Elegantly turning sideways to avoid the attack of another inferior knight, she raised her foot and kicked away the sword wielder's wrist, causing the sword in her hand to be broken.


The inferior sword-shaped Agito screamed.

The sword was extended from the bones of his hand, and the blow just now was the same as breaking his bones.

However, Yukina not only wants to break his bones, but also uses his bones to hack him to death.

[Super power - change, activate! ]

The extremely irregular bone sword quickly changed and turned into a simple long sword in her hand.

At the same time, a red light lit up on one side of her belt, and her body and right arm turned red.

——Agito's flame form and exclusive weapon flame saber!

So far, there is still only the almighty fifth generation:?


Attaching the power of the flames to the sharp blade, the hexagon of the sword unfolded, and Yukina slashed at the enemy with the sword.

The two inferior knights had no resistance and were chopped into pieces on the spot, including the guy who provided her with the material for transformation.

From the beginning of the battle to now, within a short period of time, the only enemies left were the giant type and the long-clawed dwarf type.

The two inferior knights looked at each other and suddenly ran away in unison.

The giant type directly broke through the wall and escaped. When the other one climbed out of the wall, Xue Cai quickly threw the sword and stabbed the guy through.

Then, the high temperature attached to the knife ignited the inferior knight's body. It screamed twice and then stopped moving, quickly turning into a piece of charcoal with no discernible original shape.

And the giant type on the other side...

Yukina, who had transformed into the golden earth form again, stepped on the ground in the same posture as the transformation.


The hexagons unfolded, and the golden AgitΩ energy symbol was reflected on the ground.

At the same time, the melody that had been ringing on the battlefield suddenly changed.

[动き出してる 来をとめられない……]

The symbol slowly rotated and retracted into the sole of Yukina Agito's right foot, her compound eyes tightly locked on the huge enemy running in the distance.


Tsugami Yukina jumped into the sky, and when she jumped to the limit, she rushed towards the giant Agito with a flying kick.


The killing kick hit the enemy accurately, and the giant Agito fell to the ground violently. At that moment, the ground seemed to shake.

Xuecai used the recoil to flip over and land on the ground, then turned around and left neatly.

Behind the back, giant Agito's body was covered with golden cracks.




The fire exploded, but it could not cover up the passionate execution song.

[Believe yourself tomorrowへ~! ]

The music stopped abruptly when Yukina released her transformation.

Godai looked confused.

Shaking his head violently, he stepped down the steps and faced Xuecai.

"Miss Yukina!"

"How is that done, the color change of the body?!"

Xuecai was stunned: "Well, I don't know much about that. I just felt that the things in my hands could change to fit better in my hands, but my body changed accordingly without permission."

Fifth Generation:?

"Agito and Kuuga both use the power of spirit stones. Ms. Yukina can do it, so can I too..."

With this thought in mind, Godai picked up a branch from the ground and held it in my hand.

"Change for me, change for me..." He thought silently in his heart.

Slowly, with a high degree of concentration, the branch actually changed and turned into a blue stick that could extend both ends.

At the same time, Kuuga's body also turned blue, and Godai immediately felt that his body was much lighter.

"My body is much more flexible, but my strength has become weaker."

After feeling the changes in his body for a while, Godai also released the transformation, clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Sure enough, I can do it too...ah!"

He suddenly thought of something and said anxiously: "No, we are all here. If an enemy takes the opportunity to attack upstairs!"

Xuecai's expression changed: "Go back quickly!"

The two returned to the door of the operating room and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Ozawa and Yingzi still guarding the door.

"Huh? No!"

Fifth Generation suddenly looked at the door: "There is the aura of Gurungi!"

As he spoke, he kicked the door open with a bang.

However, everything inside the door made him unable to believe his eyes.

...Ichijo was lying calmly on the operating table, his breathing was steady and his face was rosy.

Next to him were several unconscious doctors.

And four Gurungi lying neatly on the ground.

No one present had the intention to analyze the type of Gurungi. They all focused their attention on the locust knight standing in front of the operating table, wearing a black cloak.

Even without deliberately releasing the pressure, the four people looking at him still felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Great job, Yukina."

Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes widened.

"Brother Guanghong (Mr. Lan)!"

"Yeah." Lan Guanghong nodded slightly, then slowly raised his right hand.

The four Gurungi then rose into the air. It could be seen that they were extremely frightened, but their bodies could not move at all, and they could not even make a sound.

Blue Light and Red began to make fists again, and the Gurungis seemed to be clenched by fists, and their bodies became smaller and smaller.

But not a trace of blood flowed out of their bodies, as if they were annihilated by some mysterious force the moment they were squeezed out.

The last thing to be annihilated is their bodies.

As if it had never happened, calm returned to the operating room.


Rose Girl suddenly opened her eyes, sweating profusely.


Chapter 320 The truth about blue light and red

"One has been cured and will wake up soon."

Lan Guanghong released the transformation, smiled and waved to everyone: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he disappeared without waiting for anyone to respond.

Everyone was a little stunned for a moment.

After a long time, Yukina suddenly asked Ozawa Sumiko: "Ms. Ozawa, about my past...can you tell me about it?"

Ozawa Sumiko looked at her steadily, her clear eyes unfailingly fake, and then she nodded and said, "Okay."

Yakiniku Taro.

Blue light and red suddenly flashed into the store, only to find that there was no one downstairs and the door was only closed.

He seemed to understand something and slowly walked upstairs.

In the living room, Faria sat blankly on the sofa, and there was already cold tea on the coffee table.

One cup in front of her and one cup in the deserted place opposite.

Lan Guanghong sat next to her silently: "Is it Balaom?"

"Yeah." Faria nodded slightly.

Poseidon Balaom came to Faria for one thing.

The reason why Lan Guanghong knew that it was Poseidon who came was because he also met someone after he treated Ichijo.

The strange and beautiful world is a different space created by the power of the Emperor Stone. In this space, time almost stands still.

A silver figure stood in front of Lan Guanghong who was forcibly pulled here.

The Century King of the Moon—Shadow Moon!

"The time has come." Shadow Moon's green compound eyes stared at him: "Are you ready?"

Blue light red:......

"I said no, will you give me some more time?"

Shadow Moon silently shook her head, saying no.

Blu-ray red turned and asked: "Then can you answer a few questions for me?"

Shadow Moon thought for a moment and stretched out three fingers: "Three."

"I will answer truthfully, without deceiving or hiding anything."

This is what Blu-ray Red wants.

"First question, are you Nobuhiko Akizuki?"

Shadow Moon nodded calmly: "Yes."

Lan Guanghong had already guessed this result, but when he was actually confirmed by the other party, his breathing was still messed up for a moment.

"Second question, do you want me to become the Creator King?"



Lan Guanghong asked this question, but after thinking about it, he changed it to another one.

That was a question that had been buried deep in his heart for a long time.

"The third question - who am I?"

Shadow Moon was silent.

He understood that Lan Guanghong was asking about his origins.

It is true that this problem can be solved by saying "you are blue light red". But as a former king, he disdained to do such a thing.

After a long time, Yingyue suddenly waved her hand, and the surrounding area instantly changed drastically.

Blu-ray red immediately recognized what he had seen here, the black sun and the shadow moon - the scene of the duel between Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko.

"You should have seen this before. With the help of that organization, Shadow Moon won the duel using despicable means."

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