"Not even close." Seiko Mizawa put his other hand on his belt, hummed, pulled out a small fragment of spiritual stone, inserted it into the ball, and threw it into Suruga's waist amid the fervent look on his face.


An indescribable feeling flowed from his waist to his limbs, and Suruga could clearly feel that his body was changing to a higher level.

The body grew so large that it burst the tights, the skin turned into a deep red with a steely color, and the hair quickly grew to the waist, and became as rough as a mane.


The roar gradually turned into a wolf howl, and a golden wolf head belt appeared around his waist.

"Successful!" Duze Shengzi's voice couldn't contain his excitement: "The operation to transform humans into high-level Gurungi!"

"Yeah~ well done."

After the power subsided, the strong wolf-shaped Grunki looked at a set of ancient clothes that appeared from nowhere.

Quite handsome~

"I feel it. Now I am countless times more powerful than the Ge Group!"

He clenched his fists and raised the corners of his mouth slightly to reveal his sharp teeth: "Wait a minute, I'll go hunting right away... quack?!"

When he transformed into Gurungi for the first time, his animal nature drove him to frighten him and let out a strange scream like a haha.

Because in front of me, a group of people appeared without warning.

Blu-ray red, fifth generation, one piece, snow dish, Xiaoxing.

Suruga was shocked: "Why are you still here!"

"Because we didn't leave at all." Ichijo looked at him like he was looking at garbage: "You are so ugly, Suruga."


Haruka really went back, taking Brother Golem with her.

The others didn't move at all. What Suruga and the two saw was actually the illusion of Yukina's hypnosis.

When Suruga wanted to turn into a monster in front of their eyes, Ichijo asked Blu-ray why he didn't stop him.

Blu-ray red's answer is very intriguing.

"Because if he takes the initiative to become an evil monster... I can stab him."

Chapter 341 Congratulations, the operation was successful

"Get out of the way, let me fight this guy!"

Lan Guanghong stood aside the crowd with his hands, looking like "I'm going to start showing off."

He recognized the Grungki that Suruga had transformed into. It was the BOSS of Xiao Ming's time-traveling world in the parallel universe - En. Gamio Jedda. He was the strongest Grungi in the En Group along with Zero Dacuba.

Blue Light Red looked at it with his detection eyes, and after getting the physical data, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was indeed Sai Q Gurungi, and his physical density exceeded that of the next-level Ge Group by countless times.

"What a perfect punching bag."

His eyes sparkled with excitement.

Since coming to this world, he has not really made any contribution, and his hands have been itching for a long time.

Now that Suruga has volunteered to relieve his anger, Lan Guanghong is excited and a little touched, and decides not to poke his waist later.

"Fighting alone? Really, he is more arrogant than me."

Suruga Gurungi slowly raised his hand towards Blue Light Red, who was slowly walking towards him: "Now I will let you pay the price for underestimating me!"

As Suruga opened his five fingers, without any warning, a strong arc of electricity suddenly burst out from Blue Light Red's body.

The same type as supernatural fire, the ability to control the power of nature to attack - a massive lightning strike!

A strong electric shock was suddenly received inside the body, and Lan Guanghong groaned and stopped.

Ichijo and Godai at the back were shocked when they saw this: "Guanghong (Brother Guanghong)!"

Lan Guanghong didn't reply, he just raised his hand and waved it back, then gave a thumbs up to indicate it was okay.

"Hey, can you still hold on? Then~"

Suruga used his strength again, and the electric arcs on Lan Guanghong's body became thicker and thicker, like basilisks dancing wildly.

Suruga habitually showed a ferocious smile, which looked particularly charming in his Gurungi state.

"How about it, Lan Guanghong? If you can't hold it any longer, just scream out and I will be merciful and spare your life. Because..."

"I still have many methods that I haven't used yet."

Thinking of the scenes of being humiliated by the other party in the past, Suruga's smile became even more arrogant.

It wants to return everything that has happened to this man twice, and finally turn him into its subordinate, every day...


The arc on Lan Guanghong's body suddenly disappeared.


What happened?

It reached out again and tried to use its superpowers, but no matter what, it couldn't make the other party burst out with thunder and lightning.

"Ha~ It's quite comfortable." Lan Guanghong twisted his neck and made a crisp "click" sound, then looked at Suruga with indifferent eyes: "Just now, you seemed to be thinking about something very rude."

Suruga's pupils shrank sharply.

The sudden gain of great power made him temporarily put aside his extraordinary powers of observation, and he didn't realize it until now.

Under that violent lightning strike, Lan Guanghong's clothes were not even damaged at all!

That is a power that can tear even the Ge Group into pieces in an instant!

Without any time to think, Suruga decisively changed his tactics.

Think power!

It reached out again, trying to lift the blue light red.

The blue-red eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand toward the other party, while the imperial stone around his waist flashed with dazzling light.

Even more powerful telekinesis came back, and Suruga was unable to resist, and was embedded in the stone wall in the shape of a "big" on the spot.


The pain of having his telekinesis forcefully dissipated was reflected back at this moment, and Suruga felt a tearing pain in his brain.

While feeling uncomfortable, the man's voice came to my ears.

"Suruga Tetsuya, when he was a human, he enjoyed playing with and hunting his own kind. He relied on his extraordinary talent to hurt his companions without any guilt."

"You [Super No. 1 swear word] are no longer human!"

Blue Light Red's right hand brushed across his waist, and two belts containing infinite power gems emerged.


In the interweaving red and blue light, Blue Light Red turned into a knight.


After the transformation, his telekinesis was stronger, and Suruga felt that all the bones in his body were about to be crushed.

Damn, what kind of monster is this!

It struggled with all its strength and asked, "Who are you, you guy!"

"I am the Son of the Sun, Kamen Rider Black RX."

After the roll call was completed, Blue Light Red pulled back with his left hand, and Suruga flew over him.

It kicked out without hesitation.


A mouthful of black blood gushed out, and Suruga flew backwards again.

In mid-air, it was pulled back by Blue Light Red's telekinesis.

"Rider... Forget it, just a normal punch!"

Fearing that he would blow up the enemy with one punch, Blue Light Red temporarily retracted his energy and used a normal attack instead.


Suruga flew out again, and then scored twice...

"If you can't hold on, you can beg for mercy. After all, I'm not a demon."

After seven rounds, he pinched Suruga's head with one hand and said so.

Suruga, whose teeth were all knocked out by a punch:...

"Good! You're a real man!" Blue Light Red gave a thumbs up and praised, then closed his fingers into a fist, with a blazing flame on it.

"Rider Punch!"

The surging knight's fist smashed into Suruga's waist, and the golden wolf head broke into countless tiny pieces before cracks appeared.

The remaining energy pushed Suruga like a meteor, breaking through the cave ceiling, penetrating the rocks, and rising into the air...

"...Oh, I'm high."

Blue Light Red shook his fist, turned around and cancelled the transformation.

Everyone had a complicated expression, and they were hesitant to speak.

Blue Light Red:?

"I want you to spare his life." Ichijo finally said, "I recorded a video of him turning into a Gurongi. With this, I can send him to prison... But it's a bit late to say it now."

"Hmm~" Lan Guanghong thought about it, and suddenly showed an extremely evil smile: "No, it's not too late at all."



Suruga woke up slowly, and saw the white walls that he had seen recently.


Why am I here?

Rubbing his head and propping himself up, he looked blankly at the group of people around him with strange faces.

Ichijo, Godai, and... Lan Guanghong!

Nightmare-like memories flashed in his mind, and he immediately grabbed the sheets and shrank back frantically: "I was wrong, stop hitting me!"

The voice was crisp and sharp.

Suruga was stunned.

Lan Guanghong smiled slightly: "Congratulations, the operation was successful."

"... You are already a woman."

Suruga: !!!

He, oh no, she suddenly opened the bed sheet, looked at the two lumps on her chest in disbelief, and reached down again.

The next second, her whole body turned gray.

... How could this happen? ! !

After finally coming to her senses, she shouted at Lan Guanghong in grief and anger: "What did you do to me!"


Lan Guanghong's eyes glared.

Suruga was emo on the spot, pulling up the quilt and shouting: "Don't come over here!"

Ichijo, Godai: ...

My mood was complicated.

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