When I accompanied people to visit the store, I said this coffee was a delicacy in the world. Now in this new world, I say it is poison... I even made dinner for you!

Really, this is too much!

Needless to say, Mr. E has to fight even if it is to clear his coffee’s name!


The basilisk in the first stage appeared in front of him. Lan Guanghong smiled slightly and whispered: "henshin~"

The Imperial Stone bursts with light, and the black knight stands on the earth.

That posture was no different from the world of War Rabbit, but E could always feel the pressure becoming stronger inexplicably.

Even worse than his brother from heaven.

The blue-red eyes had already looked at Evol, and he shook his head in boredom: "You are too weak, you are completely uninspiring."

"In this case~" He raised one hand in front of him to activate the mechanical power, and the energy gathered in his palm and quickly formed a black hole trigger.

Holding it in the palm of his hand and tossing it twice, he threw the trigger to Mr. E: "Take it, this way it won't look like I'm bullying you."

Mr. E:……

Now he understands why another Evol belt popped up in the original world, and why the black hole trigger was taken away by Wan Zhangmao.

It turns out that the things that I regard as treasures are just toys that others can easily make out of them?

No wonder his dear brother would die at the hands of the opponent. For such a powerful opponent, it can only be said that his death was not unfair.

...However, even if he knew that he would be defeated, he, the strongest person in the Blood Star, would not give in!

With determination flashing in his eyes, Mr. E reached out and grabbed the black hole trigger thrown by Lan Guanghong, and inserted it into his drive without hesitation.

[Black Hole~Revolution! ]

The upper body and facial armor turned black and white, and Mr. E finally turned into a black hole form.

Knowing that the opponent was powerful, he continued to shake his belt and use his sure kill as soon as he completed his evolution.

[Black Hole~Finish! Ciao! ]


He suddenly jumped into the air, compressing his strength into his legs to form a small black hole.

E always kicked towards Lan Guanghong like a knight, and the black hole got bigger and bigger as it went, and finally swallowed him whole.

Finally...the black hole suddenly disappeared.

The others were also gone.

Blue light red:......

He put his hands on his waist and held them empty. The Sunshine Sword and the Satan Saber stretched out their handles at the same time. He held one in each hand and pulled out both.


The blazing blue and the cold crimson, the two divine swords each shine with a completely different luster.

Lan Guanghong waved his left hand, and the red sword light swayed through the black hole, leaving energy residue and cutting through the space, revealing Evol running hastily in the vast universe.

Feeling the energy fluctuation behind him, he didn't dare to look back, and the speed of the blood all over his body accelerated a bit.

"You really haven't learned your lesson at all."

As soon as Lan Guanghong thought, the black hole trigger on Mr. E's waist collapsed on the spot, and his body returned to the first form, slowing down a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Guanghong activated his biochemical power and penetrated into the black hole. His appearance did not change at all, but he was already a biochemical body that could travel freely and was immune to physical attacks.

Soon, Mr. E felt a chill all over his body, and a devilish whisper sounded in his ears.

"RX is coming~"

The blue sword blade struck at the head, and under the control of Blue Light Red's intentional release, the Sunshine Sword emitted heat comparable to the sun, evaporating a lot of Mr. E's blood before it hit him.

"It hurts, it hurts~!!"

Evol was in so much pain that he almost couldn't maintain his body as a knight. He quickly stopped and made a pause gesture: "Wait a minute, even if I get the black hole trigger, I'm weaker than you. What's the point of this?"

"If you have the ability, give me the complete Pandora's Box and let me evolve into Black Hole Heat and we can fight again!"

Blu-ray red: "...Okay!"

He put away his swords, raised one hand and started creating again.

Mr. E also stood there obediently and did not run again, thinking that as long as he really evolved into a black hole heat stream, he would be able to launch a special move that could defeat even his dear brother. Once this move is launched, it cannot be stopped, even if It doesn't matter if Pandora's box is gone.

That move might defeat the opponent.

With this idea in mind, Mr. E patiently waited for the blue-ray and red production to be completed, but... the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Why is this box getting smaller and smaller? Small like a... full bottle?

"Very good, it's done." Lan Guanghong tapped the evolution bottle in his hand with satisfaction and said to Mr. E: "How is it? Are you satisfied with the style of this coffin?"

Mr. E:……

"Onole RX, you don't have martial ethics~~~!"

The sound gradually became smaller and smaller, then disappeared completely.

Also disappearing with him was Evolto, the blood star man. He was sealed in a small full bottle with blue light and red.

"...Yes, it's just the right gift for a reunion after a long separation."

Blu-ray red put away the full bottle, turned around and stared at the blue planet.

"Next, it's the last stop."


In the Happy Bathhouse, the family sat in front of a table full of delicacies, but no one moved their chopsticks.

Not only the Igarashi family, but also the Karisaki father and son and Kadoda were also present, and the plumper Abe was not absent either.

"...Will you really come?" Abe scratched his head: "Did you forget about us and leave after finishing your work?"

Ikki shook his head calmly: "No, master found out that little Koshiro was in danger and came to rescue him. He would never leave without saying a word."

"Yes." Yukimi held Koshiro in her arms and said with a smile on her face: "Guanghong is also a part of my family, how could he forget his important family members? Don't you think so, Shiro~ Oh hoohoo."

"By the way, Sakura, go check the fire of the curry in the kitchen. If it's overheated, it will affect the taste."

"Yes~" Sakura stood up and headed to the kitchen.

Then under the faint moonlight, Sakura walked through the corridor. Suddenly her ears moved slightly and she faintly heard some unusual sound coming from the kitchen.


Her eyes slowly became rounder.

Thumb thump thump~

She ran to the kitchen door in three steps at a time, opened the door with a swish, and saw a familiar figure inside holding a rice cooker and eating deliciously.

"Yo~ Sakura!"

Lan Guanghong swallowed the curry rice, held up the rice spoon and said hello with a smile: "Sorry, I couldn't control the smell, so I ate a little. Wouldn't you mind?"

"...Of course I mind. As punishment, I will fill your stomach with curry rice today!"

Sakura smiled and put her hands on her hips as a joke, then turned around and shouted: "Mom, brother! Master is in the kitchen!"

After a while, there was the sound of chaotic running in the corridor, mixed with Yuantai's complaints.

"Really, why doesn't Sakura call her daddy? I'm so hurt!"

Chapter 331 The Battle of Creation

After being away for nearly two years, Lan Guanghong returned to the bathhouse and looked at everything that seemed to be wrong, feeling as if he was in another world.

Fortunately, the familiar smell brought him back to reality. No matter what, his family would not change.

He prepared gifts for everyone. Ikki is a Devil Weiss sweatshirt that is warm in winter and cool in summer, sophomore is an indestructible high-end computer, and Sakura is a Labkov life-size sparring doll (note: it hurts to hit someone) ), even Koushiro received a large pack of diapers.

Yukimi and Genta are getting older, so give them some nutrition and try to have twins next year.

Others also received small gifts, among which George's gift was the most special.

"Build's full bottle? It's amazing. It's a Tapy I've never seen in the show." George shook the bottle excitedly: "What kind of bottle is this?"

Lan Guanghong Shiran picked up a piece of fried hairtail and said while chewing, "The bottle of Evolto is full."

George retorted without even thinking: "No way, I've never seen him use such a full bottle."

"He didn't use the full bottle, I made him into a bottle."

George:? ? ?

"It's unbelievable! Chief, how strong is your strength now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's ears pricked up.

Lan Guanghong smiled slightly: "If you don't come out...forget it, if you don't establish FLAG, you will be the Creation King in a few days."

Taking into account the gap between the drama and reality, he added: "Unlike the parallel import you saw in the drama, the real Creator King is a strong man who can change the world with just one thought. He is very powerful."


Although Lan Guanghong spoke in an understatement, they still felt a touch of complacency from his words.

However, even those who are about to become kings must abide by the rules here when they come to the Happy Bathhouse.

——Take a bath after a meal!

Ordinary pool water is as pleasant as ever, washing away the fatigue of the journey.

Then, set off again.

Waving goodbye to everyone he considered his home, Lan Guanghong stepped out of the bathhouse, left the street... and left this world.

"Twenty-seven hours, there are still nearly nine days left."

After sorting out his thoughts for a while, and leaving a message to the special locust that sent Shinji and the others back to their original world, he completely immersed himself in it, striving to integrate everything he had gained and make further progress.

Nine days can be said to be long or short.

When he opened his eyes again, what he saw in front of him was no longer the alien space opened up with a saber, but a scenery he had never seen before.

The waves are like the sky above the sea, and the mountains in the distance are growing with all kinds of magnificent plants that have never been seen before.

In mid-air, a pyramid-shaped building floats among the clouds, with each floor slowly rotating according to a certain pattern.

Blu-ray red heart felt something: "Is this Golgom?"

"Yes, this is the place where you were born." Nobuhiko Akizuki's vicissitudes of voice came from behind: "It is also the hometown of Kotaro and I."

"It's the Earth. Zeng Jin's appearance is completely gone."

Blu-ray red turned to face Shadow Moon, and at the same time, his body naturally transformed into Black RX.


He wanted to ask the other party if he had anything else to say, but suddenly felt that this didn't seem right and he quickly shut up.

Moreover, everything worthy of Nobuhiko's nostalgia must have disappeared long ago.

"Feel sorry."

Lan Guanghong pulled out the Satan Saber, holding the only weapon that could kill the King of Creation with both hands and holding his breath.

Nobuhiko remained silent, calmly opening his arms and preparing to meet his end.

He has done everything he can, and after a few seconds, whether Lan Guanghong can inherit this power or not is beyond his control.

Around their waists, the imperial stones of the sun and moon slowly flashed and echoed each other.

Somehow, Lan Guanghong felt that that time... was coming!

Suddenly, the waves in the sky dispersed, and an incredible sight appeared in the sky!

The black sun and the blood-red moon, the symbols representing the two century kings, slowly overlapped in the sky.

At the moment when the sun and the moon completely merged, the blue light turned red!

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