Chapter 318 The Trap of the Evil Knight

Running a barbecue restaurant during the day, training the fifth generation at night, and occasionally working overtime to work for the next generation of Gorgom, time passed quietly.

A week later.


Pulling open the curtains, letting the energetic sunshine shine on his body, Lan Guanghong stretched out his arms and stretched comfortably.

Behind him, Faria wrapped her arms around his neck and lazily rested her chin on his shoulder: "You got up a little early today, what's the matter?"

"Alas, I can't sleep."

He turned back to the bed, put his arm around Faria's slender waist and put her on his thighs, stroking her delicate skin while saying: "It's been so long since the guys from the Time Management Bureau showed up, could they have left long ago?"

Faria raised her eyebrows: "This is also possible."

In fact, since coming to this world, she has been releasing various clones to search in various areas, including but not limited to the police station, the fifth generation's coffee shop, and the places where Gurongi may gather. Later, Shoichi Tsugami's bakery was added.

In the end, nothing was found, as if this was a normal knight world, except that they had never been to other outsiders.

But the demon king's dial did show that there was a fluctuation reaction of the time control bureau here...

"And there is another strange thing, the knight power in this world does not seem to be worth coveting."

At this point, Faria felt that the seat was slowly getting uncomfortable, so she raised her hand to summon a breeze to pull the curtains, and at the same time adjusted her sitting posture to fill the hole with the uncomfortable handle.

"Oh~ The fifth and fifth generations now only have almighty power, and Agito is much weaker than the world in the play."

"No matter how you think about it, it's not worthwhile to gain the power of the knight in this world."

Blue light red:...

"Is it not appropriate to discuss this now?"

The snow-white waves stopped surging.

"Then I'll come down?"

"I mean, let's talk about it later... Keep going, don't stop!"


"Brother Guanghong, you are really energetic."

In the kitchen downstairs, Xuecai, who was stringing meat skewers with Leopard Girl, sighed in her heart.

She didn't mean to listen, but her body was still in the adaptation period of superpowers, which made her five senses very sharp, so that she could hear some strange noises coming from above almost every morning when she was working.

Perhaps because of shyness, she didn't tell anyone about this. After a few days, she gradually changed from blushing at the beginning to being calm now.

Half an hour later...

The fierce voice stopped abruptly, and soon the footsteps of Lan Guanghong hurried downstairs were heard again.

Xue Cai heard that the voice was not right, and immediately stuck her head out and asked: "Brother Guanghong, what's wrong?"

"Ichijo was attacked and seriously injured."

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around and asked: "Do you want to come with me?"

"Okay." Xue Cai wiped her hands without saying a word and followed, completely ignoring the resentful look of Leopard Girl behind her.

... A few minutes later, the two rushed to the hospital where Ichijo was.

Lan Guanghong saw Wudai, Ozawa Sumiko and Sawatari Sakurako sitting in a row, and Suruga standing at the door of the operating room with a face that looked like he deserved a beating and talking big.

"What does it have to do with me? This idiot is obviously going to take the blame."

"What a pity. He used such a powerful equipment like that and almost got himself into trouble. He might as well give it to me..."


The strong wind passed by, and before Ozawa Sumiko could react, she saw Suruga's disgusting face disappear in front of her, replaced by a handsome young man she had never seen before.

"Brother Guanghong!"

Godai's eyes lit up and he reached out to grab his sleeve: "Ichijo, Mr. Ichijo..."

"Calm down." Lan Guanghong pressed his shoulder: "What's going on?"

"Hey, Sister Ozawa, tell me."

Ozawa: ???

After receiving Lan Guanghong's eye signal, Godai whispered his identity. Ozawa was so shocked that his eyes widened and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. Sakurako's eyes were shining, as if she wanted to penetrate Lan Guanghong's body.

"Come back to your senses, both of you."

The two suddenly came back to their senses and were about to start talking about what happened when Yukina ran over and stood beside Lan Guanghong.

Ozawa took a quick look and didn't care at first, but suddenly he seemed to remember something and pointed at her and shouted: "You are, Setsuna Tsugami!"


Godai scratched his head in confusion: "Sister Ozawa, how do you know Miss Setsuna?"

He remembered that he had never told anyone about this, and Ichijo would not tell it, because he asked him to keep it secret.

"Of course I know her!"

"Wait." Lan Guanghong raised his hand to interrupt Ozawa: "Let's talk about Ichijo first."


Ozawa briefly told the story of Ichijo's attack.

Today, the police station received multiple reports of suspected Gurongi crimes at the same time. The superiors did not dare to neglect it and immediately sent out the combat forces in the police station in several ways, and Ichijo and Suruga, the two strongest combat forces, were responsible for the two locations with the greatest damage.

After leaving the house, Ichijo immediately revealed the information to Godai, who was delivering food at the time and turned around and drove to the nearest scene without hesitation.

He was lucky. The Gurongi who was indeed found was the one who was causing trouble, but the ones in other locations were not.

"It's Agito!" Blue Light Red immediately determined what it was.

Grunge's game can only be played alone, and the process will try to avoid killing people who do not meet the game conditions. This kind of large-scale indiscriminate destruction and killing can only be the prisoners who were lucky enough to survive and become alienated in the prison that day. .

"That's right." Sakurako Sawatari nodded and confirmed his guess: "This is a trap. In order to protect his subordinates and the people, Ichijo blocked three Agito by himself, but..."

She couldn't speak any more and cast worried eyes towards the operating room.

"It's okay. As long as Brother Guanghong is here, Mr. Ichijo will be safe."

Godai smiled and liked.

"Well, leave it to me." Lan Guanghong walked to the door of the operating room, raised his leg and kicked the swollen Suruga away with disgust.


"Yeah!" Xuecai suddenly turned her head and looked at the wall, her eyes seemed to see something through the thick cement.

"They're coming!"

Needless to say, everyone immediately realized that she was talking about those evil Agitos, and Godai immediately trotted towards the window.


The red warrior broke the glass, and several strange-looking people wearing prison uniforms came into his eyes. Kuuga immediately judged that these people were the incoming Agito!

"Quack quack~"

The fattest giant showed his fangs, and then his whole body twisted and changed dramatically, turning into a giant Agitao more than three meters tall in the blink of an eye.

The gigantic alien knight threw out its big palm-like hand, and the fifth generation in mid-air reacted quickly and kicked the opponent's fingers to use the force to jump back, avoiding the tragedy of being crushed to pieces.

"Ugh, so hard!"

Godai opened his hands in a fighting stance and quietly twisted his right foot.

On the opposite side, other prisoners also turned into Agito's appearance. There were five of them with different shapes. Judging from the formation, they wanted to wipe out Kuuga and all those in the hospital.

"I won't back down!"

"Godai-kun, please step aside."

Fifth Generation:?


Tsugami Yukina slowly walked out of the building, the shining gems around her waist giving her a divine glow.

[Dong dong dong! ]

In the yard, a heavy drum beat sounded from nowhere, followed by ethereal tunes leading to chants from light to heavy.

[Ready to go Count zero…]

[In the dark, I see you...]


Taking a deep breath to calm down her mind, Tsugami Yukina crossed her hands and stretched them forward, then fiercely slapped both sides of her belt.


[Ready to Go, Count ZERO——仮面ライダーAgitΩ!]

Chapter 319 The King’s Deterrence

"Why did Ms. Yukina transform into one with sound effects?"

Questions popped into Godai's mind.

The next second he suddenly came to his senses and stood firmly next to Yukina Agito.

"Miss Yukina, let's fight together!"

If it were any other knight, he would definitely respond with enthusiasm: "Okay!"

But Xuecai...

"Uh, can you please get out of the way? It's my first time using this kind of power, and I'm afraid I won't be able to control it well."

[I accidentally hurt you. ]

Godai subtly understood the half-sentence Yukina deliberately didn't say.


Sora was a little injured, but he still stood at the door of the hospital, ready to provide support.

After all, in his opinion, it is really impossible to fight against a powerful enemy of this level against five...


The golden figure shouted loudly and jumped out at such a speed that I could only see the afterimage.

In an instant, one of the five people on the opposite side suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, a deafening sonic boom came from the sky.

Before they could raise their heads to see clearly what was happening, a pool of blood rained down from the sky on the inferior Agitos.


The severed head fell to the ground, bounced twice and then rolled to the door of the hospital. The red compound eyes stared at Kuga.

Fifth generation:......

The four bad version of Agito:...

? ? ?


Yukina Agito landed lightly, but his light steps were like a heavy hammer, hitting the inferior goods knight in front of him with a buzzing sound.

"This, this isn't right!"

"Everyone is born the same way, so why is this one so cruel!"

Xuecai had no intention of explaining to the enemy. After initially testing out her current strength, she set her sights on the second inferior knight.

That was a guy whose whole body was as sharp as a sword. After being targeted by Xuecai's killing intent, the inferior knight's scalp instantly went numb, and he subconsciously stretched out a sharp sword from his palm and stabbed forward.

Just like before, Xuena suddenly appeared in front of this guy, raising his hand to hold the sword that the opponent was thrusting at him.

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