[Flash after reading! ]


Dasmada swung his sword suddenly, and a crescent-shaped sword energy wrapped in purple-black flames flew out from the blade, and the sword seemed to cut off the small building in front with one blow.


The fierce sword energy hit the outer wall of the small building.

However, this attack was like a pure special effect, and it couldn't even wipe off the dust on the wall.


Not good!

With a crazy warning of danger, he immediately turned around and wanted to retreat, but found that someone stood behind him at some point.

The rain in the sky also failed to touch that person.

"Long time no see."

Lan Guanghong showed a playful smile: "I didn't expect it to be you, Dasmada."

Wang Jian's mask couldn't cover Lan Guanghong's sight, and he recognized the RX enemy in front of him at a glance.

Then his eyes turned and aimed at the dark sword in his hand.

"Hey, you brought me a new toy. You're so polite."

Blue Light Red stretched out his hand, and before Dasmada could react, the weapon in his hand suddenly appeared in the other's hand.

Dasmada: !!!

What kind of power is this?

This is not the power that RX should have!

Could it be...

He looked at Blue Light Red in horror, and blurted out three words one by one.

"Creation, World, King!"

"It's not that level yet, but it's almost there."

Blue Light Red almost completely ignored Dasmada. He carefully felt the structure of the sword, and after a moment, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I already understood it completely.

"Very good, let's try it."

One hand brushed across his waist, and the same belt as the King Sword appeared, but the fantasy driving book hung on it was different.

It was a green book with a triangle, princess, and swordsman printed on the cover.

Swinging the sword across the book, the two read each other and read the name of the book.

[The Legend of Zelda! ]


He raised his sword and opened the fantasy book. A shadow appeared behind him, and the swordsman jumped out of it.

[Power, wisdom, courage! The legend of the goddess princess and the exorcist swordsman is still being performed on the Hyrule continent! ]

After the chanting, the new transformation made a brilliant appearance.

The green base is covered with blue and green thin armor, and the golden mask falls with golden streamlines covering the whole body, which looks gorgeous and full of complex beauty.

With a slight movement of his left hand, a shield unfolded from his wrist.

"Huh... It feels good."

Knocking the shield with the sword blade, Blue Light Red nodded with satisfaction and said, "Let's call it Kamen Rider-Link."


Since the fantasy book is still there, he still maintains the appearance of the king sword, but he can no longer exert any power without the dark sword.

Probably, he can only let him take a few more hits...if the opponent really only uses the power of the book.

Fortunately, Blue Light Red did plan to do so.

"Let's have a good duel."

As he said that, Blue Light Red pressed the fantasy book again.

[Chapter 1, Lit's Bravery! ]

The violent tornado suddenly rose, and even the rain was stirred up to form a vacuum. Dasmada quickly raised his hand to block the storm.

He naturally didn't see that the knight in the eye of the wind was lifted into the air along with the strong wind, while continuously pressing the fantasy book.

[Chapter 2, Zora's Blessing! ]

[Chapter 3, Gulong's Protection! ]

[Chapter 4, Gerudo's Wrath! ]

The first page creates favorable conditions, the second and third pages provide protection, and the fourth page launches a powerful attack.

This is how to use this book.

When Dasmada's vision recovered, he was already covered by endless sword energy and lightning.


The golden thunderbolt illuminated half of the sky, and a figure could be vaguely seen in the flash thrown into the sky.

"Next, it's this."

Looking at the enemy in the air, Blue Light Red closed the fantasy book and opened it again.

[Chapter Zero, Sword of the Sky! ]

A giant red bird flew out of the book, circling and chirping.

Blue Light Red exerted a little effort to jump onto the giant bird's back, and the Moon Dark Sword in his hand burst into a blue glow in an unusual way.

[Sure Kill, Exorcist Strike! ]


The sword blade passed through the waist of the King Sword at lightning speed.

Click, click...

The Evil Dragon Fantasy Book cracked on the spot, and the blue light in the gap overflowed to the surroundings.

Soon, the Dark Book was completely shattered, revealing the severely injured Darth Mada inside.

Darth Mada:...

"Gu, kill me!"

"...What the hell are you saying!"

Blue Light Red, who had untransformed, kicked him over lightly, and then took out something and stuck it on his body.

While his consciousness was dazed, Darth Mada looked down at the thing stuck on his body, and was instantly scared.

——Zi-O's dial!

"Thanks to you, the dial should be filled now."

Lan Guanghong grinned, his smile became more gentlemanly.

"Thank you."

Chapter 344 Porcupine Appears Angry Five Generations

Tokyo Medical Department Hospital.

"No! I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

On the bed, the teenage girl suddenly opened her eyes and screamed in fear.

"Don't worry, you will be fine."

The woman in a white dress sat by the bed and gently stroked her hair, holding a strange thorn in her other hand.

"Look, the doctor has helped you pull this thing out."


"Of course, your head doesn't hurt anymore, isn't this the best proof?"

The girl touched her head.

Indeed, the severe pain from the needle prick disappeared.

Seeing the girl calm down, the girl gently stroked her head: "Okay, have a good sleep, you can go home when you wake up."

Under this gentle comfort, the girl's battered body and mind finally relaxed, and she soon fell asleep.

Only then did the girl show a few traces of fatigue.

"Huh~ I'm so tired." Xue Cai looked up to the sky and took a long breath: "Sure enough, I'm still far behind Brother Guanghong."

She had heard that there had been such incidents in the past where needles were buried in people's brains, and when the time came, Gurongi would grow and kill people.

It was Lan Guanghong who discovered the abnormality of those teachers and students in time, and pulled out the needles with hypnosis and telekinesis in a very short time. Those people didn't even realize that they had accidentally survived a life-and-death crisis.

As a result, when the same power came to her, she could only come one by one, and she didn't give up hypnosis and focus on pulling out the needles because of the excessive use of power.

The victims this time were students from Class B, Grade 2 of Midorikawa Academy, with a total of more than 100 people.

According to the victims who were still able to maintain their sanity, they were attacked by a man with strange clothes and appearance. After planting the needles, he deliberately appeared and told them that they would die in four days.

The severe pain that tortured them in their heads all the time also reminded them that the man was not exaggerating.

There is no doubt that this was a Gurongi incident!

"This guy is killing people in a planned way." Ichijo frowned: "Has the Kikiru game really started again?!"

Since the nest was captured, Gurongi has rarely appeared. Even if there are weirdos who appear occasionally, they just wantonly destroy and vent their anger because they can't play the game.

As a result, without exception, all of them were quickly suppressed by Ichijo and his team.

It is worth mentioning that Ichijo's position was greatly promoted due to his outstanding performance in the nest strategy station. Although he is not on par with the head of the headquarters, it is still no problem to pull up a small team and have a separate office.

The team members include the special expert Sawatari Sakurako, the head of the R\u0026D department Sumiko Ozawa, his old partner, and the little fangirl who always surrounded him in the office.

Setsuna and Godai are not suitable to appear in the Metropolitan Police Department due to their special identities, so they still provide help through telephone calls as before.

"Gurongi reappears! Seventy-eight students were killed!"

The above information was broadcast on TV. The host solemnly recounted Gurongi's atrocities and revealed that the remaining survivors received emergency treatment and are now getting better.

They were not moved at all, because this was originally a trap they set.

With Gurongi's character, if he knew that his target was rescued, he would definitely kill them again.

As long as he dared to go, he would definitely not be able to come out alive.

"By the way, Miss Sakurako, have you notified Godai about this?"

Sawatari Sakurako's fingers on the keyboard suddenly stopped, and after a moment they continued to type as usual. "I have notified you, but it was a woman who answered the phone. She said she would tell Godai."


At the same time,

"I feel like I forgot something."

Haruka tapped her head and went downstairs. After looking around, she asked Xiao Xing who was sitting at the bar: "Mantis sister, where is the fifth generation?"

Xiao Xing took a sip of coffee calmly: "I just watched the news and went out angrily."

Haruka: ...



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