"Using the life of a baby to threaten? Tsk, the devil is a devil."

The Taoist priest jumped down from the car, and a purple zombie upgrade buckle was inserted on one side of his belt.

"But if you think you can force us to hand over the devil like this, you are wrong, henshin!"

[Zombie! ]

Blue Light Red: ...

"Master, it's not good!" Ikki anxiously handed the positioning seal to him: "The position has moved!"

Blue Light Red:!

Following the red dot, he opened his perspective eyes and saw a green knight running with a demon baby in his arms. Judging from his agile movements and the means of escaping from the car silently, he should be a ninja.

"I see, it's similar to W, but it changes its form by switching the upper and lower armor."

Turning back to glance at the empty truck, he raised his hand and pointed.

The heavy-armored Ledron received the signal and fired a shot with very low power.


In the flames, two transformation sounds rang out in succession.

[Magnum, Beat]

[Ready Fight! ]

"Ha (meow)~!"

The three knights, Jihu, Ba Niu, and Nan Mao, jumped out through the flames and attacked the chariot. Jihu took the lead and fired at the heavy-armored Ledron with a gun. The bullets hit the heavy body of the chariot and sparks flew.

Seeing this, Lan Guanghong was more determined in his judgment, because at this moment he was still half exposed. The opponent did not attack him but attacked the chariot that looked very solid. Isn't this the behavior of the main rider?

"Ikki Daiji Sakura, these three knights are in your hands. I'm going to save Yukishiro's demon."

"Okay" X3

"Yeah." Nodding, Lan Guanghong jumped out with a "Taku" sound, and the whole person shuttled freely between the high-rise buildings, faster than the ninja buckle Tai Li!

Behind him, six knights were fighting in a group, and there was a real demon in the middle.

(Weiss: Hey! I finally made an appearance, but I didn't even get my name on the stage. That's too much! Protest, I protest!)

"This way, we have to go a long way to the finish line."

Jinghe calculated the distance in his heart, and at the same time, he was a little worried whether he could complete this marathon alone.

"No, this is the opportunity that Yingshou and the others fought for me. I must win!"

"Win? Win what?"



The young man in a white casual shirt suddenly jumped from behind to in front of him, with his legs slightly bent to relieve the impact of landing, with a kind smile on his face: "Are you playing a game? Can you tell me about it?"

"That demon just now!"

Jinghe took two steps back cautiously: "I won't give it to you!"

"It's not a demon, it's a human." Lan Guanghong stretched out his hand, and there was already some impatience between his eyebrows: "I'll say it again."

"That demon is related to the life of my little nephew, give it to me."

Jinghe shook his head firmly: "No..."


A strong sonic boom sounded, and the demon backpack in Jinghe's hand suddenly disappeared. At the same time, a huge force made him fly out involuntarily.

"Hmph, there is a road to heaven but you don't take it. If you don't accept the toast, you will be punished."

After the transformation, Lan Guanghong held the demon backpack in one hand and observed it, and shook it twice with the other hand.

"Next, just let the demon return to Xingshiro... huh?"

He didn't hit hard, and the green knight should have broken the glass of the building next to him to cancel the transformation, but he didn't hear the sound of glass breaking.

At the same time, a strange sound like tinnitus sounded in his ears.

"This is it!"

He looked up at the mirror and saw several strange monsters in its reflection. Jinghe, who was hit and canceled the transformation, looked around at a loss.

"Mirror world, Kamen Rider Ryuki?"

Things took an unexpected turn. Lan Guanghong couldn't sit idly by and watch the knight being eaten by the mirror monster, so he rushed to the mirror.

The Emperor Stone on his waist glowed slightly, and he entered the world completely opposite to reality without any hindrance. He raised his hand and took out the laser destroyer and fired continuously.

The powerful laser bullet destroyed almost all the mirror monsters with just a few shots, leaving only one that was pinned to the ground by Blue Light Red and could not move.

"That young man, come here quickly if you don't want to die."


Although he didn't understand the situation yet, he roughly understood that the other party had saved him, and it seemed that he was really not a demon.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, he didn't hesitate and took the initiative to approach the black knight.

"Wow~ They are all green, which suits you well."

Blue Light Red printed out the Dragon Knight series cartridge, forcibly signed a contract with the suppressed mirror monster, and then threw it to Jinghe.

Jinghe caught it with a confused look on his face, and the belt automatically appeared around his waist.

"Hurry up and transform. Humans cannot live in the mirror world for long unless they make a contract with the mirror monster and become a Kamen Rider."

"...Oh, he, henshin!"

Several black reflections overlapped on him, and a knight who was also green but very heavy appeared.

Kamen Rider - Zolda!

Chapter 324 Kamen Rider Lives

Mirror World.

Blue Light Red canceled the transformation and chatted with Jinghe while looking for clues.

"...DGP Competition, the winner can make a wish to change the world?"

"Yes." Jinghe answered while moving his shoulders.

Zolda's armor is very heavy, and he is not used to the light ninja buckle.

"Hmm~" Lan Guanghong was thoughtful, and suddenly asked him: "Jinghe, have you heard of Demon Knight, Phoenix or Gorgom before?"

Jinghe asked in confusion: "No, what is that?"

"Forget it if you haven't heard of it." Lan Guanghong waved his hand.

He probably understood what this world-changing thing was.

When he first heard that he could reshape the world for the winner, he was a little surprised, because among the people he knew, only the Creator King could change the world at will.

Could it be that the producer behind this game is also the Creator King?

So he asked a question, and after learning that Jinghe didn't know about Yihui and the others, he had a new guess.

Perhaps the way Jinghe and his group realized their wishes was not to reshape the world, but...to travel collectively.

That is, every time they completed the game, they would enter another world that matched their wishes. If Xu wanted stronger power, they would not even need to choose a world, and would just go through it and give an upgrade buckle.

Otherwise, there is no reason for them not to know about the demons. Apart from other things, Phoenix once flew a spaceship into the sky and into the sea. It is impossible for anyone not to know about such a big movement.

And from this point of view, the intrusion of the mirror world seems reasonable. When traveling through time, there will always be some unexpected things.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that we can't see the little angel Shinji. Alas~ he is too miserable."

Thinking of the TV ending where the Dragon Riders were all wiped out, Lan Guanghong shook his head regretfully.

Dragon Riders, a person who will never have the chance to see... huh? !

At the end of the street, a figure in a blue jacket stood there.

"Shiro, Shinji Shirodo?" Lan Guanghong was stunned: "How come he is alive again?"

He is a little older and his hairstyle has changed a lot.

——But that familiar face is not wrong!


Shinji Shirodo (Mirror) was also confused at this time.

If he remembered correctly, the Iron Soldier in this round of knight battle should have been defeated. He saw it with his own eyes.

Then what is going on with this one in front of him?

Impure World Reincarnation?

And there was actually a human standing next to Tetsuhiro. He didn't even transform, and there was an excited smile on his face.

Kagami Shinji:?

Looking at the demon baby held by Lan Guanghong, he thought for a while and got a clue.

"This is the knight from another world that the guy who claims to be the game administrator mentioned. As long as we stop them from bringing the baby to the end, we can realize our wish."

With a wicked smile on his lips, Kagami Shinji took out the black Dragon Knight card.


Several phantoms overlapped, and the black knight inserted the card to summon the weapon, raised the knife and rushed towards Lan Guanghong.

Kamen Rider - Ryuga!

"Danger!" Jinghe subconsciously wanted to jump in front of Lan Guanghong to stop him.

As a result...

With a bang, Tetsuhiro fell to the ground like a hungry tiger, and the remaining momentum slowly slid forward with him, and stopped between the two of them with a squeak.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Ryuga was stunned for a moment, and suddenly stepped on Tetsuhiro, holding the knife in his backhand and was about to stab Jinghe through.

Anyway, the knights of the Dragon Knight Department are all rivals. Although I don't know why the Iron Soldier appeared again and didn't look very smart, it's right to kill him.

However, before the blade got close to the enemy, he suddenly heard a thunderous roar in his ears.



A pair of size 42 black rubber soles suddenly appeared in front of him. Before Longya could marvel at how fast this person was, his eyes suddenly went black.


The black knight spun and rushed into the billboard reflected on the roadside. Only half of his body was left hanging outside weakly. After twitching twice, he stopped moving.

Lan Guanghong, however, used the force of kicking Longya away to do a cool backflip and landed on the ground. He frowned at the black dragon knight hanging on the billboard.

"...It's Longya."

He had seen this guy who didn't appear in the TV series in the Little Devil's play, but it was an alien version. The person who transformed was Mirror Shinji, who looked the same as Shinji but had a completely opposite personality.

At that time, he was still wondering where this guy came from. Now it seems that perhaps there were some changes in the knight war in the mirror world that he didn't know about.

But no matter what kind of changes, the knights participating in the battle must know the reason.

Lan Guanghong looked at the dragon tooth hanging in the air, with a frightened look and a sly smile on his face.



Jing Zhensi woke up faintly, his eyes widened.

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