pressed straight towards Blue Light Red.

The next second, it flew back at a faster speed. From the broken place, you can see a group of them fighting with a group of Gurongi and pseudo-Agito.

But there is still no trace of Rose Seed and Dordo who created Prison Time.

However, Blue Light Red already knows where they are.

"Godai, Setsuna, I'll leave this to you."

Godai, Setsuna:?

Blue Light Red looked up at the sky: "I'm going to meet a fairly interesting guy."

In the distance where he looked, black clouds were flowing, lightning and thunder were flashing.

Although Godai did not eventually become the Ultimate Dark, the changing power still awakened the existence corresponding to him.

The white devil-Dagoba!

"Finally appeared."

Feeling the amazing murderous aura, the corners of Blue Light Red's mouth slightly raised.

As expected of the strongest Gurongi, judging from the aura alone, it is many times stronger than the Northwest En Group transformed by Suruga.

Unfortunately... it is still not good enough.

Blue Light Red flew up and flew towards the center of the murderous aura.


"Just a little bit, Kuuga."

The burly white body and the hard face showed no expression: "Why?"

It didn't finish its words, but Rose Seed and Doldo in the audience understood that Daguba was asking why Kuuga had not yet become the Ultimate Form, so he borrowed its aura to awaken it.

Daguba had a wish, which was to kill Kuuga, or be killed by Kuuga.

But Kuuga, who had not yet advanced to the Ultimate Darkness, could not fulfill its wish.

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