This happened entirely because Xuecai had an idea just now and used hypnotic superpower to blind Golem's sight, so that he could only see the one-horned fairy.

Then it was simple, Ichijo and the others just sat and watched the show, waiting for the two Gurungi to fight to the death.

Unicorn Fairy Species:...

A perfect example of shooting oneself in the foot.

At this moment, everyone suddenly received the blue-red message.

"Eh? Helped the fifth generation to collect that Gurungi?"

Why is it called closed? Where did you receive it?


"...Xue Na, your idea is very dangerous."

Xuecai tilted her head mischievously: "Hey~"

After clarifying the division of labor, everyone immediately took action.

Yukina once again activated her super power to temporarily control Golem, while Ichijo and Haruka entangled the general.

Taking this opportunity, Kuuga jumped onto Golem's head, pressed his head with both hands and activated his material conversion ability with all his strength.

Golem's eyes were blank.

His thoughts went back to ancient times. At that time, he and his brother were dependent on each other. Life was difficult, but the two brothers were very happy.

After that, the tribe took back the spirit stones and turned the entire tribe into monsters. He and his younger brother were not spared, but...

Apart from becoming uglier, the strength has not improved.

In this way, they have become the most humble group of people in the clan, being driven around at will every day, like cattle and horses.

Until Kuuga rebelled and broke into Gurungi's lair alone.

To be honest, at that time, he was even a little grateful to Kuuga for helping him escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

However, all he did was seal it.

After being resurrected in modern times, he and his brother once again lived a life that was worse than death.

But I can't die...

It's funny, their power is so weak that they can't even commit suicide.

Just like this day after day, until the red figure appeared in front of me again.

"Please kill me, please."

"I won't kill you!"

In the consciousness space, Kuuga firmly held Golem's hand: "This time, I'm here to save you!"


That's right, brother.

In the real world, the magic weapon suddenly stopped functioning, and then shattered inch by inch... along with Golem's body.


"No, it worked."

Lan Guanghong suddenly appeared among the crowd and said with a smile: "That's true."


In their questioning eyes, the magic weapon and Golem's body fragments fluttered in the wind, and then... reassembled!

Not long after, a metal claw insect with Kuuga's mark printed on its forehead appeared in front of him. It carried Kuuga and flew happily in the air.

This scene directly angered the one-horned fairy to death.

Damn it, another Tugworm!

This is worse than killing him!

Chapter 340 Human beings have limits

The enemy's hidden trump card betrayed him on the spot. Except for Blu-ray Red, even the fifth generation who turned it into a car with his own hands was stunned.

"Brother Guanghong, this, this is?!"

"He's your new partner." Lan Guanghong didn't explain much, and pointed to the one-horned fairy: "There happens to be a target for practice, let's go and try it."

Kuuga: "...Oh."

Unicorn Fairy Species:...

It looked around at the surrounding warriors, with no expression on its face that was harder than steel.

But it can be imagined that its current mood must be very tragic.

Probably, since I can't leave anyway, I might as well die here like a warrior.

The final enemy is Kuuga, who can be regarded as the strongest member of the group who lives up to his kindness...

"Everyone! There is no need to talk about martial arts to deal with this kind of evil. Let's all do it together!"

Unicorn Fairy:? ? ?

It was so angry that it started talking in human language, "Koraga, you ****..."

Before he finished speaking, a silver sword blade fell in front of him, and he hurriedly turned his head to avoid it.

What follows is a brutal...just beating!

Lan Guanghong stood aside with his arms folded, a satisfied smile on his face.

Lan's Art of War: If you can surround and fight, never fight alone, and you must go all out against any enemy.

It seems that the fifth generation learned well~

...It didn't take long before the general was defeated miserably by the four men.

As the strongest opponent seen so far, it rarely left a last word at Kuuga's feet - "You actually attack with a basic attack and kill!"

And it's an upgraded version of a sure-killer that will cause a nuclear explosion if you kick it.

But the general is physically tough after all. He suffered a lot of damage from the nuclear explosion, and even the guy in the corner holding his head and squatting on guard... well, let's call him Dilem, was not affected.

"elder brother……"

Diram lay on top of Golem, his eyes under the wooden mask revealing fear.

He trembled and looked at the people in front of him: "Linduo, how scary!"


"He's just like a little kid, but he's grown a bit stronger."

"Indeed, how should we deal with it?" Ichijo asked the question, and gave his own answer by the way: "Before I say it, I don't recommend taking it to the police station."

He knows the research lunatics hired by the police very well. Usually, when he gets a piece of Gulungi meat, he would like to swallow it and study himself. It would be better if he makes a living for them to see...

"I probably can...but I have to ask the boss." Godai scratched his head in embarrassment.

He even rented the attic of the coffee shop to live in. If he were to bring his younger brother there, the boss would definitely agree if he was such a nice person.


Buzz buzz~

Golem fluttered his wings in protest.

Shocked! The elder brother is willing to sell himself, but the boss is unwilling to support his younger brother.

"No, it's not that I don't want to..."

"Can you live with us?" Xiao Xing suddenly spoke up and asked Xue Cai again.

After all, she is the head of the family.

Xue Cai's eyes turned, and a devilish idea came to her mind.

She nodded generously, "Of course, but there are three women in our family, and it is always inconvenient to take care of boys."

Haruka pointed at Lan Guanghong when she heard it: "Isn't he next door..."


Lan Guanghong dragged out a nasal sound, and Haruka immediately recalled the devilish special training she had to quickly master Boost.

At that time, he also made such a sound first, and then a bunch of robots began to besiege her inhumanely.

The memory flashed, and she shuddered suddenly, and stopped on the spot.

Xue Cai glanced at her with a smile, and continued: "Godai, why don't you move to our house."

Godai, Haruka: ? ? ?

Xiao Xing tilted her head, her indifferent face showing no thoughts: "I agree."


Just as he was blushing and didn't know what to say, a discordant voice interrupted: "Oh, you are indeed Ichijo, have you caught all the Gurongi?"

Hearing this voice, Ichijo frowned, turned his head and said coldly: "Suruga..."

"Hahaha, what a scary look."

Suruga walked into the cave with his G3 helmet in his arms, and raised his other hand to look innocent: "I've said that I have changed my ways, so let's just write off the past, okay... Mr. Lan?"

"Okay." Lan Guanghong's mouth curled up with an ambiguous smile.

Suruga seemed unaware, he stepped aside to reveal a woman wearing a leather glove on one hand and holding a folding fan behind him, and said: "By the way, let me introduce you to the Seiko Doze, she is my..."

"We are not interested in your team."

Ichijo interrupted him coldly, then waved his hand and said: "Let's go."

Everyone filed out, and Suruga's fake smile suddenly turned hideous.

"Hmph, a bunch of lucky guys."

"...These words are particularly unconvincing coming from your mouth." Du Ze Shengzi covered his mouth with a fan and snickered.

"That's right, I am the one who is most favored by the goddess of luck."

Suruga threw away the G3 helmet and stretched his hand to Du Ze Shengzi's waist dishonestly: "Otherwise, how could I meet you, a beautiful lady."

"Hypocrisy." Du Ze Shengzi knocked down Suruga's hand with a fan, but the smile on his face did not change at all: "Are you ready?"

"Of course, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Suruga jumped onto the platform, took a deep breath of the polluted air, and grinned: "I smell the smell of power!"

"But this power will make you unable to be a human being."

Du Ze Shengzi also jumped up : "Are you really ready?"

"Humph, I said that human power has its limits. The more we fight, the more we can feel the limitations of this body... So, I will stop being a human!"

"Gurongi can no longer satisfy my desires. I want to hunt more powerful creatures!"

"Kuga, Agito, and... that blue light red!"

Suruga's face was fanatical: "Let's get started! My best assistant!"

"As you wish."

Tsuze Seiko transformed into a pseudo-Agito, and her obviously alienated right arm easily separated the G3 armor, revealing Suruga's strong body in a tights.

Then, she raised her arm, and the scattered Gurongi fragments around her seemed to be pulled, pouring into her palm from the ground.

There were so many Gurongi present that a black hurricane hung in the cave.

These fragments were finally compressed into a small sphere, spinning in the hands of Tsuze Seiko.

"Oh~ Is this the ultimate power?"

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